Demand for Hot toys Marines ?

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But they aren't "cheap" which I suspect is the root of this whole thread. Baby birds don't want to pay the prices the Marines are demanding now, while having to foot the bill of a custom head to boot... even though that's pretty much what most of us did. :huh
But you are neglecting the fact that some folks don't want a custom. They want a high quality, official figure that does justice to a character from a movie. The Hot Toys Marines don't do that.

Again, I'm not completely disagreeing with you, but I think you are stereotyping everyone who wants new Marines as being a particular type of collector, when there are multiple--some legitimate--reasons for wanting these.
I would love some Marines. I would buy the set, if rereleased. I bet a lot of people would, just out of the fact that they are so desired right now in the aftermarket.
But you are neglecting the fact that some folks don't want a custom. They want a high quality, official figure that does justice to a character from a movie. The Hot Toys Marines don't do that.

Again, I'm not completely disagreeing with you, but I think you are stereotyping everyone who wants new Marines as being a particular type of collector, when there are multiple--some legitimate--reasons for wanting these.

And I would argue that so long as you invest some money in it and find the right people, the customs are a better quality than anything HT could put out. Naturally, you're going to get better results when a sculptor is depending on a likeness to sell the head vs. a costumed complete figure. Additionally, you're gonna get better paint apps from a painter who's pining over 30 heads than a table full of painters running an assembly line of thousands in China. ;) Sculpt aside, the HT marines are near perfect. If it was good enough for us to go with custom sculpts to perfect our Marines, you're no better, so it's good enough for you to do as well. Yeah, it sucks, but deal with it. Disappointment's part of life.
But they aren't "cheap" which I suspect is the root of this whole thread. Baby birds don't want to pay the prices the Marines are demanding now, while having to foot the bill of a custom head to boot... even though that's pretty much what most of us did. :huh

I'm aware of the current situation, but I have no good answer for the cost issue. I'm afraid there's no getting around it, unless popularity and demand wanes and prices drop. The original figures are way overpriced now, at least imho, and the biggest problem with customizing your own from scratch is finding the armor and weapons for them now. Avid Colonial Marines fans (like me) started buying up the loose armor and weapons a few years ago, so they must've gotten pretty scarce nowadays. There are still good head sculpts available, which is a fair start, but without the CM gear and weapons it doesn't account for much, I know. The current situation sucks for the people who came late, no doubt about it.
Having owned them in the past, I feel the same way. Even after selling off all my Alien(s) collectibles, I'd still hate to see HT remake them. Seems to me like it's mainly those who don't have them that are wanting them without having to pay the secondary market value. Honestly, beit $400-$800 they should have to.

This happens constantly over at the Marvel forum with Com vs PF's everyone wants the new HULK and Spiderman Com's to be better than the PF's because it's out of their range. They will go to any lengths to bash the older PF's in hope of Sideshow remaking them better in the Com's line.
Disappointment's part of life.

Seriously? Noooo!! *goes running off into the woods*

To Skiman's point, I'm always hoping for better stuff, even if it's stuff I don't have. Why? Because then you would have better stuff. I don't mind a "piece" (read: toy) that I own going down in value if a better one comes along. I just choose a strategic time to sell my old one before moving on :)

Having said that. . .you really can't bash that Hulk PF much. My comic shop had one for awhile, and it was mind-blowing in person. Spidey PF, though. . . :monkey4
To Skiman's point, I'm always hoping for better stuff, even if it's stuff I don't have. Why? Because then you would have better stuff. I don't mind a "piece" (read: toy) that I own going down in value if a better one comes along. I just choose a strategic time to sell my old one before moving on :)

Having said that. . .you really can't bash that Hulk PF much. My comic shop had one for awhile, and it was mind-blowing in person. Spidey PF, though. . . :monkey4

I see what you're saying and I also want better pieces but don't see why they bash the older ones for the sake that they are now out of reach for most collectors. Those will also be the first and more than likely if they are up at that status they are not going to drop or drop much because of the nostalgia with Sideshow releasing them.

