David Ayer's Academy Award winning "Suicide Squad"

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Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Not really helping ...if anything, now I'm doubting myself...and Smith :lol

Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Why are Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt and Will Smith considered douches?
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Why are Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt and Will Smith considered douches?

It's called success :lol You see, people like to cheer for the underdogs or a good comeback story and people root for those individuals to get to the top, but then those same fans grow claws and fangs and they turn their backs on those stars because they become too successful, and therefore they must be destroyed, so that other underdogs can take their place, thus continuing the vicious cycle of hate and entertainment :monkey3
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Wait, now Will Smith is a ******? Why? :lol I know his son is a big fat ******, but Will? (srs question)

And c'mon, 99% of celebs are douches, Jared Leto is a big ******, Christian Bale? ******, I remember even Bradley Cooper was considered a huge ****** before he player Rocket.

****** ****** ******, I like the sound of that word, a little less ******.

I like all of those people. I never even thought Smith's son was a ****** (just a terrible actor) until he started parading around in Halloween costumes year round (then again, perhaps it's just immaturity).
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

What role did Michael Keaton play that made people think he could play Batman? Same with Ledger, Ann Hathoway as Cat Woman, and the list goes on and on...

He was actually originally cast as the Joker (see Beetlejuice and tell me he wasn't already almost there), but Jack Nicholson expressed interest in the role and Tim Burton really wanted to work with him, so Keaton had to settle for Batman. :lol

this movie


To quote Will Smith, "Ah, Hell No!" Way too comedy-action as I said before. Not nearly serious enough. He's pretty much Will Smith in everything he's with only a few exceptions.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

I don't care that they made Deadshot a black guy--but did it have to be ****ing Will Smith? Ugh. Maybe he'll get his son to play him in a Deadshot flashback.


Since when does being nominated for an Academy Award automatically make someone NOT an annoying ******?
Since today.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Even though I'm happy to see my favorite villain of all time back on the big screen, I kind of feel Ledger is getting shortchanged a little bit. Cesar Romero had 20+ years as the Joker, Nicholson had 19 years as the one and only live action Joker, but it's only been 6 years since TDK. The previous actors were known as the joker for a or several generations, enough time for their contribution to the character to be recognized and appreciated, both at the time of it's creation and in retrospect, and they had their time in pop culture, but now we're getting another interpretation in less than 10 years, which means one of them (Ledger/Leto) will be known as the Joker to a generation of people, while the other one will be forgotten, and if not, at the very least this film will start endless debates among fanboys as to which is the best Joker, Leto or Ledger?...or Hamill? (for the Hamill fanboys). It's going to be interesting, that's for sure.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Nah, Ledger's Joker has made quite an impact already. He's not going to be forgotten anytime soon. If anything, Leto's going to have a hard time proving himself worthy of the role because its going to be immediately compared to Ledger's.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Even though I'm happy to see my favorite villain of all time back on the big screen, I kind of feel Ledger is getting shortchanged a little bit. Cesar Romero had 20+ years as the Joker, Nicholson had 19 years as the one and only live action Joker, but it's only been 6 years since TDK. The previous actors were known as the joker for a or several generations, enough time for their contribution to the character to be recognized and appreciated, both at the time of it's creation and in retrospect, and they had their time in pop culture, but now we're getting another interpretation in less than 10 years, which means one of them (Ledger/Leto) will be known as the Joker to a generation of people, while the other one will be forgotten....not to mention the endless debates among fanboys this film will create. Who's the best Joker? Leto or Ledger?...or Hamill? (for the Hamill fanboys). It's going to be interesting, that's for sure.
I don't think so, Legder jumped to the top instantly and is deemed by most to be the best live action Joker, in fact, most polls I've seen for best Joker in general are tight between Hamill and Ledger with Nicholson relegated to a 3rd spot but far from both.

Seems to me Leto should be nervous.

Or be different enough for both Jokers to co-exist, because I don't see anyone forgetting Ledger any time soon.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

I don't think so, Legder jumped to the top instantly and is deemed by most to be the best live action Joker, in fact, most polls I've seen for best Joker in general are tight between Hamill and Ledger with Nicholson relegated to a 3rd spot but far from both.

Seems to me Leto should be nervous.

Or be different enough for both Jokers to co-exist, because I don't see anyone forgetting Ledger any time soon.

Nah, Ledger's Joker has made quite an impact already. He's not going to be forgotten anytime soon. If anything, Leto's going to have a hard time proving himself worthy of the role because its going to be immediately compared to Ledger's.

Well, maybe not anytime soon, like say the next 2-3 years, but if Leto knocks it out of the park, and he plays the Joker in several films a la Loki in the next 10 to 15 years, which would make him the only actor to do such a thing, he could very well erase Ledger. But like you said, it's going to be a challenge, and he's got some big shoes to filled, literally and figuratively.

Like you said Gaspar, Ledger took Jack's spot after 20 years, Buzz Lightyear style :lol
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

I really hope joker and harley are done a justice. Dude looks great for the part. Im gonna wait for a still of there designs and see a trailer of the preformance before i can judge. Joker is my second favorite villain of all time. I really hope he's a badass joker who is on par with heath who was perfect for the role I also hope this is the joker we see in in the dc cinematic universe and not some one off thing.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Oprah putting bombs in peoples neck. :rock :rock

I'm good with the cast. Though I think Timothy Olyphant would have made a kewl Deadshot.

Wonder how quick people will be replacing their $2000 Ledger dolls for Leto ones.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

I'm looking forward to see Leto's version of the Joker, I hope he has a good voice.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

I really hope joker and harley are done a justice. Dude looks great for the part. Im gonna wait for a still of there designs and see a trailer of the preformance before i can judge. Joker is my second favorite villain of all time. I really hope he's a badass joker who is on par with heath who was perfect for the role I also hope this is the joker we see in in the dc cinematic universe and not some one off thing.

Who is your favorite, if you don't mind me asking? :D
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

In theory Timothy Olyphant would be the perfect Kyle Reese 2.0 and a very good Deadshot, but the dude is box office poison, unfortunately.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

It's called success :lol You see, people like to cheer for the underdogs or a good comeback story and people root for those individuals to get to the top, but then those same fans grow claws and fangs and they turn their backs on those stars because they become too successful, and therefore they must be destroyed, so that other underdogs can take their place, thus continuing the vicious cycle of hate and entertainment :monkey3

Ah, I understand now :lol
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Who is your favorite, if you don't mind me asking? :D

Venom from spiderman. I loved him as a kid and I loved how he sadistically played with spiderman's head and was pretty much his ultimate foe at the time. Its funny cause spiderman is my favorite hero while batman is a very close second.