Editing was a mess.

So much stuff in the trailers that didn't show up in the movie.
But I liked it.
Will Smith. Just like Affleck and Gadot, the Fresh Prince was bashed non-stop, but turned out to be pretty damn good.
Killer Croc was awesome. Where the fauk is his Hot Toys????
Harley was good. Voice could have had a bit more New York in it, but it worked.
And I liked the Joker, what little time he was shown. I liked that he was clearly insane. Something Ledgers was not.
Boomerang. Didn't have a whole lot of screen time, but Jai Courtney finally found a role his was good in.
I dug Katana.
Diablo was kewl.
Amanda Waller was brutal. Perfect!
Enchantress was nice. Dispatched a little to easy.
Slipknot, knew his ass was going to be the first one dispatched.
Flag was serviceable.
Scott Eastwood turned out to be soldier extra.
Bring on