Dark Knight Headsculpt Set From Chris Howes

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Kuato, I think you've finally done a perfect Joker (although the black may be just a smidge too small this time). I'm pretty sure I'll want one of my Joker heads looking just like that. Just not sure if I want it to be this one or the licky, although I am leaning towards this one. Very, very nice job :rock

Haha, thanks BM, I'll send you pics of the eyes in progress when i get to yours so you can let me know how much you want on him, ON this one i went with the street scene close up which looks like he has it a little smaller than in the mob scene and penthouse. I"m glad you like
Now I'm curious to see how a painted licky version would look like.
There it is! I've been eagerly awaiting to see what you've done after taking in our feedback. Great work, Chris (and Chris)!
Haha Chris, you did do a great job with the freaky factor. Kicked In- I"m glad you approve as well. I can't wait to do the licky version either, I think I'll show that one off with the smudged makeup like the interrogation scene.
I have begun work on Bale now, I hope to have pics up tomorrow for you guys, now he will be quite easy compared to Ledger
Haha, thanks BM, I'll send you pics of the eyes in progress when i get to yours so you can let me know how much you want on him, ON this one i went with the street scene close up which looks like he has it a little smaller than in the mob scene and penthouse. I"m glad you like

Cool. Like I said, it is VERY close. Just a fine line between too much and too little :lol But I really like how this one turned out, especially the eyes. I'll probably have you paint mine nearly identical to this except solid Party Crashing instead of it mixed (every so slightly though) with the street look.

There is a party crashing picture that looks nearly identical to how this looks in terms of sculpting AND painting! I'll have to find it.
Wow, that looks REALLY good. I kinda agree with buttmunch, the black is a tad too small but just a little bit because its ALMOST perfect. Great job Kuato
Love love love the eyes! So much personality pouring out of that sculpt. This one is right up there with the HT V2 Joker head imo. Brilliant work, Kuato. :bow
Wow...that last paint job is just magnificent, Kuato!

Great job man!

I wanna see the licky Joker sculpt sooo bad, so I can decide which I want! I know both will be awesome.
Cool. Like I said, it is VERY close. Just a fine line between too much and too little :lol But I really like how this one turned out, especially the eyes. I'll probably have you paint mine nearly identical to this except solid Party Crashing instead of it mixed (every so slightly though) with the street look.

There is a party crashing picture that looks nearly identical to how this looks in terms of sculpting AND painting! I'll have to find it.

Found it!


Thank you guys very much, I'm gonna try and beat out that V2 Joker paint apps with the licky Joker. Thats a great pic to go by actually BM.
Love the sculpt and paint up. The face looks dead on. The one thing I can say is all the hair on all the sculpts look like "cool guy hair" and in the screen shots he has a 7 day dunk hair. His hair should look like $*#t. All in all this is my favorite sculpt so far.
Kuato, do you paint the flesh first, and then add the white? I was unsure if the white in the wrinkles was a wash or the first layer.
Ok guys, here is a way better painted version of The Joker, I went with a mix of the street fight meets penthouse look



Wow! That is seriously killer! You guys make a great team. Excellent sculpt, excellent paint!
Kuato, do you paint the flesh first, and then add the white? I was unsure if the white in the wrinkles was a wash or the first layer.

Thank you Dwing: Me and Chris are honored this is your fav sculpt
Die-Thank you for your kind encouraging words
Kngfu- I do paint the flesh first, 2 coats then I apply the white and in doing so it takes alot of work to smudge out the white, its like putting real makeup on LOL, its tough but effective

You guys are just crazy awesome! I am listed for getting a Bale head and Ledger Joker painted, but I would like to see how the lickity Joker looks finished. Everytime Chris posts a new paint ap, it keeps getting better and better. I am so looking forward the receiving these fab pieces! Great job all around!
You guys are just crazy awesome! I am listed for getting a Bale head and Ledger Joker painted, but I would like to see how the lickity Joker looks finished. Everytime Chris posts a new paint ap, it keeps getting better and better. I am so looking forward the receiving these fab pieces! Great job all around!

Thank you very much. I'm looking forward to painting up the Lickity joker myself :)
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