David Ayer's Academy Award winning "Suicide Squad"

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Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Oh good gosh with the Oscar nominations. :lol

So we're back to Meryl Streep being the ideal Wonder Woman then?

If it was an older Wonder Woman then I’d be down for that.

Oprah actually looks like Amanda Waller, and she’s a capable actress that’ll bring a lot of attention to this film, WB would be stupid not to cast her.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Unlike Jerry Springer, Oprah has been nominated for an Oscar.

Honestly, I could care less. The only reason she got nominated for an Oscar in the first place is because that whole system is rigged to play favorites for certain people. As far as I'm concerned she's a billionaire talk show host who has no business being in a superhero movie.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Oprah might be in this thing? Seriously? Why not just go ahead and cast Jerry Springer as The Riddler while they're at it. This is exactly why the post-Nolan DC superhero movies will never hold a candle to Marvel's Cinematic Universe.


Honestly, I could care less. The only reason she got nominated for an Oscar in the first place is because that whole system is rigged to play favorites for certain people. As far as I'm concerned she's a billionaire talk show host who has no business being in a superhero movie.

You could care less??

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Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

They should get Samuel Jackson to play Amanda Waller.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Honestly, I could care less. The only reason she got nominated for an Oscar in the first place is because that whole system is rigged to play favorites for certain people. As far as I'm concerned she's a billionaire talk show host who has no business being in a superhero movie.

That fair, but what about guys like Batista and George St Pierre? Those guys aren’t actors and both did a good job in their specific roles.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

They should get Samuel Jackson to play Amanda Waller.

seeing how they don't give a hoot about accuracy they could just change the gender of the character...

this could actually happen
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Queen Latifah should play Amanda Waller.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Who was that rapper from around a decade ago who danced around in an inflated garbage bag? Seems like she made a song with Busta Rhymes or something? That's the one I want to see as Waller. Or if not that, Peppa.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Nah, I think that's a condom, not a garbage bag. Also, with his brilliant sense of humor, he would be better suited to play the Joker.
