Super Freak
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!
You on a Leia roll ?
Sweet love it when Josh posts pics !
Holy !!!!!!
Or me
How far along for my Joker Josh (or Dead or Leia
Got my Leia head in the mail this week.
This repaint is simply amazing! So much better than I imagined it would be. Now I just need to get Jabba and Salacious repainted and I will be set.
Here's the only good pic I could get of Leia. More pics later if I can get some good light and the cats allow it.
You on a Leia roll ?

That's awesome Shropt! I'm so glad you FINALLY got her... She was a lot of fun, and she looks badass mounted.
And Fingaz... Rorschach is coming. I went to see Les this weekend and am at his place as we speak. I finished cleaning up the casting and dremeled it... the body is done and it just needs the paint and the weathering... so either I will have it done tomorrow night when I get home or Monday after class.
Sweet love it when Josh posts pics !
I also touched up my HT Wolf today when it arrived.. just a bit more color on the head itself and spots here and there... also a dark wash on the mask and steel drybrushing...
Holy !!!!!!
hey josh,
any pics for me??
Or me

Thanks guys! Chapuchi, I got your payment bro. And I appreciate the critiques too, I need them!
And thanks Josh, my thread is a mess...
I did a lot of work today, Vader... your Bale head is coming. I worked on that, a late Anakin head, J's Obi-Wan and worked on Meta's Hicks armor conversion as well as Vasquez. Also worked on a Wolverine. So I am cooking on all burners here guys, trying to do you all proud. I WILL have something to show in the coming days, I promise.
How far along for my Joker Josh (or Dead or Leia