Daredevil the Netflix series

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I will bring up one thing that was really stoopid, when the newspaper reporter ORDERED the 2 cops to escort Karen.

Since when do reporters have the authority to send cops on an official mission, especially one that involved them deserting a murder scene! :slap

That was really bad! :lol

And the fact that they went straight down stairs :lol

I also didn't like how Karen keeps getting these big time jobs that she's basically not qualified for. She now has her own office and is a journalist, I wonder how all the other journalists that have been there for years and actually wrote something feel about that :lol

Most of problems this season came from Karen Page's arch.

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Since when do reporters have the authority to send cops on an official mission, especially one that involved them deserting a murder scene! :slap

On a similar note - since when do DAs have tactical command over a police operation? :rotfl
On a similar note - since when do DAs have tactical command over a police operation? :rotfl

:lol :lol :lol :lol

Well, now that you mentioned it that too can also be added to the stoopid list.

I have been around enough public safety command posts and crime scenes to confirm that both of those scenes got it 100% wrong!
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I think Karen got the job because he knows she totally devotes herself to her job and will do whatever it takes for the story, I mean what other writers working there would do that?
I am not well versed on Dare Devil comics, does he have an arch nemesis aside from Kingpin (Wilson Fisk)? I would love to see Spiderman make an appearance but not the current man-child they have cast. My mind always goes back to the 90's animated Spiderman series, there was some worthwhile and entertaining stories there.
I am not well versed on Dare Devil comics, does he have an arch nemesis aside from Kingpin (Wilson Fisk)? I would love to see Spiderman make an appearance but not the current man-child they have cast. My mind always goes back to the 90's animated Spiderman series, there was some worthwhile and entertaining stories there.

Yeah what sucks about having a teen Spider-Man right now is that we'll never have the whole Jessica Jones and Peter going to the same school at the same time and being there when he got bit and all that. But I do also love that we're finally getting a teen Spidey done right that will hopefully grow into a college Peter Parker if the franchise goes on that long.

But to answer your question: totally. He's got Bullseye, The Owl, Typhoid Mary, Nuke...but those are the first that come to mind and we just got Nuke in JJ.
Finally watched the finale of S2 and tried reading as many of the posts that I missed over the past couple of days. Pturtle, Batfan08 and jye4ever's wife summed up my feelings for the season. There were levels of greatness in this season that were so high it made the mediocrity really stand out to me.

I think the writers are pulling a fake out with Karen Page. They're setting her up as this fish out of water girl who rises up to be a success in the big city. But if you know her history in the comics, you can see the seeds that they are sewing, especially with her last scene in the finale. I'm just wondering if Marvel will really take her fall from grace as far as they did in the comics.
I found it to be the opposite....the amazing stuff outweighed the mediocrity. I must be in the minority as I enjoyed the sub stories with Karen and Fogey. It brought the sacrifices, loneliness etc. Matt felt that much more impactful for me...
I found it to be the opposite....the amazing stuff outweighed the mediocrity. I must be in the minority as I enjoyed the sub stories with Karen and Fogey. It brought the sacrifices, loneliness etc. Matt felt that much more impactful for me...

I loved it as well. I was into the Karen and Ellison stuff.
I loved Foggy this season, but Karen was just way too involved in my opinion to the point where it just felt forced. Still, overall this was an amazing season.
She said one second DD preaches not killing criminals then next second he's throwing criminals down a flight of steps and bashing their head into the concrete, so paralyzed or a head bleed is ok but not death?

That is kind of just... well..... odd to think :lol If you want to go there then... every single superhero has done this. Just a nitpicking complaint.

She complained of the unrealistic hospital attack where Claire was kicked out of a window and never mentioned again plus the murder of a nurse being covered up and Claire not going to the police with it even AFTER she quit in anger over the cover up.

Unrealistic? They are ninjas with grappling hooks. :lol Of course they climb up a wall. She was thrown out a window and Daredevil saved her. Completely realistic. One of the best scenes in the show. Claire was mentioned again. She was exiting the hospital with Foggy and told him what happened. The cops were helping with the cover up anyways. So, what was she going to do?

She said the ninja fighting made no sense, one second DD/Elektra can take on as many as possible then the next second they're overwhelmed by them.

Not really. There were hundreds of ninjas at the end..... at the most there were thirty in other scenes. Of course they are going to be overwhelmed with hundreds.

