Custom Batman Capes

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I bought the longer cape, and after a few attempts at stuffing it in without tape, I went ahead and put just a bit on each tip. It's amazing how much better this figure looks with the Commtech neck mod and lforigno's cape. Money well spent. :)
Back to the short cape and lovin' it!



I have a short cape coming, looks awesome in your pics maglor, nice one! Also thanks to graywolf for ordering
that is the rayon/spandex long cape. I no longer make velvet capes

...wait. at the top caption though, he says back to the short cape and loving it. Is that the long or short cause I'm just trying to figure my funds since I have bought quite a few the last couple of months but I really want to get a bats dx and if i do, i want one like his.
...wait. at the top caption though, he says back to the short cape and loving it. Is that the long or short cause I'm just trying to figure my funds since I have bought quite a few the last couple of months but I really want to get a bats dx and if i do, i want one like his.

it may be the short cape, the long one hangs much longer in the back.