David Ayer's Academy Award winning "Suicide Squad"

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Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... before you know it they'll be rebooting FURY ROAD as an all female vehicle with Rebel and Kristen Weig and Leslie Jones.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Fury, End of Watch and Street Kings are good movies. Sabatoge was ok. Haven't seen the other. :dunno

I think this flick will rock.

Exactly. Solid movies. Sabotage was much better than I expected. The guy knows how to do street level action and violence. Street Kings is a favorite of mine.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Then you're missing out on some sweet action movies! Live, Die, Repeat and Oblivion were also quite good.

I still have to check out Oblivion. Loved LDR/EOT. That one scene where he finally really got ahold of his suit/tactics and came running along the side of that trench mowing down mimics definitely had me rewinding it a couple times.

Always been a fan of his, but Last Samurai and especially Collateral (huge Michael Mann fan) really cemented him as one of my top favorites.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

I have to say, after reading how they plan to market products based on the film, I'm starting to think that this being Rated R is more and more likely:

As the power of Warner Bros. Pictures’ and DC Entertainment’s film portfolio shows its strength, WBCP will also offer a targeted licensing and merchandising program focusing on collectors and adult fans in support of Suicide Squad, the first film to feature many of DC Comics’ iconic Super-Villains as a team, including Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Killer Croc, Boomerang, Katana and The Joker, as the second theatrical release from the Studio’s DC Comics film slate rolls out.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

I have to say, after reading how they plan to market products based on the film, I'm starting to think that this being Rated R is more and more likely:

I hope that means HT. :pray: An "R" rating would take some pressure of the studio from having to compete with Marvel at box office. If it's an R rated film, there's no way it'll make as much as a PG13 film.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Actually I think quite the opposite is true. The pressure is on for this to do extremely well! If SS tanks, then we won't ever see an R rated DC superhero film again. They'll stick with the safe, money making PG-13 category. If this does well, then they'd be willing to gamble more on R rated pictures from time to time. My only fear is if they open the R rated can, any of these characters in a PG-13 movie would feel watered down. If they let Joker go full R-rated crazy in this, he'll be just a shadow of himself in a PG-13 Batman film. I'm all for the r rating if they can somehow balance the characters out so they don't feel held back when in a PG-13 setting later.

I really hope all of the fuss isn't just about the word 'suicide' being in the title, but I would think that alone would limit its merchandising, at least aimed at kids. I can't think of any mattel figure of Deadshot or anyone else on the squad that had maybe more than just a passing reference to the suicide squad. Its a bit silly in this day and age of violent video games, but I guess the stigma is there.

I really feel this film will be DC's true test, not BvS. BvS is going to do well, period. That's not even in question at this point. People will go see Batman and Superman movies. But is the DC brand strong enough of a pull like Marvel is now? The Marvel brand is what sold GotG to a lot of people I think. DC has yet to prove themselves outside of Batman and Superman yet. I think having the Joker in this will help a lot though as I feel the Joker is a strong enough character to have his own film at this point. Will he's small role be enough to sell tickets? Or are people just interested enough in the concept of the Suicide Squad to go regardless? I hope so. If this bombs, I bet DC will be doing a lot of second guessing. I mean, look at what happened with Green Lantern (and his lack of a new solo film in any of the announced DC projects).
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Couldn't even get the eye right.

Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Can't agree there, Smith's Deadshot is visually better than even the Arkham Deadshot, sure, the texture on the mask is a bit weird but still beats both Arrow and Arkham (at least Origins one).


It really makes Arrow DS look like cheap cosplay.

Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Can't agree there, Smith's Deadshot is visually better than even the Arkham Deadshot, sure, the texture on the mask is a bit weird but still beats both Arrow and Arkham (at least Origins one).


It really makes Arrow DS look like cheap cosplay.


I can't agree about the Origin's Deadshot, I think it's vsually more interesting and a better representation of the character. While the Arrow DeadShot might look cheap, it's actually more real world, as far as he has a vest and regular clothes and the only thing that's a bit sci-fi is the eye, although that's changing with science right now.

Too me the SS Deadshot costume looks like someone altered Dirt Bike equipment and added a very strange helmet.

Smith's Deadshot looks like a Rise of Cobra character but eh, no one will be going to see him anyway.

Honestly when they announced this film I was ecstatic to watch it and now with each little reveal of the characters and how they're being represented...the phrase "UGH" comes to mind.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

I look at Smith's Deadshot and it makes me think of Deadstroke :dunno but I like it