Dark Knight Headsculpt Set From Chris Howes

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Thanks Jose, I'll make yours like that then?
BM you'll have a chance to see that combo as i think a few ordered them that way so you'll have due time to decide hehe.


Alright cool. I'm so freaking indecisive. Keep me updated!
Thanks Jose, I'll make yours like that then?
BM you'll have a chance to see that combo as i think a few ordered them that way so you'll have due time to decide hehe.


Awsome dude :rock I have complete faith in your skills brother , I think they will rock no matter how you paint 'em.:D
Here was one pic i had on the first shoot with some drama lighting lol, Look how cool the tongue looks :)
Here was one pic i had on the first shoot with some drama lighting lol, Look how cool the tongue looks :)


Dude, I can't tell you how much I regret not adding it in to get mine painted by you when I had the chance :(

You gotta show a pic of this head on the HT body & clothes!
Looks damn good. MORE PICS!!!!
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that new pic looks KILLER! It really shows how expressive that sculpt really is!

I guess that should be the default template..tremendous..I am running out of adjectives for you..

I guess that should be the default template..tremendous..I am running out of adjectives for you..

Haha, Thanks Rodney,
Thank you all very much, I'm hoping to have time to take some real solid pics of this headon the fig tomorrow. But you guys will start seeing your own sculpts popping up and in your pms since Chris is sending the 1st batch out to me.

Here was one pic i had on the first shoot with some drama lighting lol, Look how cool the tongue looks :)

You're really nailing the paint on these! Looking forward to seeing more of these.
Man, great job guys! TERRIFIC sculpt and paint!!


Kuato, don't forget to hook me up with mob meeting clean paint job on my licky Joker. I think that works best for me too. :banana

I appreciate you guys working on these sooo much!
Thanks KI and J-Wild :), I hope to work with Chris on other sculpts in the future either DK related or not, as long as he knows what you guys will like He'll sculpt it..and I'll paint it :)
Hey, Everyone!

First of all, Kuato........ Niiiiiiice.

Secondly, don't kill me. There's a slight delay in shipping out the first batch.... Something suddenly came up!

The remnants of hurricane Ike rolled through Cincinnati this weekend, 80 mph winds. THOUSANDS of tree down, power out to more than 700,000 homes....including me.

Two trees came down across my driveway. My Driveway is about 300 feet long, I live back in the woods like a hermit :D and it took out my power lines, snapped 2 utility poles, and trapped us in the house. They claim the power won't be restored for us until maybe Sunday.:banghead

Now I've borrowed a car and hauled the laptop to my folks house (their power was restored this morning) so I could just give everyone a heads up. I'll probably bring my bins of heads over here with my dremel tomorrow to get the heads drilled out.

I'll try to get some sent tomorrow, but it's more likely Wednesday or Thursday.

Sorry, my friends. So very close...... It had to happen now, of course.:mad::mad::mad:
No worries, Chris. Thanks for the heads up. Hopefully they'll have you back up and running in short order.

We didn't get much other than some wind and rains in the Dallas area, but I've got family around Houston who lost trees, fences and power. There's over 2 million people without power there ... basically half of the city. And that's just Houston ... the poor people all around that area, especially south of there, faired much worse overall. :(

Be safe! Our prayers go out to all those affected by Ike.
No worries, Chris. Thanks for the heads up. Hopefully they'll have you back up and running in short order.

We didn't get much other than some wind and rains in the Dallas area, but I've got family around Houston who lost trees, fences and power. There's over 2 million people without power there ... basically half of the city. And that's just Houston ... the poor people all around that area, especially south of there, faired much worse overall. :(

Be safe! Our prayers go out to all those affected by Ike.

Crazy thing is, the Hurricanes almost never cause problems this far north. Usually a little rain, that's it. This time no rain, just wind, unbelievable wind. Huge damage, everywhere. I can't imagine how bad it is for folks who really got hit by it...Thanks!
No problem Chirs! You can't control a Hurricane, so you really have nothing to worry about. But thanks for the heads up anyway. It really does help to know just what is going on.
Keeping us updated is greatly appreciated and no worries about the delay, Chris. Sorry to hear of the troubles Ike has caused you. Make sure you keep safe.
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