Custom Batman Capes

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Bad. Ass.

Yeah they do. I'm starting to lean a little more towards the 2 in 1 head now that I see it on yours. The minor scowl it has is pretty bad ass.
I have 2 real short ones left for 15 dollars each. I am also still taking orders for reg and long tdk capes for 20 dollars shipped and I have gotten a couple requests for begins capes which I am still making at 40 dollars shipped. PM me if interested. Thanks
Ordered a long one from you on ebay. These are outstanding work and my Takara can finally have its cape back, lol
I have 2 real short ones left for 15 dollars each. I am also still taking orders for reg and long tdk capes for 20 dollars shipped and I have gotten a couple requests for begins capes which I am still making at 40 dollars shipped. PM me if interested. Thanks

Forigno, your confusing me mate...:lol

I finally thought i'd made a decision based off of my talk with Maglor but now your descriptions have changed. What is real short? I thought it was just short or long? Now you have a "real" short, reg & long? Would someone mind helping me out, Im confused (again)....:gah:
Forigno, your confusing me mate...:lol

I finally thought i'd made a decision based off of my talk with Maglor but now your descriptions have changed. What is real short? I thought it was just short or long? Now you have a "real" short, reg & long? Would someone mind helping me out, Im confused (again)....:gah:

Yeah, I wondered that to. :confused:
I made a few short capes that are slightly off the ground which I have 2 left and are 15 dollars each. Then I have the regular floor length and long tdk capes for 20.



Thank you for the cape, it arrived today.

Those are the pics and now my thoughts.

So, lets just get this out of the way shall we.....If you're asking yourself if it's worth the $20.

Answer: YES!

Is it anything?

I used to own the Takara so I see what he was trying to accomplish with his custom cape and for the most part he succeeded.

I expected it to be a little bit less see through and the V on the back has very minor tearing at the bottom of the V..minor but noticeable, even when just hanging without any stretching of the material, so becareful with how you handle yours (although mine came that way).

Now onto how it actually attaches to the body.

You just have to be a little innovative, that's all.

My method (as I'm sure others have utilized the same) was to just use very thin and clear (black would've been better though) packing tape around the tip of the cape but make sure you don't bunch up the tip when placing the tape on it, keep the tip laying flat and gently wrap the tape around it to form a solid tip.

The tips then go in very easy, very flat and stay in place once in.

I love how the cape lays very flat over his shoulders.

Look at my 2nd photo, I just need to flatten that small pimple of material sticking up on his right shoulder (really left shoulder, you know what I mean).

But just look at how flat you can get his cape to lay over the shoulders...looking straight on it's barely noticeable that he has a cape going into those holes, just awesome!

Only thing I would've done differently if I was the one selling these would've been to add the tape solution myself so that the customer can just go ahead and insert right out from the shipping envelope....solution to the problem and instant gratification all rolled into one!

Insert :horror

Anyways, this cape will remain on him until something better pops up.

But I won't trade down :lol

Iforigno's cape is indeed better than the stock and for that congratulations are in order for his accomplishment. :clap
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jye4ever, futzing is the key with it on the shoulders. I liked it a little bit bunched up but not puffy looking like the stock cape. Just enough to add that little bit of realism.


jye4ever, futzing is the key with it on the shoulders. I liked it a little bit bunched up but not puffy looking like the stock cape. Just enough to add that little bit of realism.



Point well usual from the V man.....excellent advise. :hi5:

But my cape....I mean his on a stealth mission and a flat shoulder is most crucial at this junction, or risk being caught and tortured, all for vanity of realism! (translation = i'm too lazy to do it tonight) :lol

Once the mission is over.....I will proceed to puffy it up like a mad poodle....err....I mean bunch it up a tad bit for realism sake..:lol

Thanks V ::rock
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