Opening credits better than Watchmen?
I thought so but that has more to do with my feeling towards Watchmen then it does anything else
Opening credits better than Watchmen?
My review
The good:
-The action was well done (bloody violence is always a plus)
- The small scale of the movie worked extremely well. No cops, no end of the world, no president in trouble. This all made the climax feel very epic (even though it is small compared to what were used to.
- Deadpools costume and animated eyes. This makes him very distinctive and a very visually interesting character compared other heroes.
- The xmen. They added some cool visual powers and played off dead pool extremely well (I loved metal man's final speech, and negasonics microscopic character arc)
-Some small scenes that stood out : deadpool vs colossus, an extended look at deadpools regenerative powers that I don't want to spoil, and deadpool's very underused roommate. And I almost forgot gina carino, who adds to the epic climax.
The bad:
- GEEZ WAS THE HUMOR BAD OR WHAT? I'm talking scary movie 5 bad. For maybe every 20 jokes there was one that was chuckle worthy. Although there were 2 scenes that had me actually laugh, along with most of the audience. I was expecting a bunch of kids/teens hooting and hollering throughout the whole thing. Nope, it was mostly just this one middle aged guy who laughed extremely too loud and for too long (this was at basically at every single joke).
-The cgi was pretty bad. you could easily tell this was a small budget.
-The origin sory. They spent way too much time with Reynolds explaining that he is not an ordinary superhero only to then show the most boring and generic origin story possibly of all time. They also just spent way too much time with Reynolds as Reynolds rather than actually being deadpool.
- Unbalanced tones. The movie goes from poop jokes ( and fourth wall breaking) to a hardcore tragic cancer story and love story straight back to poop jokes at the flip of a switch. It doesn't work at all.
- The villain. As I said I enjoyed the small scale of the adventure, but I really don't even remember the villains name. He was almost as boring as the pre-deadpool Reynolds. ( although his choice of fighting style made for an epic battle)
- The self referencing. This sort of goes with the humor. How many times can we hear the same joke in one movie? We get it, Reynolds is a bad actor, and he made bad movies (This may be one of them). How does wade not wanting a green or animated suit make any sense at all? (is this even considered breaking the fourth wall?) If I recall correctly most of these jokes fell completely flat with my audience.
After the first trailer I was worried with the jokes and Reynolds, then closer to the movie I got way more hyped. I actually played through the deadpool game the week before and found it enjoyable. Compared to the movie the game was actually pretty good (humor and plot wise). I believe they should have went all out similar to the game. In the game deadpool is making his own video game and an adventure follows ( he explains himself and other characters through the forth wall). Deadpool making his own movie would have made sense, and then the jokes about the other superhero movies would have fit in perfectly.
I know it sounds like I hated it but I at least found it entertaining. Id give it a 6.5 out of 10. Looking forward to an x-force movie, I think deadpool would work better as part of a team rather than being the center of attention. I'm surprised people are talking about the opening credits so much, nothing too special (very similar to quicksilvers scene.) And it really showcases the bad cgi. * just remembering now some specifics about the opening titles, it did have a little twist that was clever Ill give it that.
* I also want to note that poop and di** jokes can be funny. With good writing and good timing, anything can be funny. but the movie fails to have either with almost every joke.
What he said /\
Im dreading going to see it because I know if someone is being obnoxious I will have to say something.
Kind of makes me wish I could just pay for it on PPV instead of going to a theater.
Myself nor the woman like theaters too much.
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I thought this film was really enjoyable. It was better than some of Marvels latest efforts (Ant Man, Ultron, Thor 2, Iron Man 3, etc.)
I didn't think many of the jokes fell flat.I thought they were pretty funny, as well as the audience in my screening.
I thought the action was great too. Lots of blood and violence.
I was worried his character would be annoying by the end of the film but that wasn't the case for me. He is actually less annoying than Tony Stark IMO
The bits with the X-Men and their whole world were great and have me excited for future crossover films like the X-Force. I can't wait for the sequel.
I'm a huge lover of movies and experiencing movies. I see so many its unbelievable, even when they get bad reviews. So I just went into this looking for escapism and not looking to judge it. To tell you the truth I brought a couple of very humorous people (Some deadpool fans, some not even aware of deadpool). These people are laughing nonstop usually during our conversations and it was odd to be in a comedy and hear so few laughs. I'm not sure what is appropriate to be talking about in these forums but we were all very under the influence ( which is my preferred movie watching condition) and even that didn't help so much.
But is that bad joke writing or is that just deadpool type humor?
Does it matter? If the character just isn't funny ... then the humor won't work. If the character is supposed to be funny, but the writers suck ... then the humor won't work. Either way, sounds like it makes for an irritating movie. Chandler Bing in spandex.
But is that bad joke writing or is that just deadpool type humor?
This film will have no staying power- it will drop off 60-70% on second weekend. A fanboy in-joke.
Here is my review:
90% of the jokes SUCKED!
Deadpool was an ex talented military guy who's super power is to heal from anything, check, I got that.
But he's doing flips and far jumps as if that's his super power, dumb!
Ok fine, who cares just go along with it jye.
More importantly, I went for the humor.
Literally 90% of the humor sucked, so very predictable and the ones that weren't also sucked.
This movie also existed in a very unpopulated world, no cops, no government, just these super people blowing **** up everywhere with no one around to even care.
Oh well, action scenes were decent.
First cbm let down of 2016, next.
The end credits scene was also horrible.