Daredevil Comiquette

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thats why they give you the option on what nameplate you wanna use on the tomb.

I can't see the DD PF being worse then this though, why do you feel that way?

Because regardless of PFs larger 1/4 scale, they don't "measure-up" sculpt wise to polystone quality. And when they do, the fabrics tend to obscure the fine muscle, & anatomical details (Uruk-Hai Berserker Pf is the exception, & that's because he is practically naked). Besides, the texture of fabrics, in most cases, look off scale(?), if that makes any sense. As for DD PF, if they dress him up from head to toe, it will be amusing at best. Hoping I'm wrong for the sake of those of you who actually think that the PF DD release will even come close to this gem of a comiquette.
Because regardless of PFs larger 1/4 scale, they don't "measure-up" sculpt wise to polystone quality. And when they do, the fabrics tend to obscure the fine muscle, & anatomical details (Uruk-Hai Berserker Pf is the exception, & that's because he is practically naked). Besides, the texture of fabrics, in most cases, look off scale(?), if that makes any sense. As for DD PF, if they dress him up from head to toe, it will be amusing at best. Hoping I'm wrong for the sake of those of you who actually think that the PF DD release will even come close to this gem of a comiquette.

Yea a lot of this is subjective and opinionated.

I've been collecting PF's ever since SSC started so I never had a problem with them.

I think the scale issues of the Com's are a great concern to the fabric of a 1/4 PF. If the Com's would always come out 1/4 we could have the best of both worlds.
Yea a lot of this is subjective and opinionated.

I've been collecting PF's ever since SSC started so I never had a problem with them.

I think the scale issues of the Com's are a great concern to the fabric of a 1/4 PF. If the Com's would always come out 1/4 we could have the best of both worlds.

Yeah, coms being 1/4 scale would really be the best of both worlds and we can pick and choose which to display with each other for our perfect 1/4 scale display.
Because regardless of PFs larger 1/4 scale, they don't "measure-up" sculpt wise to polystone quality. And when they do, the fabrics tend to obscure the fine muscle, & anatomical details (Uruk-Hai Berserker Pf is the exception, & that's because he is practically naked). Besides, the texture of fabrics, in most cases, look off scale(?), if that makes any sense. As for DD PF, if they dress him up from head to toe, it will be amusing at best. Hoping I'm wrong for the sake of those of you who actually think that the PF DD release will even come close to this gem of a comiquette.

this Com is hardly a "Gem" :lol

and i have been rallying for DD to be made by SS since the beginning, but this Diorama offering just ain't gonna cut it, i can't see the PF being worse then this just cause hes gonna be in mixed media, i agree the "jammy" look is not for me but maybe they can make it work or go in a different direction with different materials
this Com is hardly a "Gem" :lol

and i have been rallying for DD to be made by SS since the beginning, but this Diorama offering just ain't gonna cut it, i can't see the PF being worse then this just cause hes gonna be in mixed media, i agree the "jammy" look is not for me but maybe they can make it work or go in a different direction with different materials

Also, they could come out with a soft pleather or some like real leather material that will be form fitting to where you can see the definition of DD's physique, it's not completely solidified that just because he'll be covered up with the suit that the detail is going to be lost.
Just do the DD PF like Black Panther and it will be awesum! :rock

So basically your saying a leaning over, slightly crouched DD PF a la BLK Panther would save the day????? That's what we have in the comiquette with an incredible base!!! So how would PF top that?
So basically your saying a leaning over, slightly crouched DD PF a la BLK Panther would save the day????? That's what we have in the comiquette with an incredible base!!! So how would PF top that?

Sorry I was not clear bro, but what I meant was the quality type of costume sculpt/material and detail not the pose of Black Panther PF could be mimiced. (but DD in that pose would be fine too)

I'm sure they will choose a different pose for the PF, so it will be unique from the comiquette.
That's my impression of it. While it's a solid looking comi, it's nothing ground breaking with the overall design. Bowen already has a very similar statue on the Gargoyle, and my favorite DD so far is the Hard Hero because I like the pose.

Though Bowen has improved of late, his sculpts don't even come close to Sideshow's. And though Hard Hero DD is a great sculpt, the paint finish is a little crude & rather flat. And design wise(?), I quess you consider the gargoyle motif as ground breaking????? It's been done to death, give it a rest!
Though Bowen has improved of late, his sculpts don't even come close to Sideshow's. And though Hard Hero DD is a great sculpt, the paint finish is a little crude & rather flat. And design wise(?), I quess you consider the gargoyle motif as ground breaking????? It's been done to death, give it a rest!

I think he's trying to say that since the Com has the same pose and style that the Com is not groundbreaking...
I think he's trying to say that since the Com has the same pose and style that the Com is not groundbreaking...

:goodpost::clap Thanks sir. And the Gargoyle statue is what? 2 years old now?? Also, don't forget the similar looking Diamond Select statue. SS' comi is really uninspiring IMO. They can do better if they tried harder.

~~The Hard Hero paint job looks fine on both of mine.
I'm not a huge DD fan, but I did pre-order the EX because I really liked how the piece looked despite it being 1/5 scale. I guess I'm easy to please. Although my gf might beg to differ about that. :lol

Bottom line is that there are always going to be different opinions good and bad on every piece. As long as you like it is all that matters.
I'm not saying this Daredevil is terrible, but since there's other options out there that are similar to the pose and design I'd much rather wait to see what SS will try with a 1/4 PF.
Just do the DD PF like Black Panther and it will be awesum! :rock

IT can't be done that way. The Panther PF is a 1/4 scale comiquette with a scrap of cloth for a cape that they used to justify calling it a PF. DD has no cape.

I agree with Ski's angle. A pleather look for his costume would be the only way I can see a DD PF that would work. Even this is not a sure thing. You will still lose all the details of the sculpt. However, it could possibly look realistic enough to look good.

The reality is, a 1/4 DD comiquette would have been the best route to take with this character.
IT can't be done that way. The Panther PF is a 1/4 scale comiquette with a scrap of cloth for a cape that they used to justify calling it a PF. DD has no cape.

I agree with Ski's angle. A pleather look for his costume would be the only way I can see a DD PF that would work. Even this is not a sure thing. You will still lose all the details of the sculpt. However, it could possibly look realistic enough to look good.

The reality is, a 1/4 DD comiquette would have been the best route to take with this character.

Maybe metal part weapon or something, I don't care! : P I want a 1/4 scale DD without baggy parts.
IT can't be done that way. The Panther PF is a 1/4 scale comiquette with a scrap of cloth for a cape that they used to justify calling it a PF. DD has no cape.

I agree with Ski's angle. A pleather look for his costume would be the only way I can see a DD PF that would work. Even this is not a sure thing. You will still lose all the details of the sculpt. However, it could possibly look realistic enough to look good.

The reality is, a 1/4 DD comiquette would have been the best route to take with this character.

it can be done look at bucky cap. the fabric looks almost rubbery