Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

not good news from my POV. Message sent to interference happy execs is-- get your ass involved, doesn't matter if the movie is mediocre and disjointee, take away any of the stuff that might make the audience uncomfortable, etc.
Now, now, studio interference is a part of filmmaking especially when it comes to tentpole productions. They're writing the checks after all. That doesn't mean that directors are just going to unilaterally take a back seat in the process. Remember if Disney didn't tamper with AOU we would have had a 40 minute Thor hot tub sequence.
Whedon was vocal about Disney's demands for The Avengers (2012) and they still let him return for AOU. Ayer hasn't said a single word about being unhappy with input from WB so I'm going to take that at face value for the time being.
Ayer just confirmed that this movie had 6 or 7 different cuts. I bet only one of them actually was his
I have returned to my humble abode.
Drum roll please, I am here to announce if I am team pturtle or team Khev/Zach and friends.
Ok, back on track.....
Your argument seems to be that a bowl of poop and a bowl of ice cream are the same because a scooper was used on both. The point is people are enjoying the content of SS in spite of the processing whereas FF was bad from concept through casting, directing, etc.
There was.
There was a cut Snyder over saw and had input on as well.
I can watch Spiderman 3 twice a week, it has so much stuff in it that's entertaining, but it's a horrible movie. If Spiderman 3 was on TV at the same time as the Godfather, I'd probably watch Spiderman 3 and be really entertained, but guess what? It's not better than the Godfather. That's my argument.
TAt Clown - Ayer confirmed it. I don't think it was a tweet. He wants people to know Harley was in on it, but it was Joker that did that.
Do you think *any* of us are here because our favorite movies are "better" than The Godfather?![]()
I wish I could believe David Ayer, but it makes no sense with the film's continuity. When Joker meets Harley he already has the grill and the "damaged" tattoo and the dead robin tattoo. However, when they do the Harley intro, it clearly says...
So how can she be an accomplice to Robin's death...if he already had the broken teeth when they met? They have no idea what they're doing![]()
My argument is that they're only enjoying it because "fun"
Fantastic Four concept was really cool in my opinion but Trank didn't get to make that movie, and like I said, I like SS more than F4 but it's still a horrible movie, probably even worse.
I can watch Spiderman 3 twice a week, it has so much stuff in it that's entertaining, but it's a horrible movie. If Spiderman 3 was on TV at the same time as the Godfather, I'd probably watch Spiderman 3 and be really entertained, but guess what? It's not better than the Godfather. That's my argument.
I wonder why they chose this cut, no way was this the best movie out of 7 cuts.
maybe there's more then one Robin...