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I don't own Transformers 4.

I saw it, but don't own it.

Anything I don't own means I don't like.

I don't know yet if I will want to own DP.

Maybe just for the action and a decent enough plot and villains.

But i'm sorry, those jokes were bad.

Even the 4th wall stuff was bad.

10% of the humor was good.

This movie was supposed to deliver the comedy, it didn't.

But hey, how about that Batman.
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I just got back and I loved it. If you dislike this movie there is something wrong because I read the comics and it was extremely well put together and it was totally Deadpool. Ryan Reynolds is Deadpool and Tim miller did an excellent job. If you don't like his humor than this is the wrong movie for you. The humor is distinctive with Deadpool. You either love it or hate it. Oh and if any of you went to the Imax showing. Did you get the limited card? I did my number is 185 out of 300.
mild prediction here. The Deadpool Premium Format is going to skyrocket even higher than it is already......just saying.

First thing I did when I got home was check ebay. :lol


First cbm let down of 2016, next.

The end credits scene was also horrible.

Man you're a tough critic Jye. :)
I just finished watching it and I have to say that I loved it. Everyone in my showing was cracking up but I could see a lot of the humour putting other people off. There was a ton of Easter eggs and Stan's cameo has to be his best one yet. They have got to get Steven Lang to play Cable for the sequel.

*edit* I didn't get any card in my showing. :(

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I just got back and I loved it. If you dislike this movie there is something wrong because I read the comics and it was extremely well put together and it was totally Deadpool. Ryan Reynolds is Deadpool and Tim miller did an excellent job. If you don't like his humor than this is the wrong movie for you. The humor is distinctive with Deadpool. You either love it or hate it. Oh and if any of you went to the Imax showing. Did you get the limited card? I did my number is 185 out of 300.

I got #23 at the Imax in Houston.

Really enjoyed the movie overall. Tons of action and comedy. Reynolds really nailed it in this one. He's found his calling card lol.

*****Semi spoiler

The ending teaser for DP2 was pretty cool as well. It's what we all knew, just cool to hear it confirmed by DP (Reynolds) himself. Also the Ferris Bueller skit was clever ha.
I thoroughly enjoyed it, and laughed quite a bit, but, coming out of it, I wasn't feeling it as much as some people did. I think, ultimately, that the marketing was a little too good, and that's something I was afraid of, and, even before the movie was even green lit, there was so much hype. "Deadpool has one of the best scripts I've read," "it would be a crime if this movie goes unmade;" stuff like that.

Then, we get the test footage, and you're like "holy ****. That looks awesome." By some miracle, they actually decide to make it, and shot after shot, trailer after trailer, viral video after viral video, it builds up this impossible expectation that even a great movie (which it absolutely was), will never be able to match. It met my expectations, but the way it was built up, your expectation almost becomes for it to exceed them.

I laughed throughout the whole thing, but, still, something just "feels" like its missing. Maybe I just need to see it again, so that everything can sink in.
Saw it again and it's still an 8/10

It's just the perfect Deadpool movie, I don't know what else people could have wanted.

The Professor X joke, and the only two X-Men in the movie because of budget joke had me in tears :lol

Also at the screening we didn't get to see that extended after credits scene, very informative it was :lol

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Saw it yesterday, loved it. Please set me straight if I'm wrong.... but I'm sure that final battle took place on a scuttled helicarrier???!!?
What surprised me is that the movie delivered where I was fully expecting it to fail, with the drama.

The movie failed where I expected it to fully deliver, the humor.

Nothing with that bartender or old lady was funny and most of the cabbie stuff was not funny except the cabbie's story arc coming to a closure, that was ok.

Theater had a decent enough size audience, everyone laughed at only a few scenes, usually involving Colossus.

Funniest parts were with Colossus who truly was the standout of this movie.

The action was good, I guess. All this superhero stuff is starting to look the same.

There was definately much better action set pieces than any of the X-Men movies that's for certain.

The movie isn't no Fantastic Four, go see it.
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Here is my review:

90% of the jokes SUCKED!

Deadpool was an ex talented military guy who's super power is to heal from anything, check, I got that.

But he's doing flips and far jumps as if that's his super power, dumb!

Ok fine, who cares just go along with it jye.

More importantly, I went for the humor.

Literally 90% of the humor sucked, so very predictable and the ones that weren't also sucked.

This movie also existed in a very unpopulated world, no cops, no government, just these super people blowing **** up everywhere with no one around to even care.

Oh well, action scenes were decent.

