Got both mine today, and just unboxed the Formal version. Much to my surprise, I'm rather disappointed. The paint on the heads seems rather simplistic. For example, the eyes appear to all be the same color, no real attempt to differentiate the iris and the pupil. I can see they are two different colors, but they just don't exhibit a sense of realism. I think maybe they could used more gloss.
The tailoring is all over the place. The fat suit is really problematic. It's way too big, Vito wasn't that fat. It restricts the legs from folding to get into a good sitting pose, it makes the pants sit very low on his hips, which again makes it hard to bring his legs up to get into a sitting pose. The collar tips on his shirt are folded unevenly so one side sticks up higher than the other, and sort of falls in front of the bow tie, instead of behind.
I can see the differences in the two headsculpts. The original has the attitude, but it is more of a caricature. The 'bonus' sculpt is closer to the likeness but has no personality. So, they're both kind of a wash. The bonus sculpt looked good in the original pictures because they filtered the photo to match the look of the film, but real life doesn't work that way.
And my final nit, the numbers on the rotary phone aren't aligned properly, I thought maybe I could open up the phone through the bottom panel, and realign the numbers but I can't get it open.
I feel like I'm just losing patience with 1/6 scale stuff. I expect it to be perfect right out of the box, and I just can't be arsed to try and futz with stuff anymore. It really killed my enthusiasm to even open the Golden Years version. I went all in, and got burned big time.