David Ayer's Academy Award winning "Suicide Squad"

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Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

When I looked at that logo the first thing that came to my mind was MOS, Tornado, then finally the Joker and Harley Quinn. :lol
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

I like that SS logo! :rock:rock:rock

Then you'll love....

Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

I didn't make that. Lifted from google. I guess there actually is a Danger Squad. several maybe.

They should make Danger Girls.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Based Bruce Timm

Bruce Timm Shares His Thoughts on Superhero Fans Complaining

"I’ve had some experience with this, with people being resistant to change. Back when we did the Justice League show, the first season, fans weren’t loving it. The second season they loved it. We fixed all the problems with the show. They were totally on board. And then we pulled the rug out from under them and changed the show completely. We added like 50-some odd new characters and called it Justice League Unlimited. No more two-part episodes. I knew the minute we did it that everybody was going to be freaking out."And I didn’t care. I figured they were going to watch the show anyways just so they’d have something to ***** about. And then, ultimately, they’ll love the show. We did the same thing with Batman Beyond. When we first mentioned, “Oh yeah, we’re going to do a futuristic teenage Batman,” those are three words that nobody ever wanted to hear in the same sentence. Again, everybody was really skeptical. But they ultimately embraced the show.

"I am as intrigued as anybody else [to see Suicide Squad’s Harley Quinn]. But, at the same time, I try to be impartial because I know I have more invested in it. And again, I’ve been on the other end, too. I mean we’ve taken characters that, in the comics, were really different and did something different with them in the animated shows. So I know what it’s like to take a character that you think is one thing and you make it something else.

"Our version of Mr. Freeze was something that nobody had ever really done… that’s now become like the default setting for Mr. Freeze. But with a character like Harley, I always just have to remind myself: 'Yeah, you know, I’ve taken liberties with other characters, so more power to them. They can do with that character whatever they want.' I just hope it’s good. That’s all I care about."

He's also one of the people who question the set-in-stone-no-killing superhero rule, in fact, he wanted to do the MoS ending long before MoS, if you don't like superheroes killing under any circumstances, Bruce Timm is laughing at you.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Well, it's good to see Timm knows the audience better than the audience knows itself, the mark of a great artist.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Found it,

"A couple years back, when 'Man of Steel' came out, I remember the frenzy of the fans when they said, "Oh, I can't believe Superman killed General Zod! Superman would never do that." When I was watching the movie, my first thought was, "Well, dang, I wanted to do that in the Doomsday movie, when we had Superman versus Doomsday,'" Timm told CBR. "I was going to have Superman do exactly the same deed. Doomsday was going to be getting ready to kill some innocent bystanders, and Superman was already mortally wounded, and he was going to use his last bit of strength to break Doomsday's neck."

"DC wouldn't let me do it," he added. "I said, 'OK, well this version of Superman can do that.' Nobody could ever say Superman can't do that. This version of Superman, we don't know what he's going to do."

"I have mentioned this before, one of the things that intrigues me about these characters is the fact that they have a completely different sense of moral obligation and duty than the traditional Justice League. They will cross lines that the traditional Justice League characters won't."

If Timm does the same things, fanboys would be like, "that's so awesome!" :lol
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Couldn't even get the eye right.

View attachment 189160
It may not be movie accurate, but if i am a sniper and wearing another scope or vision thingy on the right eye, I would feel uncomfortable scoping through the sniper rifle. I think that defeats the purpose of scoping using your right eye. But that is just my opinion, I could be wrong.