First cbm let down of 2016, next.

The end credits scene was also horrible.


Ok My personal opinion.

Overall I liked it. While not ever joke was a winner they were not offensively bad to me like they seem to be for Jye. I agree with the fact that the world was a bit underpopulated but that has to do with budget and how non serious the film was... Which I was ok with. I liked the action though they showed too much in the trailers.

BUT I think I would have really enjoyed the film had it not been for the dumb ass audience I was with...

There were so many people there who had to prove to themselves and show everyone else in the theater how huge of Deadpool fans they were by laughing at every single joke as hard as they could.. I mean big FAKE belly laughs. I have been to enough films to know the difference. I have been to other films were there are one or two dorks who do this.. This film had about 20 of them... Laughing so hard that I would miss the next line. My original seat was next to a girl who laughed like a guy.. She literally laughed at every joke and every single thing that Deadpool did in the first five min... She would laugh and repeat what was written for the opening credits, like nobody around here could read... My friend and I finally go up and moved but while it was better not being next to her I could her the idiots behind me doing the same thing.

Now while I did not think the Humor was as bad as Jye did... It was not that funny.. Amusing.. Yes.. Make me smile... Sure.. But not belly laugh funny..

I assume I will enjoy this more with a second viewing.

Anyways I was able to sit back and enjoy the movie itself..

Oh and I find it funny that for years I have listened to people complain about the Hud character in Cloverfield.. Yet everyone seems to like TJ Miller (who played Hud) and he is always playing the same slacker character that he played in Cloverfield.. Thing is he is less annoying in cloverfield than he is in any of his other roles.. Including this one :)

7 out of 10 for me... Could have been higher if the audience did not suck.
What surprised me is that the movie delivered where I was fully expecting it to fail, with the drama.

I was surprised how well the drama and love story worked. It helped my enjoyment a lot.

The movie failed where I expected it to fully deliver, the humor.

I thought the humor was OK... It had a few clever lines.. I think I laughed out loud at a few of the over the top violent moments... I can;t remember.

Nothing with that bartender or old lady was funny and most of the cabbie stuff was not funny except the cabbie's story arc coming to a closure, that was ok.

Like I said.. People hated Hud in Cloverfield.. But people seem to like him now.. I personally prefer Hud :)... Nothing that funny about the blind lady I agree.. The stupid audience I was with laughed so hard when the dresser she was building fell apart.. A joke that has been done a million times before and you could see coming a mile away and this crowed belly laughed so hard.. Anyways that is a great example of the audience I had to deal with :(

Theater had a decent enough size audience, everyone laughed at only a few scenes, usually involving Collossus.

I am so jealous that you got to see it with that crowd... I would have enjoyed the film more..

Funniest parts were with Collossus who truly was the standout of this movie.

Hmmmm I was not a huge fan of Collossus... I like the teen girl better.. I thought the dubbing of Collossus' voice was a bit too over the top. he was OK but could have been better.

The action was good, I guess. All this superhero stuff is starting to look the same.

The practical stunt work for the fight scenes was great. The Cgi jumping around stuff I could have done without.

There was definately much better action set pieces than any of the X-Men movies that's for certain.

I agree 100% with this... I personally enjoyed this more than any of the X men movies also.

The movie isn't no Fantastic Four, go see it.

No it's not :) I agree its worth seeing :)

Another thing about the audience I was with... I thought the most clever line in the film was when Colossus told Deadpool he was going to take him to see Prof X..... The line Deadpool had after that was pretty good... Audience was dead silent... Probably did not get the joke or did not hear it over themselves laughing at something less funny.
The jokes about the Studios, GL and XMWO were played out for me long before this movie.....ZzzzZzzz.

I don't put on my blinker and a cop pulls me over but in DP there is a massive chase/crash/shootout and not even one cop to be seen.

They were just doing their thing for hours on that highway.
You are just never going to live down you initial theatrical enjoyment of T4 :)

I liked the "your not going to want to see this" moment and the breaking of the fourth wall / fourth wall joke was good.


If it's anything like TFA, Jye will be on board in a week.:wink1:

This movie was alot less offensive than my first viewing of TFA, I don't hate DP.

It was at least entertaining.

But the opening credits people are raving about is not all that.
But the opening credits people are raving about is not all that.

I did not know people were raving about the opening credits... yeah it was not "all that"

You got to get over "No police" :) I am sure if we think about it there are other films that do the same thing. Perhaps not as bad as this film though :) However I get what you are saying but this was a film not to take too seriously.