Super Freak
Dx hicks please
They still go for a fair price on eBay, though Hicks doesn't go for as much nowadays as I've seen him go for in the past ($500+). Though not related to value, they are woefully unimpressive compared with current Hot Toys efforts. That is a license that should be revisited, IMO.
COMPLETELY AGREE! Plus that way my price of admission isn't $500 or whatever they are going for!
DX04 HICKS! Come on, that would rule!
It would be nice but I think if they were going to go back and do marines they would definitely be in premium format.Why would they go back and make a figure that 1,they've already done.Likeness and BDUs aside he is still an awesome figure,In fact all of them are awesome figures.
2,the only people who would buy them are the people that missed out on them in the first place,hey it sucks but thats life you should have got him/them when he came out.
Oh yeah, I agree with you...I'm just being selfish.See I just pretty much started fully collecting these types of things about 4 months ago. So yeah, I missed WAY out on the Marines.
Regardless of whatever I've been collecting though, Aliens has ALWAYS been my favorite movie and I would love to have just Hicks. I would love all of them, but I would be completely happy with one marine, Hicks, with the pulse rifle and all the garb. That would satisfy me.
I would possibly save up and go back and buy the old ones but truthfully, and even though I'm a BIG fan of the films, I don't completely care for the old ones.
I'm kind of spoiled now with what Hot Toys is producing in quality and the older figures don't compare for me, then add in the price, and it's pretty much a "no". Just personal opinion of course, but way overpriced for me for what you get regarding the figure as a whole. However to those that have them, congrats!
This thread should be locked and deleted before it turns into another NECA tea party thread.
licensed figures are worthless to me if they don't have the likenesses.
all you get for a $500 "Hicks" figure is a generic military figure you could've got for $40 at Toys R Us.
and yes, this thread should be locked and deleted.
Well you dont say,
and do those generic militairy figure's come with the same stuff as the HotToys ALIENS marines?
Then the question = where 2 find such a Toys R Us????????????.
Show me the way Boy!!!!!!!!!!
Just looked on ebay and there is someone selling hicks and ripley for only 500 bucks.that is an absolute steal and trust me if youve seen the actual toys the only thing really wrong is the head and I just so happen to have a spare hudson which is actually a very good likeness of could also build a hicks from scratch,the hardest parts to get are the in the trade section and you may just get lucky believe me good things happen on this forum you just have to be patient and be willing to spend the money.If you do happen start building you marines from scratch or even if you manage to get one brand new and want to make him the way he should be check out the "building your marines correctly" forum everyone there is a diehard fan and would be more than happy to help out if they can.Dont give up because there are always people selling stuff that other would treasure for ever.
Well you dont say,
and do those generic militairy figure's come with the same stuff as the HotToys ALIENS marines?
Then the question = where 2 find such a Toys R Us????????????.
Show me the way Boy!!!!!!!!!!
Hey man, thanks for the suggestion, I'll keep it in mind.
The other issue I have though, being again a new collector to these kinds of things, is the vast amount of stuff I want to get and that includes new stuff coming out.
$500 for a Ripley and Hicks sounds pretty good. But then when you consider that the Hot Toys Batmobile is on my list as would be hard for me to not spend the cash there instead of on an older figure that I'm not COMPLETELY happy with.
Oh then there is the issue of the $500,
I think it's great that Hot Toys made these overall. I just wish they would update them with better likeness and then it would be an instant purchase for me.
Again, appreciate all the help/info!
I am perpetually selling and buying things. But then, the novelty for these toys tends to wear off pretty fast for me, so that's just the best process for my situation. I know there are guys like Maulfan who apparently spend large amounts of time and energy pondering if they will want to buy and keep something for the rest of their lives before making a decision. But I am not that way.With HT, I've found it's best to pick a license, fill it out, and then expand. It works wonders for keeping you focused and you don't wind up in the FS thread trying to pawn off a new figure to get money for an older figure you should've picked up that has now tripled in price.
They still go for a fair price on eBay, though Hicks doesn't go for as much nowadays as I've seen him go for in the past ($500+). Though not related to value, they are woefully unimpressive compared with current Hot Toys efforts. That is a license that should be revisited, IMO.
They still go for a fair price on eBay, though Hicks doesn't go for as much nowadays as I've seen him go for in the past ($500+). Though not related to value, they are woefully unimpressive compared with current Hot Toys efforts. That is a license that should be revisited, IMO.