Daredevil Comiquette

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That is a true classic! :lol
I miss that show. :(

blouses!!!! You forgot "blouses" :mad:

"Have sex with Charlie Murphy!"

"I wish I had 4 hands so I can give these 4 thumbs down! The milks gone bad!"
"I'm gonna tell you something about me, Joe Rogan, that you might not know...I smoke rocks!"

Now to get back on topic; I bet this piece will be a sleeper hit. :lecture
From what I've seen, I dig the statue and as a result I pulled the trigger on the EX version.

I figure at some point a PF DD will be released and they'll look quite nice together :)

Also IMO, and ONLY coming from IMO, I think fail of the year thus far should go to Punk Rock Storm for that WTF pose...:thud:
