David Ayer's Academy Award winning "Suicide Squad"

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Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Now he's got two tattoos he has to erase somehow. This and Robocop 2014!

...He got a Robocop tattoo as well?! Poor fella...

Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Rick was Robocop?!

Yeah, he was Murphy in the 2014 remake.

PS: I imagine Hardy is glad he missed on the role now. I ain't mad though. Hardy deserves his own "solo" film. If he can keep me entertained by talking on the phone for like, 2 hours, while he's driving (seriously, that's the movie) then he can very well carry his own film. He'd make a mean Wolverine if he were to jump ship...
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

people here are defending it like crazy meanwhile outside people that actually worked on the film even seem upset at how it turned out :lol

So what. Lucas hated the original cut of Star Wars, Fincher practically "Alan Smithee'd" Alien 3, George Miller doesn't like the awesome orange and blues in Fury Road, etc. People don't always see the good in the art they create.

Speaking of Miller I'd love to see what he'd do with this current team in a sequel.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

I did not like TFA on first viewing, a bit more on second, but overall I give that one a B- I'd have to put SS over Age of Ultron, that one in my book was Marvel's worst 'universe' movie. I think the cast/crew being upset is because their movie they thought they were making turned out NOT to be made. I really hope a full directors original vision gets released, and not just 10 mins total missing scenes put back in for the blu ray release. I could maybe see die hard comic fans of this line and characters being disappointed in it, but as I've said before, if WB/DC/Fox/Marvel only made movies which catered to the die hard comic fans who know every subtlety the masses would pan it the way the critics are. They tried to make a mass appeal movie, which seems to resonate with most 'passive' fans, and yet it's the critics, (whom you never assume are well versed in the comics), are the ones who are acting like the die hards who tend to dislike things.

I did say the movie is far from not being flawed, I thought the beginning was very bad, hard to follow and clearly showed this is where many of the edits/reshoots were done. It did get better but suffered a tad in the third act, mostly due to
once jokers helo crashed and i knew he'd not return until the end
As I said a solid 7.5/10 despite the editing flaws.
I think the Joker was always going to be used as only a cameo role to help market the movie , which was good in terms of marketing but in terms of a story it would be a disappoint if you were expecting him.

He was always going to be put against batman and thus he would be saved for that movie.

I think marvel get a huge pass on it s movies because although they are entertaining movies they are far from the huge scores they get and DC movies are not perfect but are certainly better the ln the lows scores they get

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Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

So what. Lucas hated the original cut of Star Wars, Fincher practically "Alan Smithee'd" Alien 3, George Miller doesn't like the awesome orange and blues in Fury Road, etc. People don't always see the good in the art they create.

Spielberg's public apology for Temple of Doom is another one. I don't even think Lucas particularly cared for The Empire Strikes Back.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Hum each of us will have an opinion and I think our preconceived notions and ideas as to what we expect the movie to be will influence our opinion. In terms of marvel movies I did not like iron man 3 I was very diappointed in it the tone the pace. In general my biggest issue with marvel movies is that they are becoming generic action movies. Thor 1 and 2 marvel age of ultron iron man 2 . Marvel movies are becoming very formulaic repeative since they follow a pattern they will be likeable but predictable .

I throughly enjoyed this movie and I think it's because I came with no expectations but my own personal bias might be influencing I liked MOS I liked bvs but found it choppy in the beginning which was fixed in the ultimate cut.

For me it's just a feeling . The last movie that blew my mind away was mad max fury road that was amazing .

If these movies want to survive they need to stay fresh in a crowed movie market they need to provide something unquie least they end up being generic action flicks.

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I agree completely but Marvel and DC are both making really generic films with some okay visuals right now in my opinion. I said it before, I respect DC because they're at least trying to make something thats great I just don't think Snyder is s good enough director to get that done. Marvel has no competition right now so they'll keep pumping out the generic action flicks they release twice a year until Fox or DC start becoming real competition for them.

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Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

I agree completely but Marvel and DC are both making really generic films with some okay visuals right now in my opinion. I said it before, I respect DC because they're at least trying to make something thats great I just don't think Snyder is s good enough director to get that done. Marvel has no competition right now so they'll keep pumping out the generic action flicks they release twice a year until Fox or DC start becoming real competition for them.

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I'm tired of the Marvel formula so it's DC for me- they are so much more interesting films. Dr Strange looks great visually but bet your bottom dollar it is a formula film by the numbers. Yawn...
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

I'm sure the Russos will deliver the goods with Infinity War but right now my most anticipated superhero movie is Wonder Woman.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

I'm sure the Russos will deliver the goods with Infinity War but right now my most anticipated superhero movie is Wonder Woman.

Agreed- and hoping JL is not a carbon-copy Avengers film
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

I'm sure the Russos will deliver the goods with Infinity War but right now my most anticipated superhero movie is Wonder Woman.

I'm grateful the Russos took over for Whedon, his films are just unwatchable to me. I'm in he minority here but Wonder Woman looked really generic to me.

Even though there was zero action I liked the Justice League trailer because of AquaMan and Barry Allen, but I don't really have much faith in the movie.

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Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

So, I went to a see this last night. It wasn’t as bad as I was expecting, and I was expecting bad… Worse than BvS bad. But it wasn’t. I would actually watch this again, I don’t think I ever want to see BvS again, except maybe just the extended cut to laugh some more at new scenes that Snyder felt would’ve actually helped the story and change people’s opinions. Maybe I’ll watch it while drinking this time. Turn it into a game in which I’m sure to be drunk looong before the finale. As for SS, I can’t say it was good, because it was far from that. My best reaction can simply be “entertaining”.

Here are some of my thoughts as to my opinion for anyone who cares to read. Kind of long as I wrote it last night after coming home from my viewing….

The pacing was all over the place, the editing was a nightmare and confusing at times with bad transitioning. The music video edition we got can’t possibly have been better than the original Ayer cut. And at times it felt like that. I enjoyed the soundtrack and many songs were befitting of the scenes, but there was too much and it was over done. Like the music was supposed to make up for the lack of characterization. Instead of having scenes were we actually learn about people, just play some cool music that explains their personalities…Lazy writing, but a cheap fix to too many characters and never being able to have the time to tell enough backstory so the viewers give a crap. Just flood em’ with Deathstroke & Harley, since Will Smith & Margot Robbie are the stars after all. The rest of the SS members, other than Diablo, are just filler. Really, they are the only 3 characters needed in this movie. No one else serves any point or plot movement at all. And as for slipknot, I saw that coming a mile away. He gets no intro scene at all and given no explanation why he is there other than an introduction line of “he can climb anything”. He just appears onscreen. Meanwhile we did see what Boomerang did to his partner in his backstories robbery scene, so you knew he was a patsy and a goner the minute their little conversation began. Ok, a guy you never met tells you they’re lying and the bomb in our neck is fake, let’s make a run for it, but you go first…. Bad…..just bad.

I don’t think I ever laughed even once. At least not at what was intended to be funny. I laughed at how bad parts were. Leto as the Joker is just hard to watch. Not as bad as Snyder and Eisenberg’s version of Luthor in BvS, but still bad. This is no Joker I’d ever expect to see. From his look, to the acting and portrayal, it’s just plain bad and cringe worthy. With the bad facial expressions, constant smiling and showing off those terrible teeth, Stevie Wonder head bobbing, bad timing, terrible laugh, and the use of those oh so unnecessary tattoos….. And Harley was polarizing to me too. Some stuff was good, some stuff was bad. I don’t think she really knew what to do with the role. But she gets a pass since this is the first on screen, non animated Harley. So there is nothing to compare her performance too. No benchmark for her performance to strive too to improve upon. It is what it is. Deathstroke was simply Will Smith being Will Smith. Just being the charismatic actor that he is. Not always a good thing depending on the character, but it did work here. Viola Davis was great as Waller as everyone has said. And the guy who played Diablo was great. Everyone else was either here or there, good or bad. But it doesn’t really matter since none of them are onscreen enough to care except for Flagg, and he was just fine.

