I also prefer the first one
it's gotta be casino royale tux for me! with poker chips and his PPK
This one you mean
Its their newly sculpted head on the Ra's Al Ghul body and clothing... and the lighting is too bright and washes out the details
I'd check the BBKill one if I were you.
It's nicer and is actually available.
Wow, it does look great! But unpainted is a real deal killer.
And i could bash a suit together, but that Tom Ford suit he rocks in Casino Royale is the perfect Bond look.
By the way since this thread is being bumped, let me tell you that the reworked sculpt you saw has been rejected and its being resculpted again to make it truer to the original sculpt from Iminime's old team...
They couldnt as that sculpt was one of those that was got by their older sculptors when the company was in its infancy... they left and took their work with them... Iminime have actually become more of a team since the middle of last year...Why didn't they just use that sculpt anyway? Have you any info on who is actually releasing it, whether it's Iminime or ZCWO?