where do you find time to do that?? thats a lot of work my man. and the reviews are well done. i ordered the maul in part, due to your review.
Wow, thank you! that's the best kind of endorsement I can think of and I'm glad you found the review helpful in making your decision. Enjoy Maul when he comes in, he's definitely a good piece with some outstanding sculpting
In all honesty if it wasn't for the fact that I enjoy this hobby, I wouldn't have done the website to start with. I make no money off the website, affiliate links don't generate any income, people click them but don't buy anything from the affiliate links so it's definitely not for the money
It's been a challenge trying to juggle the website, work and home, which is why you don't see too many reviews up yet. I have to find the time to get these things photographed and write the reviews. The one thing I pride myself for and I hope my readers agree is that my reviews are fair and honest. The items I review are bought, not provided by the manufacturer, I'm not affraid to say bad things about a product if there is something bad to be said. After all, I am collector myself and it is my hope that the information in the reviews helps other collectors make an educated decision prior to buying a piece.
I have a slew of Hot Toys that came in this week (Bane, Thor & Black Widow with Joker 2.0 EX coming next week), but I haven't had the time this week to even unbox them, so yeah, time is definitely an issue. But expect more reviews to be posted soon.
Thank you again for your kind comments, they are most appreciated and make working on the website worthwhile.