#188 Exclusive Supes arrived today and is absolutely perfect 
Yes, I flexed and was charged on the 10th.
I started by putting Saran wrap around the head and the hands. Then I put a little three in one oil on the foot and the cape pegs.
The foot peg seemed to get a little caught up and then plopped right down. I then put the regular head on which will most likely stay there for a while. It very nerve wracking putting this together. I maneuvered the cape around the head and removed the Saran wrap. The cape peg went in all the way in resulting in me being ecstatic over my holy grail.
With the New Jersey rain, it's a little dark to take pictures today. Maybe over the weekend.
I never collected statues before this, since I mostly collect 1/6 figures. When I saw how great the Superman PF looked in the preview pictures, I knew I had to own it. I have since purchased the Batman PF, DC Direct Museum Green Lantern and I am flexing the Wonder Woman PF.
The only downside is that I have him next to Batman high up. That is great for the Andy Bergholtz Batman which looks down but the regular Superman is looking up. Eventually I might find a new spot for them.
I have a feeling that no matter how many statues I collect the in the future, this will always be my favorite