The Enchantress was a terrible villain choice for this movie. Carla Devigne was horrible. As June Moon she was meh, any one would’ve done fine in the role, as Enchantress there were times she was good, but mostly bad. And why the two looks? First we get the witch Tia Dalma from Pirates of The Caribbean, then we get a more regal looking goddess, then she reverts back again…What?? ….WHY!?? The whole Ghostbusters CGI ending I felt like I was watching her version of Gozer. Bad bad dancing, weaving,or whatever the hell she was supposed to be doing up there. Really gave no backstory to her character at all. The only line giving a clue to her and her CGI brother Incubus’ motivations were the line “We were once worshipped as gods, now they worship technology”. Ok, yeah. Those are some real motivations to destroy the world. Like a spoiled child not getting a new toy to play with. After all, if they long to be worshipped again, doesn’t make much sense to kill everyone or turn them into the worst looking goons I’ve ever seen on screen and just have mindless slaves with nothing to do. Then after showing how powerful she is, she decides to fight them with weapons in hand to hand combat? And no she didn’t lose power cause her brother died, she only needed him till she got her heart back. Cause she respects them?? WTF doe she respect them for? And the big hero shot with Will Smith?? They show she can teleport anywhere and back in the blink of an eye as in the military briefing scene, but she couldn’t get the bomb as it slow mo’d in the air just knowing Deadshot will shoot it? Instead she pretends to be his daughter to confuse him?? WTF? I can go on and on, but most has already been said by others….

So after all that, how can I say I somewhat liked it and it was entertaining?? Because under all that mess I saw on screen, I genuinely believe there was a good movie hidden in there, with bad Letoker and all. There wasn’t enough of him to ever warm up too, the same with all the other members of the SS. Again it was WB/DC and their damage control in response to BvS that ruined this movie. The list of cut scenes show’s there were compelling shots that could’ve made you care more and actually did these characters justice. I would love to see Ayer’s cut before the panic and the trailer people came in and butchered this movie to make it match the “fun” movie their trailer portrayed. Then even further butchering by mending movies A and B into movie C to appease the feedback from the test audiences. Why are these random people more important than the director that this film was entrusted too? That just gave it the kiss of death. I don’t think Snyder and WB/DC understood why BvS failed. Because if they did they never would’ve butchered SS. This IS the movie that needed to be dark, edgy and gritty. A different take on the traditional “Superhero” genre as with Deadpool, border lining on a soft “R” rating due to tone and violence. Their villains, not heroes and you should be made to love hating them due to their decisions and actions, not actually love them because they have “heart”. BvS should’ve been more of an uplifting movie, and SS the depressing movie. I shouldn’t have hated or felt indifferent towards the heroes in BvS, yet loved the villains in SS.

This is a movie that should’ve been a few more down the line, like GotG. Make us want to be vested in their universe first with good movies focusing on the heavy hitters, then introducing us to the “c” list… This is simply DC/WB’s greed in not establishing their universe first. Having no actual plan mapped out for the future. They just want to cash in on their “properties” and not be outdone by Marvel in a cockfight. That’s all these characters seem to be to them. It’s as if they don’t generally care for their creations, they just see the $$ signs they bring with them. Fox has ruined the X-Men, but they didn’t create them so they don’t care. They just payed Marvel to play with them as they see fit. It seems WB is doing the same. They purchased DC years ago, but never integrated them into the family. They didn’t create a new DC movie division like Marvel did, they just took the movie maker WB execs and told them to make comic book movies the same way they handle any other property as a potential script for film.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Spielberg's public apology for Temple of Doom is another one. I don't even think Lucas particularly cared for The Empire Strikes Back.

Damn, now you're even quoting and arguing with yourself to make a point :lol We get it...you like Suicide Squad. :monkey3
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

I'm sure the Russos will deliver the goods with Infinity War but right now my most anticipated superhero movie is Wonder Woman.

I might enjoy that as I have zero knowledge of Wonder Woman, no expectations*. Trailer looked good to me.

*well, neither did I have knowledge and expectations of Suicide Squad but even sight unseen I think it was a silly idea to center a film around villains playing as good guys before we've ever seen them be villains in this particular DC continuity...or indeed any DC film continuity for all these characters except the Joker. I think they're going about this whole thing arseways, as with BvS
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Damn, now you're even quoting and arguing with yourself to make a point :lol We get it...you like Suicide Squad. :monkey3

I was faced with the unenviable lose/lose dilemma of editing a post from a previous page which no one would likely see or committing the internet faux pas of quoting yourself. :monkey1
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

I'm tired of the Marvel formula so it's DC for me- they are so much more interesting films. Dr Strange looks great visually but bet your bottom dollar it is a formula film by the numbers. Yawn...

Indeed, this one really doesn't make me want to go see it, I could care less about the movie. There are a few other Marvel ones which I just don't care about, such as Capt. Marvel, Black Panther, and another Spiderman stand alone.