David Ayer's Academy Award winning "Suicide Squad"

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Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

I'm old, I love my 4:3 tube TV.

The Force Awakens looks great on it.

Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

You can't escape, born millennial, die millennial.

Well, the Thing was considered cult before the new gen of critics said it was actually a masterpiece.

Pulp Fiction was cult since its release until it went mainstream, now it's a classic as well.

That's why I ask.

Please tell me your not comparing this film to those......

Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)



I love old people.

Edit: seriously though, I think Red Letter Media is the closest thing to what you're looking for YoNoSe.

I only know them from the skewering of Phantom Menace, which I heard about around the time I was simultaneously tuning out prequel hate and Ledger fapology.

Maybe I'll give them a look. I think we've all healed.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

You must really love me then.
Well, you're not old old, you're just millennial old, and that's not cute at all.

Please tell me your not comparing this film to those......

No, I'm not, those are examples of movies with cult following, Jye said this would become cult in the future, that's why I'm asking, cause I haven't seen it.

It pays to read, man.

I'm not exactly on the supportive side of this :lol
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

I only know them from the skewering of Phantom Menace, which I heard about around the time I was simultaneously tuning out prequel hate and Ledger fapology.

Maybe I'll give them a look. I think we've all healed.
They are the only YouTube reviewer types I watch. They also have a show where they review crappy old b movies which is fun.

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Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Unlike GOTG and Deadpool, this movie will gain cult status.

Yep. I've had a hard time putting my finger on why I loved GotG in the theater but then watched it only once on blu-ray in the two years since and I now think that even though it was competent from beginning to end it was just white noise on my shelf at home with all my other movies. Nothing demanded that I ever choose it over anything else. It was like I'd see it and unconsciously say "good movie--but I don't care." Suicide Squad has its ups and downs and the "downs" are much lower than GotG but it just constantly hits you in the face with the good and it demands to not be dismissed. Watching SS is liking being in a relationship with Harley or Mr. J. :lol

Deadpool was just 120 minutes of "trying too hard." Bleh.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

The RedLetterMedia review for Suicide Squad was pretty funny. They did miss something in a certain scene which caused them to talk about how a plot point didn't make sense, but that's a minor critique. Love Jay and Mike's thoughts on the film, even though I still enjoyed this movie immensely. But you watch RLM to see how much they can pick apart.

Also at the VERY end of the Suicide Squad review...they tease that they will be putting out a review for Stranger Things soon!!!
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Editing was a mess. :lol So much stuff in the trailers that didn't show up in the movie. :lol

But I liked it.

Will Smith. Just like Affleck and Gadot, the Fresh Prince was bashed non-stop, but turned out to be pretty damn good.

Killer Croc was awesome. Where the fauk is his Hot Toys????

Harley was good. Voice could have had a bit more New York in it, but it worked.

And I liked the Joker, what little time he was shown. I liked that he was clearly insane. Something Ledgers was not.

Boomerang. Didn't have a whole lot of screen time, but Jai Courtney finally found a role his was good in.

I dug Katana.

Diablo was kewl.

Amanda Waller was brutal. Perfect!

Enchantress was nice. Dispatched a little to easy.

Slipknot, knew his ass was going to be the first one dispatched. :lol

Flag was serviceable.

Scott Eastwood turned out to be soldier extra. :dunno


Bring on WW.
There will be a sequel ...this is going to be a big hit despite the drop-offs to come- it's already on the record books. Bet WB announces one within a month...
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Just got back from the theater. I took my dad to see the film even though he still hasn't seen BVS...so he was like, "Superman is dead? Batman killed him?" :lol

He liked the cast...especially Smith... and he's not a fan of him. He didn't like the third act with all the CGI...he looses interest when films have too much CGI. Overall, he liked the cast, and that's how I feel too.

Good cast, and good character dynamic, but completely wasted in a mission that doesn't show their particular set of skills, with the exception of Deadshot and Diablo.

As far as Joker goes, he called him a modern Cesar Romero...with a bit of Ledger's voice.

He liked some of the music too, especially the intro and Deadshot's "story."

That is very cool your Dad liked it- what a guy! Good to hear you see the goodness in this film while others, I swear, trash it without even seeing it