Dark Knight Headsculpt Set From Chris Howes

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this is how they got all of the lines and wrinkles: heath scrunched his face up when they applied the makeup, then he unscrunched and TADA, the wrinkles in his face when scrunched have a bit of flesh tone beneath. also, a nice tid bit, the makeup apps were heath's idea! in fact he sat around messing around with different paint aps himself before working with the makeup crew.
tiny nitpick, but if possible, include the three boils at the tip of his right cheek scar. looks great otherwise, the scars are near perfect.

Some of these small details, like the "boils" and really fine crags and texture will wait until the hair is finished up. Otherwise I'd ruin them with handling. I might try the Willow Products "360" wax next, it's a little harder and might stand up to handling better. But I'm having a god time with the "Fuse" wax.

But you're right, I need some of these details, and they will get put on soon.

The hair, BTW, is super rough at this point and will be changing dramatically as I work on it. And I intend to have more in his face once I finish the forehead, so I don't have to work around the hair strands.

From the general tone of the comments so far, I guess I'm going in the right direction, generally, and with a few tweaks will satisfy most people (I hope!). Keep up the critique!!

Awesome!!! You keep doing what you're doing and forge ahead as you've really got a great start. Tweaks here and there are going to be great, I just know it based on what you've delivered straight out of the shoot.

Definately looking good Chris. Love the scaring on the left side of his face. The one on the right looks *a little* off. From what I remember it turns up a bit more and is more puffy than actually dug in. Some of the party pics seem to show that side best. Its just a minor nit, but I'm sure it will turn out great.

I'm really liking the sculpt as a whole. Likeness looks good, something not quite right, but it is VERY close. I'd have to study it and some pics closer to tell you just what is off. But again, it is looking VERY good.

As for the hair, can we expect a look similar to the Hot Toy's hair? I think we are all pretty much in agreement that they really captured the look of his hair the best so far.

Keep it up! Can't wait for more progess shots. I'm definately getting this one now. Can't wait for the licky face :D
Definately looking good Chris. Love the scaring on the left side of his face. The one on the right looks *a little* off. From what I remember it turns up a bit more and is more puffy than actually dug in. Some of the party pics seem to show that side best. Its just a minor nit, but I'm sure it will turn out great.

I'm really liking the sculpt as a whole. Likeness looks good, something not quite right, but it is VERY close. I'd have to study it and some pics closer to tell you just what is off. But again, it is looking VERY good.

As for the hair, can we expect a look similar to the Hot Toy's hair? I think we are all pretty much in agreement that they really captured the look of his hair the best so far.

Keep it up! Can't wait for more progess shots. I'm definately getting this one now. Can't wait for the licky face :D

Glad you like him! If you can figure out what you think is off, please try to articulate it so I can try to understand what you're seeing. That will help a lot.

The scars will evolve with better detail as I finish up. Remember, this is a rough sketch. I'll finish detailing when it's safe so I don't smush it all to hell while working on the hair! I haven't really studied the Hot Toys hair. I try not to depend on other sculptor's work, makes me feel lazy and guilty:lol. It's interesting to see how other people handle things, but in the end I have to trust my own instinct and my own eyes. So, maybe it will resemble the Hot Toys hair, maybe not. Maybe worse, maybe better! I'm shooting for better, but we shall see...:D


The only detail I would change about your sculpt is the width factor. Heath Ledger had an insanely exagerated jaw, and it made his whole head seem wide...


Here are a couple more for you reference files...



Even the DC Direct and HT sculpts are too skinny in the face. I can't wait to get my hands on them both and do some sculpt play of my own. They need some widening.
another point, i can see how you based some of the scarring from the pic of heath without the makeup, at least i think so because of the little 'jawls' that form aside from his actual creases. those might need to be smoothed down a bit more as they give him a bit more texture on the area above his upper lip than actually is. if u want me to point them out with a photoshopped circle i can. maybe the upper lip can get a bit of tweaking as well.

other than that this is pretty friggin amazing i must say, the profile shots really bring it out.
wait, he does have those extra 'jawls' added from the scarring, particularly on his right side. i think that with paint it'll really work with a little less of a raise to it.
OK, figured I'd chime in too.

Love the sculpt the way it's developing. My only comment is that here's a real opportunity to sculpt a whole new Joker. There seems to be no end to the customizations of the HT or DCD out there right now...and I'd personally love to see a whole new expression for the Joker. Maybe the lips parted slightly (in that manic, mind racing faster than he can formulate his thoughts)...or a cackling, laughing Joker like in his creepy b/w videos. Something definitively different from the smug sculpts out there right now.

I bring this up only because Chris' sculpt is in the beginning stages, I thought if he was ever going to consider a change like this it's best to mention it now.

Thanks Chris!
Now looking at the sculpt and the reference pics, I'm not really seeing anything off. Its just the make-up. It plays an extremely important role in the look, but obviously doesn't play into the sculpt, which is definately hard to see what is off because of it. I'd recommend just keep finding what pics you can of Heath with the scars, but not the make-up.

Once you get into the finer details, then start looking at make-up shots. But it is looking great so far.

As far as the hair goes, I think something like Hot Toys will definately look great:


Not my pic or repaint, but the hair definately needs some bits hanging over his face like in the film. If you left the hair how it is currently, it would look too flat like the DC Direct hair. I know you said you don't try to copy others sculpts, but definately try and capture something similar to the Hot Toys hair. To me, and most of us I think, it captures the film hair the best so far.
OK, figured I'd chime in too.

Love the sculpt the way it's developing. My only comment is that here's a real opportunity to sculpt a whole new Joker. There seems to be no end to the customizations of the HT or DCD out there right now...and I'd personally love to see a whole new expression for the Joker. Maybe the lips parted slightly...or a cackling, laughing Joker like in his videos. Something definitively different from the sculpts out there right now.

I bring this up only because Chris' sculpt is in the beginning stages, I thought if he was ever going to consider a change like this it's best to mention it now.

Thanks Chris!

He is making two Joker sculpts. This one and a lip-licking sculpt.
Missed that, thanks. I'm eager to see the lip-smacking Joker then. Curious, that one is gonna be hard to pull off -- such a quick idiosyncracy like that lock into a perminent sculpt.

I know! :google Could turn out really great, or really goofy. But I have faith in Chris! :rock
Looking good so far Chris! Looking forward to seeing the finished product. Keep it up!

Even the DC Direct and HT sculpts are too skinny in the face. I can't wait to get my hands on them both and do some sculpt play of my own. They need some widening.

I own the DC Direct head and the face and the jaw itself look spot on with Ledger. Isn't it an actual scan of Ledger? I'd still like to see what you can do with it.
I know! :google Could turn out really great, or really goofy. But I have faith in Chris! :rock

Would you say "I believe in Chris Howes"?:D

Thank you for the vote of confidence, I'll do my best.

I've been trying to see beneath the makeup by looking at dozens of photos from many angles, and by looking at the HD Trailer. I think it's pretty close now.

Keep in mind, the hair as it is, is still in the earliest "placeholder" stage. I spent many hours on the likeness, and about 1/2 an hour on the hair.I'll be layering strands onto it, so it will look very dimensional, don't worry. Plus, strands in the face will come after the face is finished, otherwise I'd be working around the strands which is a pain in the arse! :horror
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