Dark Knight Headsculpt Set From Chris Howes

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Got the Licky Joker in the mail today guys, I'll have pics for you all tomorrow. I'm doing a mix between Interrogation room and HT Bank Robber version. The sculpt is incredible, such detail with the tongue sticking out :)

Sweet! :rock
Here are some preview shots guys. I'll shoot some more once I put the head on the Hot Toys Joker and do some poses. I played around and gave this one a mottled look to the face.



Of course comments and criticisms welcome, just to better my services to you guys. This was an attempted mix of the HT version and movie interrogation version Joker

Here are some preview shots guys. I'll shoot some more once I put the head on the Hot Toys Joker and do some poses. I played around and gave this one a mottled look to the face.

Of course comments and criticisms welcome, just to better my services to you guys. This was an attempted mix of the HT version and movie interrogation version Joker


Chris!!!! What can I say? I sculpted the dang thing, but your paint app creeps the hell out of me. Got the shivers!

Most, most excellent.

Could you shoot one photo from a lower angle when you get a chance? I want the full impact!
Hey everyone!

I've got a first batch of heads ready to ship to Kuato on Monday. I'll start sending out unpainted heads as well.

I'm looking forward to getting these into your hands finally! Then I can shift into high gear on Alfred and the rest.
AWESOME. The hair needs a bit more green but its just about perfect
:eek :eek OH MY GOODNESS ... A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek :eek

There's nothing else to say or any other way to put it. A little more green to the hair is all.
He looks awesome! I'm really looking forward to seeing him on the body. Very cool!
Is it still possible to add this painted head to my existing order?
Kuato, excellent paintjob! I'm very impressed with how you painted his make-up, the result makes it look very realistic! That looks KILLER!
A great start Kuato! Like the others have said, there needs to be a bit more green in the hair. NOT MUCH! But a bit more.

Also, once again you are painting the make-up too perfectly :lol You gotta slop it up a bit. I know it goes against all of your teaching and logic, but the Joker's make-up was pretty hammered in the interrorgation scene!


But other than you needing to get a little messy with it, it looks perfect! The eyes are wonderful as always and that tounge looks perfectly painted! Just need to smudge up the red and black a bit and remove some white. The upper left side of his face had a lot of make-up flaked off.

But if this was for a regular Joker painting (not IR) then I think the black around the eyes is just right! You finally nailed the "clean" look, but now just need to work on the messy.
Thank you guys very much!
Trust me BM i could have went to town on sloppyness on this one but some people expressed their thoughts of wanting to see a cleaner approach like the HT version, otherwise I would have done it just like the pic above :). I prefer the pic above but some orders have requested HT style but think of this as a morph sort of :)
Thank you guys very much!
Trust me BM i could have went to town on sloppyness on this one but some people expressed their thoughts of wanting to see a cleaner approach like the HT version, otherwise I would have done it just like the pic above :). I prefer the pic above but some orders have requested HT style but think of this as a morph sort of :)

Alright cool. Just as long as you knew what you are doing :lol

You've really gotten the clean look down to a science so I'm not worried one bit. It does look fantastic as is though.
Looks simply amazing Kuato! Chris did an excellent job getting the likeness down, and your paint just brings it to life. Personally, I think theres a good balance between clean and sloppy in your paint. But like everyone else said, add a tad more green to the hair.
Great work! I thought the neck was suppose to be tilted forward?

Haha, it is Jeff, I just did some trickery to take the pictures in that angle otherwise he would be looking up if i late it flat and took it at eye level.
Thank you BM, I'll make your messy one to look exactly like the IR if you want it that way buddy :)
Thanks Chapuchi, CHowe's did do a great job on the sculpt the tongue is so real looking in person.

You guys will see a full fledged IR looking Joker once i get to the orders, because alot of you requested that hehe

Haha, it is Jeff, I just did some trickery to take the pictures in that angle otherwise he would be looking up if i late it flat and took it at eye level.
Thank you BM, I'll make your messy one to look exactly like the IR if you want it that way buddy :)
Thanks Chapuchi, CHowe's did do a great job on the sculpt the tongue is so real looking in person.

You guys will see a full fledged IR looking Joker once i get to the orders, because alot of you requested that hehe


I think I do. I'll send you a PM soon with pics of how I'd like the heads. But expect one messy and one "clean." :D

I just have to figure out which one for which :lol
I personally would make the stern looking Joker messy and the LIcky Joker "clean", I think it goes more with the penthouse scene and mob boss scene. Thats how I plan on making mine :)
I personally would make the stern looking Joker messy and the LIcky Joker "clean", I think it goes more with the penthouse scene and mob boss scene. Thats how I plan on making mine :)

That sounds awsome, definitly down for that....Awsome job Chris. :rock:rock:rock
I personally would make the stern looking Joker messy and the LIcky Joker "clean", I think it goes more with the penthouse scene and mob boss scene. Thats how I plan on making mine :)

Oh, no I really can't decide. I was going to do the exact opposite since the Hot Toys head is "stern" and messy. Hmmm... maybe I'll just have to see the stern with messy and licky with clean before I make my final choice.

So many choices! :banghead
Thanks Jose, I'll make yours like that then?
BM you'll have a chance to see that combo as i think a few ordered them that way so you'll have due time to decide hehe.

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