I like how everyone's all "Aaaah, me eyes!" and Old Man Steve is "Hmm, that could be my fetish...".
I'm inclined to be cynical about this on Ryan Reynolds Principle, but even the commercials on TV look promising. I can't believe I'm rooting harder for a Ryan Reynolds movie than a Ghostbusters movie.
To be fair, it's Ryan Reynolds playing a role he was born to play, and the upcoming GB movie isn't really GB.
I fear it could easily go into trying-way-too-hard territory but the generally great promotional bits give me the gut feeling they nailed it.
Agreed on both aspects.
But the fact that Reynolds is in love with the character, and worked for so long to get this done - he's going to put everything he has (which might not be saying a lot, I'm not sure) into it.
Reynolds seems like a pretty good guy in real life, but I like almost nothing he's ever done. But with a passion project like this, hopefully that spark overcomes the Reynolds-movie factor.
Waiting was pretty awesome
Buried was intense
Buying the cow was hilarious
he was the best thing about blade 3
I didn't like any of those movies.
Waiting was like most post-Clerks Kevin Smith movies, where the first time you watch it you feel like you relate to the characters, then realize "Hey, this movie is mean spirited, not well written, and not a very good movie."
I haven't seen those other movies, but that last one..Waiting was pretty awesome
Buried was intense
Buying the cow was hilarious
he was the best thing about blade 3
I haven't seen those other movies, but that last one..
My heart tells me I should love everything about this movie when it comes out.
My brain is telling me though that to still reign in my expectations.
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