She said the 2 dudes could've just shot Punisher in the head thru the window at the DINER instead of going in to confront him without even wearing bullet proof vests!

Did they walk past the Punisher sitting at the diner? I forgot. They entered across, I don't know.... seemed fine to me.

And the fact that they went straight down stairs :lol

I also didn't like how Karen keeps getting these big time jobs that she's basically not qualified for. She now has her own office and is a journalist, I wonder how all the other journalists that have been there for years and actually wrote something feel about that :lol

Most of problems this season came from Karen Page's arch.
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What jobs are these? She is an investigated reporter. She is clearly qualified after what she found in Season 1 and then piecing together what she did in Season 2.
On a similar note - since when do DAs have tactical command over a police operation? :rotfl

:slap You do realize what a DA powers are in New York City.... right? They are the chief law enforcement officer and have the power to investigate (such as running operations), arrest, and prosecute. They are even over the police commissioner.
I feel like Warden Fisk was a little much. Having a few guards in his pocket is one thing, but the whole damn prison? Plus, that's got to be expensive as ****. If Vanessa's relying on that protection money, then she's ****ed.:lol
I was scratching my head at that too, how he assumed all that power so quickly despite being bankrupt according to his lawyer. :lol
I found it to be the opposite....the amazing stuff outweighed the mediocrity. I must be in the minority as I enjoyed the sub stories with Karen and Fogey. It brought the sacrifices, loneliness etc. Matt felt that much more impactful for me...

I believe all these valid gripes, including mine, are just peripheral.

I firmly believe that S1/S2 collectively are hands down the best superhero adaptions ever to be made and not just for TV, that includes cinema as well.

They're up there with the elites.

The negatives certainly do not outweigh the positives!

I loved Foggy this season, but Karen was just way too involved in my opinion to the point where it just felt forced. Still, overall this was an amazing season.

Well said about Foggy but I was ok with Karen as well. If anything she took a back seat to Elektra for a few episodes.

:slap You do realize what a DA powers are in New York City.... right? They are the chief law enforcement officer and have the power to investigate (such as running operations), arrest, and prosecute. They are even over the police commissioner.

While I can at least buy into the DA working alongside with PD but the way they presented it with her in sole command was still silly BUT not as silly as that reporter sending cops on missions! :lol

But that hospital scene cover up of an incident that major, yeah no.

I feel like Warden Fisk was a little much. Having a few guards in his pocket is one thing, but the whole damn prison? Plus, that's got to be expensive as ****. If Vanessa's relying on that protection money, then she's ****ed.:lol

If that was a south-central american-middle eastern-eastern european jail then it would've been 100% accurate but since it was a jail in the USA they went overboard with the corruption and only got it about 90% right. :lol
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Honestly, I loved the Karen stuff. I felt like it was a really natural evolution from her interactions with Ben in season 1. Ultimately, the stuff I didn't like basically amounts to the conspiracy with the Colonel and his involvement with Castle's family's death, and the stuff with The Hand.

I'll probably get **** on for that last part, and rightfully so, because The Hand is awesome, but I just don't think it worked when juxtaposed against the Punisher stuff. It's kind of like pancakes and pizza. Both are great things on their own, both go great with Bacon (that'd be Daredevil), but together...not so much. I feel like, at the very least, they probably could've given an entire season to The Hand.

There was something extremely awkward about Punisher just randomly picking off a few ninjas and disappearing. Especially, with that "see you around, Red" line. I was half expecting him to tip his cowboy hat before riding off into the sunset.
:slap You do realize what a DA powers are in New York City.... right? They are the chief law enforcement officer and have the power to investigate (such as running operations), arrest, and prosecute. They are even over the police commissioner.

My roommate from law school for 5 yrs in NYC was a DA. He wasnt over the dog catcher much less the chief of police.

And no DA is given tactical command to run that kind of operation. It just doesnt make sense to put someone in charge who probably has never fired a weapon, breeched a door, no training, nothing. DAs are not gods in any city.
The Hand stuff got sloppy and dragged out, plus Punisher should've had a bigger hand (pun intended I think) helping out DD at the end.

What I did like about the Punisher was that with or without the skull he was always suited up, he could've been butt naked and he was the Punisher.

Some are saying that they don't like him being the way he is because of a physical brain injury.

I didn't see it that way.

He took on the skull as a representation of his hatred of the idea that he's that way because of a bullet wound.

But they're holding back on the specific reason, I'll accept mental trauma but there's more there that shaped his ideology.