I think Mini-Maul will look good displayed with Iron Child.
Have you seen one of these in person?There's no way 8 of these makes up one person unless your 7ft and 300lbs.
I'm still considering getting this piece. I will wait it out and watch the price fall on these and get one down the road most likely. jkno makes alot of sense; for 2k you could get some kick ass life size displays.
what makes you so sure the prices on this one will fall ?
The price of the Terminator Endo and Iron Man haven't held up.
The problem comes in that the longer you wait the less of a "deal" you can get for it. Eventually SSC becomes your only outlet to pay full MSRP and their shipping. So, while there is hope to wait it comes at a price.
It would have to be a certain prop for me to get that. You gotta see these to understand how freaking amazing they are.
considering the paltry quality of some of SSC products recently (due to overseas studios and SSC's terrible QC), i wouldn't even consider paying this price for this unless it was actually developed in a reputable studio, preferably from the SSC artist hands themselves. this price point is reaching the realms of what one would pay for art, and as of late, SSC has not been providing us with such.
I don't question that they look amazing, the shear scale alone is bound to make an impression (I have seen the 1:2 Iron Man in person, and it is pretty cool); but there isn't even an established ES yet to the best of my knowledge. It just seems kinda off to want to plunk down that much cash on something that might be rare, when you could get a one-of for right around the same amount, and possibly be a studio piece.
I forked out the cash for the 1:1 Vader though, which isn't that much less; but I figured I couldn't get anything close to a screen used helmet for a price that remotely resembled what SS is charging (this was before eFX announced their's). The LSF line though are just bigger PF's, not something I would put in the prop category.
what makes you so sure the prices on this one will fall ?