I believe Gentle Giant started out as a scanning service, before they began selling their own collectible lines.
And i could bash a suit together, but that Tom Ford suit he rocks in Casino Royale is the perfect Bond look.
Not sure why, but I feel the need to correct this...
Craig's tux was Brioni in Casino Royale. Tom Ford was used in QOS.
I think that's true, if you look at a lot of the GG busts etc straight up scans the sculpts pail in compareison to some hand sculpted items. There are some Z Sculpts (done by software) that also suck. Then there are some sculpts like the aforementioned BBKill Craig that are done digitally that are astounding,
At the end of the day the tools are only as good as the artist. You can advance technology but classical trainining in art, talent and a good eye simply can't be created by machine.