Broke and happy
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)
Yup, same here for Jai.
Yup, same here for Jai.
So you like this film?![]()
wot is this IMAX scene ya'll speak of?
closest IMAX to me is like 400 miles.![]()
wot is this IMAX scene ya'll speak of?
closest IMAX to me is like 400 miles.![]()
For some reason you keep seeking acknowledgement that Suicide Squad is as bad as Catwoman. You're not going to get it. If a movie is entertaining from beginning to end then it is not as bad as Catwoman. Period. No break down of the film on any technical level will ever change that fact.
Some movies are great because they are so artistically or technically proficient from beginning to end. Others might coast on heart, performances or charm. Certain films transcend everything and excel at all of the above. Catwoman excelled at nothing. That's why it's garbage.
The famous Imax countdown had SS font. background and sounds.![]()
Seems worth the 400 mile trip to me.
I echo what Ink said.![]()
When you factor in that the things I liked amounted to two cameos that made up less than 5 minutes of the film, a snapshot that lasted less than 5 seconds, and a grand total of three performances from the entire cast, what do you think? Keep in mind plot, editing, Leto, Enchantress, and visual effects are all under the "dislikes," and the fact that I didn't give a **** about, like 80% of the principal cast is...well, pretty much a negative, too, so, again, what do you think?![]()
When you factor in that the things I liked amounted to two cameos that made up less than 5 minutes of the film, a snapshot that lasted less than 5 seconds, and a grand total of three performances from the entire cast, what do you think? Keep in mind plot, editing, Leto, Enchantress, and visual effects are all under the "dislikes," and the fact that I didn't give a **** about, like 80% of the principal cast is...well, pretty much a negative, too, so, again, what do you think?![]()
Suicide Squad has problems in every category, there's not one thing it gets right outside of hiring Will Smith
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Yeah, that Harley Quinn chick was a disaster. And the character design was the worst. And the funny dialogue was junk. And the art design was turrible.
Needs more Thing fixing a bike.
EDIT: Bruh![]()
The real MVP.
that's all I got
Everybody knows.![]()
I knew he was dead as soon as he punched that woman. I would've liked to have seen more from him though.
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I knew he was dead when he was cast.