DC Animated The Dark Knight Returns

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Make me! Didnt know this was the 'suck the balls off TDKR if you dont like it go start a negative opinion thread'. No, no.

I didnt like the story or the art in the book. I like the animation on the trailer, its nice and clean and I love the iconic cover shot theyve done. I hope this along with year one, is the start of animated films such as Long Halloween and Dark Victory. Why am I not allowed to say that? I dont mind people coming and saying they dont like something if they just say why. I dont like the story, dont like the art nor rate it any good.

But you're trolling people using that same mentality in the TDKR thread, hypocrite. :lol
Love the way they incoporated this artwork in the moving frames:


Nice to see they're being faithful to the source. Would really like to see this too in the movie:

I don't get it either. Using the cover of the TPB would've been instant recognition to the audience. This looks like just another random Batman movie. :confused:


Awsome cover. Zero to do with the film. Literally nothing like Batman in the film/book.

Animated version of the cover on the zipline would be perfect. Iconic but with the animation twist.
I like it. One of the better covers any of these animated movies have had.

It does remind me a bit more of ASB&R than TDKR. Has a bit of a Jim Lee look rather than Miller. Still ... looks good.

I like it. One of the better covers any of these animated movies have had.

It does remind me a bit more of ASB&R than TDKR. Has a bit of a Jim Lee look rather than Miller. Still ... looks good.


Under the hood was a horrid cover.

BTAS Sub Zero was the best cover! shiny metallic bat symbol n all!