Premium Format DC Comics Superman Premium Format Figure

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It still doesn't really tell ya anything you don't already know

I know, but people to my knowledge people weren't sure what they were working/ improving on posetively so I thought the picture may be helpful in determining what Andy B might be working on.:dunno
Oh ok, I thought I was missing out, hopefully they're working on the light up eyes.
I know, but people to my knowledge people weren't sure what they were working/ improving on posetively so I thought the picture may be helpful in determining what Andy B might be working on.:dunno

It was a great post m8. Totally worth seeing. It gives us a better idea of what is being done. Thanks Kinger.
I'm still not on board with light up eyes. I think he will look more like a terminator than Superman. An angry face will be more than enough for me. Thanks for the photo King. The colours really stand out more so than they did in any previous photos I thought. We need more info on this piece badly. Well not really I just wanna order it already :gah: :impatient:
I also noticed a couple of matching busts. Is that a Joker bust in the works or something else?
Ink your a Mod right?? Is there a reason you are kind of a Debbie Downer??

Was wondering the same thing.:monkey2:dunno

Ink is just being realistic. People on this site see pictures that may or may not mean anything and then cause wild speculation all the time. It's part of the reason I really don't post here as much. They run around and spam whatever they want about the same thing over and over and if you disagree they tend to jump all over you.
Ink is just being realistic. People on this site see pictures that may or may not mean anything and then cause wild speculation all the time. It's part of the reason I really don't post here as much. They run around and spam whatever they want about the same thing over and over and if you disagree they tend to jump all over you.

See I get that, and I know I am a newbie, but does it hurt that some of us are enthusiastic about the hobby??

Also, not to sound like a know it all, because that is something I am very good at I know :wink1:, but the pic King posted sure as hell seems like an Easter Egg to me. It is one of the only ones that contains actual pieces of work in all the crazy Mexican Wrestler wackiness, and they just HAPPEN to have one of the most anticipated pieces of the year in it. It also went up shortly after Spook when a lot of us were disappointed that the Supes PF didn't drop, and after a tonne of people started to speculate that the portrait and hands might be getting an overhauled.

This statue is probably going to bring close to $4 000 000 into SSCs pockets if it sells out, and they KNOW what we have been saying ... Cough cough Sideshow Alex cough cough.... Do you think maybe, just maybe this pictures was meant to get people talking again?? They are a business after all, and to assume they don't know how to play the anticipation game is to give them very little credit.

Also, in the end I was a mod on another forum for awhile, and the one thing I did was to try to give as much info as I could without being a huge wet blanket. Mods are around to provide info, enforce the rules, and enhance the community; not dappen it's enthusiasm.
See I get that, and I know I am a newbie, but does it hurt that some of us are enthusiastic about the hobby??

Also, not to sound like a know it all, because that is something I am very good at I know :wink1:, but the pic King posted sure as hell seems like an Easter Egg to me. It is one of the only ones that contains actual pieces of work in all the crazy Mexican Wrestler wackiness, and they just HAPPEN to have one of the most anticipated pieces of the year in it. It also went up shortly after Spook when a lot of us were disappointed that the Supes PF didn't drop, and after a tonne of people started to speculate that the portrait and hands might be getting an overhauled.

This statue is probably going to bring close to $4 000 000 into SSCs pockets if it sells out, and they KNOW what we have been saying ... Cough cough Sideshow Alex cough cough.... Do you think maybe, just maybe this pictures was meant to get people talking again?? They are a business after all, and to assume they don't know how to play the anticipation game is to give them very little credit.

Also, in the end I was a mod on another forum for awhile, and the one thing I did was to try to give as much info as I could without being a huge wet blanket. Mods are around to provide info, enforce the rules, and enhance the community; not dappen it's enthusiasm.

Knowing SS... this pic means nothing... Yes the hands and head are not there but that could be anything... SS changes things up even after the PO so sculpt could change a number of times.... also i bet everything from DC will be delayed... since DC does not deal with outside companies as much as Marvel or Star Wars... Since ive been here Im guessing close to half the stuff SS sells gets delayed (and some that are on time almost miss the date (shipping the last week of the month))... DC is strict with their licenses (WB does not like to have outside companies get a piece of their pie... so everyone sit back and wait cause i think Supes over a year from now:crying
Just for the record, I wasn't talking about ink being a wet blanket.

I just found it funny that the guy who a few days ago was giving someone else a hard time for not knowing about a short piece of info buried in an old section somewhere on Sideshow's site (that is, for having a life) thought that a new pic featuring two Mexican wrestlers, no less, was "the same pic that's been floating around for months. No big deal".

Did he own that he was embarrassingly mistaken? No, he went off at a tangent (I do think the pic was relevant, btw). Hence my not being surprised. :)