Dark Knight Headsculpt Set From Chris Howes

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Don't worry about delaying the shipment - we totally understand - this is beyond your control. Stay safe man.
Hey Chris, I completely understand. I lived in Indiana (my family all still lives there) near Louisville, KY and their power is still out, with trees down everywhere!

Take care during this mess. :rolleyes:
Hey Chris, I completely understand. I lived in Indiana (my family all still lives there) near Louisville, KY and their power is still out, with trees down everywhere!

Take care during this mess. :rolleyes:

Thanks, everyone for your concern. My heart really goes out to people on the gulf coast who really got hit hard. At least we have some power around here and IHOP is open!

I heard Louisville got hit pretty hard, too. Bizarre! It's like the eye of the storm targeted the most populated areas. Never saw a wind storm like this even when I lived in Savannah, Ga when we had hurricanes come through! Might be until the middle of next week until all power is restored here. Gonna buy a generator for next time....

Anyway, I'm hauling all my stuff over to my folks house tomorrow to try and get everything drilled and ready for shipment. If all goes well I'll start shipping tomorrow. I'm anxious to get these into your hands!

Thanks again, I'll check in tomorrow.
I feel you on the surprise of bad weather.

I saw reports of tornadoes caused by the hurricane area, but I felt like my area didn't get the worst of it.

Then I go dog-walking in my neighborhood and see two trees down on a house.
I suppose when your local big chain grocery store is out of power for three days and you see them have to rent a big dumpster to throw away spoiled food...you realized that some stuff went down.

Don't stress about keeping everybody happy. I'm sure we can all understand that unforeseeable circumstances do occur!
(Though...I absolutely can't wait to work on these heads! Especially after seeing the paint work on the "licking" variant head.)
Finally!! Power back on!! New utility poles are up. But my driveway is still blocked by fallen trees.:mad::mad::mad:

You don't appreciate the little things until they're gone. Just to be able to channel surf......aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh.......

Going to take a day or 2 to get back to speed, but I'm trying to get some heads out tomorrow.

Thanks to everyone!
Hi Chris, this is UTtoyfan down in Houston! I had no idea that our Hurricane Ike did so much damage throughout the US. We got the brunt of it, but it looked like it had significant damage in the Midwest as well. I'm glad that you are OK. I'm one of the lucky few who got power back on Sunday (still 1.6 million people in H-Town without power).

We are slowing getting back to normal although it will take time. Restaurants are opening up and gas is coming in. I had a few friends who have it harder than me, so I feel really blessed. We only had a few branches and limbs strewn on our lawn. The house and all my collectibles are fine. To make it even more hard to believe, I live in one of the evacuation zones that could have potentially had a 25 foot storm surge. You're right too, you really don't appreciate things like electricity and utilities until you go through something like this. Anyways, I just want you to know that like everyone on the board we all appreciate you doing this for us and a small delay ain't no big deal!!
Hi Chris, this is UTtoyfan down in Houston! I had no idea that our Hurricane Ike did so much damage throughout the US. We got the brunt of it, but it looked like it had significant damage in the Midwest as well. I'm glad that you are OK. I'm one of the lucky few who got power back on Sunday (still 1.6 million people in H-Town without power).

We are slowing getting back to normal although it will take time. Restaurants are opening up and gas is coming in. I had a few friends who have it harder than me, so I feel really blessed. We only had a few branches and limbs strewn on our lawn. The house and all my collectibles are fine. To make it even more hard to believe, I live in one of the evacuation zones that could have potentially had a 25 foot storm surge. You're right too, you really don't appreciate things like electricity and utilities until you go through something like this. Anyways, I just want you to know that like everyone on the board we all appreciate you doing this for us and a small delay ain't no big deal!!

I really feel for you folks in the hard hit areas. I feel guilty moaning about our problems, I can only imagine how tough it is for you. I heard folks trying to return to Galveston to look at the damage (as they were promised they could) got turned away after hours waiting. To not even be allowed to see your home? Devastating.

Glad to hear the collectibles are safe!! And you, too....:rolleyes:

Ironically, Duke Power (formerly Cincinnati Gas and Electric) sent most of their trucks down to Houston to help out there. So we had trucks from North Carolina fixing our troubles! Hopefully when they are done here they'll head down south to you folks. Gotta hand it to them. They are working 16 hour shifts to get us back up. I'm grateful for all the hard work, I don't envy them their jobs.

One lucky coincidence, we had just bought canned goods to send to Iraq and Afghanistan for an adopt a soldier program (they want chocolate too, even if it's melted!), so we had plenty of spaghetti-os and I had a Sterno camp stove. Virtual luxury!
Here is the chart once again. I want to make sure I haven't missed anyone during the confusion. I'm working like crazy to get these guys going!:D
PM sent for a stern faced joker. Hope everything gets back to normal by you chris. Thanks for the amazing work on these!
Glad to see you back in business. I was in your shoes from Bertha back when I lived in Chapel Hill in the late 90s.

I should be marked as "paid" for my two Joker heads.
Glad you made it through, Chris. I'm about 30 miles south of Houston myself, in Webster, and we got hammered by Ike. I was lucky enough to get power back on Tuesday, and my apartment was spared damage. I'm very blessed in that respect, though the storm and the few days afterward without power or hot water absolutely sucked.

Kuato, that painted licky Joker looks fantastic.
Can't wait for mine, every time I look at the pics I'm more impressed with both of you... amazing work. What's your next figure Chris? Not that you're anywhere near through with this one...
Can't wait for mine, every time I look at the pics I'm more impressed with both of you... amazing work.
I gotta echo this - both Chris'es have really come up with fabulous work.

What's your next figure Chris?
I believe he has Gordon, Alfred, Fox and Dent lined up. I'm hoping it's in that order, too :D

But Chris and Chris are in high demand now - been monitoring the Summer Glau and Milla Jovovich interest threads and the tally is increasing by the day. While I'm also interested in those, I'm hoping Gordon and Alfred take precedence. But that's just me and my selfish interests :)
I gotta echo this - both Chris'es have really come up with fabulous work.

I believe he has Gordon, Alfred, Fox and Dent lined up. I'm hoping it's in that order, too :D

But Chris and Chris are in high demand now - been monitoring the Summer Glau and Milla Jovovich interest threads and the tally is increasing by the day. While I'm also interested in those, I'm hoping Gordon and Alfred take precedence. But that's just me and my selfish interests :)

Yeah, gonna get those fellas done first. TRYING to knock them out post haste. Looks like we've got a LOT coming up. I'm quaking in fear of trying to stay organized......:horror:horror:horror:horror:horror:horror:horror
FINALLY sending off the batch to Kuato. Individual orders are starting to go out as well. It feels good to be back on track!

I may PM some individuals to confirm shipping address. Also, there are a few people I have down as unpaid, I'll be checking in to make sure it's not my mistake. :D

Thank, everyone, I hope everybody enjoys their purchases.

On to Alfred and the rest!
:chew:rotfl:joy:naughty:banana. Very exciting news there and look forward to see our final versions in hand. Also to see the different painted variations of both Jokers that everyone requested!:banana:banana
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