Daredevil Comiquette

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i'm not even sure if i've got this on order anymore, or if i cancelled him.
either way i'm sure if i get on the WL after release it'll convert:lecture
Yeah, that's pretty much a guarantee. :)

It is with all SSC marvel releases. Venom, Hulk, Spidey, Gambit, etc...

Those were all fantastic pieces that could have been had as 2nd chances. If you really want a piece, wait list it early enough and it will convert.

As for DD, I'm with you Barb. I think this piece will look great in the collection.
It is with all SSC marvel releases. Venom, Hulk, Spidey, Gambit, etc...

Those were all fantastic pieces that could have been had as 2nd chances. If you really want a piece, wait list it early enough and it will convert.

As for DD, I'm with you Barb. I think this piece will look great in the collection.
That's my brother right there, ladies and gentlemen! :rock

As for the rest of your post, yes, it is indeed factual. It has been proven time and time again. It's pretty much a law now, not a theory. :goodpost: :exactly:
Just the base itself screams "epicNESS" (TM)!

Sleeper hit I tells ya! :gah:

Once in hand all doubts will be put to rest... Or wherever Sideshow stores all the Emma Frost PF. :lecture

The giant head has spoken!
I hope so xYx. I have this one on order and have gone back and forth and whether or not to keep it. I ordered it because it does look cool and I hope it goes well with Elektra and Bullseye. :pray:

My concern is that it does seem slightly smaller than both of them. In hand pics will settle it for me.
My guess is that it will surprise even the haters with its righteousness and righteosity. They won't admit it though. They never admit when they're wrong. They just buy the statue they hated all over and don't tell anyone about it. Right, Skibrother? :lol ;) :nana:

Yeah, that's right, Barb.

Hey, thanks again for the speedy reply, Skiman. Damn you're on top of things as usual!

IF the side by sides hit a home run and i end up getting this one, i doubt i'll ever display the ex. head. just looks freaky to me.:dunno
IF the side by sides hit a home run and i end up getting this one, i doubt i'll ever display the ex. head. just looks freaky to me.:dunno

It would be creepier if the EX head was Ben Afleck. :lecture

Though I do think that some boardies would prefer that. :horror
It would be creepier if the EX head was Ben Afleck. :lecture

Though I do think that some boardies would prefer that. :horror