Those of you getting your notices are these for the regular? I ordered mine at Con, and haven't gotten one yet ...
Mine is the Ex.
Those of you getting your notices are these for the regular? I ordered mine at Con, and haven't gotten one yet ...
Those of you getting your notices are these for the regular? I ordered mine at Con, and haven't gotten one yet ...
You shouldn't if you're for the Ex., processing doesn't start for like 2 more weeks, only regulars shipping right now.
See two posts down.
Yep my notice is for an Exclusive as well. That would suck if you ordered at the con, yet got put in the 2nd batch.
I don't even want to hear the word "flake" in the same sentence as Vader.
I'm probably going to get the EX in the last batch. I only converted off the waitlist a month ago and if they are shipping in sequence of orders placed it will take a while. I will be jealous of you guys!
mid january. I got contacted a month later. Are you on it?
Well I am hoping for alot of cancellations because I put myself on the waitlist at the begining of the month and I already got the cancel letter. wOOtwOOt did you get the email about them cancelling your waitlist item? Just wondering
Do you guys think there is any chance of SS offering a stand for the bust on its own??
It seems like a really useful component.
No chance, they've made a stand and Exclusive item, if they put out a separate base for Regular people, it'd piss off those paying extra for the Exclusive.