Vader kicks some ass in the OT, both in Bespin and Endor. And now also in RO. Vader was not only an ageing choker. That's for sure.
And let's not talk about godd ol' Malgie. Just look at the damn trailers.....
To try and re-create any of those moments, you need dynamic posing, so I am not asking for much here.
Glad that rubber is somehow sealed or shielded against rotting.
Thanks for all your input, Mr Baumann. Much appreciated, but could you go on a bit more regarding the suit hinderance? Is it due to the pleather jumpsuit, the armour, or both?
And could you also please try and rock a bit those ankles and knees on your Malgus, see if they can actually hold dynamic poses?
Boyz and galz, I am getting Malgus. Exclusive.
And since Mr Baumann has explained his use of Malgus, I'll tell you guys about mine!
I will use him to parttake in a Jedi hunt party, along with a reconstructed Darth Maul and a female Sith apprentice I am working on. The prays: Plo Koon, Kit Fisto and Mace Windu. The first survived his assumed death after crashing with his starfighter, but because of not receiving proper medical care right on the spot (as he had to rush into hiding and stay low), he was left deaf for life. The second survived his little encounter with Sidious' lightsaber thanks to the Republic's Public Automatic Healthcare System, but was left with a limp because after Order 66 was issued it was wiser to quickly vanish, which made it impossible for Kit to get any further medical aid to recover his normal walk. Last but not least, Windu was actually saved from his free fall at the end of ROTS, again by the Republic's Public Healthcare Service, but not before him hitting against a flying car, which combined with intense Sith Radiation exposure caused him losing one eye in the event. Med droids managed to provide him with a very powerfulrobot hand right on the spot but Order 66 made it impossible for Windu to get any further treatment for his eye, so he just had to cover it with a patch, then get the hell out of Coruscant. These 3 Jedis were found about and brought together by a 4th Jedi knight, a Duros, only survivor of an expeditionary force sent by the Jedi Order to the Outer Rim years before the AOTC/ROTS events. Upon returning with vital, game-changing information to deliver to the now extinct Jedi order, the 4th Jedi was warned early about Order 66, and he immediatey set out to go stealth and try to find any surviving Jedis, so that they could be smuggled away to the Outer Rim Systems (a much safer place now, all things considered). There, reconstruction of the Jedi Order might be possible.
Oh yes... I forgot to tell you...
The Jedi hunt party leverages the knowledge of a traitor Jedi, who is helping the Sith find and destroy any active Jedi operators remaining across the galaxy. The reasons for this Jedi's terrible treason are linked to his failure to strictly follow the Jedi Code, which clearly states that Jedis shouldn't develop any love feelings for anybody. Unfortunately though, sometimes the line that separates friendship from love is too thin.
A mistake in telling that line can have a great cost. Or just cost everything.
Nice premise, eh? I'll pitch it to that Kennedy lady......

He is an awesome figure but his articulation is definitely hindered by his suit. He is more of a Darth Vader - stand and force choke you out from a distance than a Darth Maul whipping around and flipping and stuff. The rubber-ish pieces of armor have not deteriorated or gotten sticky on my figure (I have the exclusive which I pre-ordered when he first went up). These pieces Velcro onto the under suit. I cant remember about the ankles/boots but overall he will not get into crouch stances. I have mine standing tall with a force grip and light saber like he is force-pulling the huge spaceship hull into the Jedi Temple like in the novel. The two heads both have awesome paint work, some of Sideshow's best in my opinion. The rebreather mask looks cool but I have him with his uninjured head on most of the time and the hood up but not occluding the sculpt as it is really good.
My one gripe is that this was the period when Sideshow was experimenting with Light Saber thickness and this is the "pool noodle" era so it looks like a huge red tube and looks dumber than all the other sabers in my collection except for Padawan Obi Wan and Sideshow Deluxe Vader who have similar thick rods.
I don't know how much you are looking to spend on him but I think he is a great looking figure and adds a lot to my Sith display as he is quite tall and imposing.