Insufferable S.O.B.
Oh you knew it was going to **** when Ryan Reynolds took over calling all the shots.
Just shut up and act, bro.
Just shut up and act, bro.
I figured Reynolds/Fox had their**** together by now after DP1/Logan combo they were on a mini roll lol
What future?!I believe the children are our future...
Oh you knew it was going to **** when Ryan Reynolds took over calling all the shots.
Just shut up and act, bro.
This. As soon as Tim Miller jumped ship, I knew the sequel was going to be a hot mess. What made the first so successful was having an actual story structure with emotional beats and character arcs underpinning the juvenile humour - i.e. Miller and the writers' contribution to proceedings. Add into that every producer at Fox wanting a slice of the pie this time to get some hoped-for success reflecting back on them rather than it being a small, basically auteur affair with little to no executive meddling and you have a recipe for disaster. Wondering if it'll be an Iron Man 2, or a Highlander 2...
If the movie sucks i will take great pleasure in attacking it on twitter for the domino change. great pleasure indeed
I figured Reynolds/Fox had their**** together by now after DP1/Logan combo they were on a mini roll lol
There is no greater recipe for creative disaster than trying to follow up an unexpected success. The price to pay for a bigger budget is that it just invites tons of idiot corporate suits (who didn't understand the original) to get involved and try to paint with the same colors in as safe and mainstream a way as possible. For an example, look at the crap pile that was Kingsman 2.
yea but the Domino change doesn't sound like it's a big problem with the movie but it sounds like it's just kind of boring with no real plot, or atleast that's what I'm getting from all this.
There is no greater recipe for creative disaster than trying to follow up an unexpected success. The price to pay for a bigger budget is that it just invites tons of idiot corporate suits (who didn't understand the original) to get involved and try to paint with the same colors in as safe and mainstream a way as possible. For an example, look at the crap pile that was Kingsman 2.
Depends.I'll wait until I see it to pass judgment on it. Going in with an "it'll be bad" attitude doesn't help.
My friends dragged me to see DREDD despite how much I didn't care for trailers.
I loved every second of the movie and it was the best 3D-viewing experience I ever had.