The most absurd one was about the Dr. Doom PF Ex. that piece to reeks of Sideshow grail status, the size, the solidness, the well mixed media of cloth.... and ppl are saying the Com is goin to PWN the PF, I don't know what they are smoking but it must be really good.
I don't disagree with you. The rationalizations that people are going to make if/when sub-par pieces come out--"man, that Doom PF looks like a NECA toy compared to the Comiquette," etc. will be a sight to behold :lol
Sure, those who don't have them will want them re-done to a greater extent than those who don't (because more of them will be satisfied with their something over the nothing that others have, and as Chigger says, many will be pissed at having invested money in something destined to decrease in price), but that doesn't mean that these are top notch figures that aren't in need of updates.

Sure, the accessories on those figures are very nice, but damn. The sculpts and paint apps on those heads? :monkey4

If folks were so happy with them, then why are the Hicks custom heads so popular?

--edit: I actually think that Drake head is pretty nice, but the paint job is sucktacular compared to current standards--

I just found that review and the Hicks one as well. Man I LOVE that site for reviews!

ANYWAYS, I think it's official, I just can't pull the trigger on one, not even Hicks. Like I said, I just started collecting 1/6 stuff around last December and as I'm a HUGE long time ALIENS fan, these just don't warrant the price tag IMO. To each their own but I would rather pony up some more cash and get one of those 1:1 pulse rifles or the motion tracker.

Not saying they are horrible, and the gear is sweet, but the bodies and the sculpts just kind of seem Mattel Barbie'ish to me. They do look awesome all together from the pics I've seen on the internet and here. Lucky for the people that got on board when they did, nice pieces for when they came out and something you would enjoy watching the value continue to rise on.

I had to double check that review title though after looking at the pics. That Hudson head looks more like Hicks to me then Hudson.

Regarding the sign off by the actors, which I'm not completely familiar with how that works, but what do they get for it? Anything?

I just read on that site mentioned above their review for the Dutch and Billy and got my answer as to why Billy didn't look that much like Sonny Landham. Maybe this is what's holding Hot Toys back from revisiting the line? Or that they've never gone back and revisited a previous line have they?

I would guess in the height of popularity for a license it's easier or built into contracts up front. To go back years after the movie has been out maybe it's such a pain when you are talking about the amount of figures here that would need to be made to complete the line?
I wouldn't think that they have any hard rule about never re-visiting a line. Like I said before--Hot Toys is here to make money. If they think they will make enough from re-releasing something to make it worth their investment into license rights, likeness rights, production and marketing costs, the cost of offending the collectors who are upset that their pieces went down in price, the costs of not pursuing another potentially lucrative license, etc., then they would do it.

As for the likeness rights issue, I only have a very basic understanding of all that, but if an actor doesn't have an existing contract and has to negotiate the rights to give up his likeness, you bet he's only going to do it for some cash.
What they should do with these is re-release sculpts that fit the original Marines, that way the older collectors will be happy to have additional heads and the original pieces still hold their current value without pissing off the original collectors and also the new collectors will have more incentive to purchase or get the older figures along with the updates.

Of course the price will still be up there for the newer collectors but if they are truly really big fans then that argument should be void, they would have to bit the bullet and shell out the money for the figs and updated sculpts.

I am speaking for myself but I really don't get too hung up on these figures being off with the head sculpt. When I bought these on the secondary market, I had full intention of customazing them to look like
the Hicks and APone from the movie

I just got a custom APONE head I am redoing and that is after I had acustom one that I did not like. TO each its own. I collect these for the love of the movie and I just think they are pretty cool

You know
I wouldn't think that they have any hard rule about never re-visiting a line. Like I said before--Hot Toys is here to make money. If they think they will make enough from re-releasing something to make it worth their investment into license rights, likeness rights, production and marketing costs, the cost of offending the collectors who are upset that their pieces went down in price, the costs of not pursuing another potentially lucrative license, etc., then they would do it.

As for the likeness rights issue, I only have a very basic understanding of all that, but if an actor doesn't have an existing contract and has to negotiate the rights to give up his likeness, you bet he's only going to do it for some cash.

Haha, I guess then that can go both ways for making or breaking.

You could see one side as being besides Sigourney Weaver, Lance Henricksen and MAYBE Michael Biehn most of these actors haven't had any significant roles (that I know of) or aren't even still acting so they could come pretty cheap. Plus with Hot Toys production examples from the past they aren't going to pump all of them out at once. At least from my limited knowledge of the company to date I wouldn't think they would, so they could piece it together with maybe the most or more popular ones up front.

ORRRRrrrrrr, these actors haven't had something in awhile so they are going to want some crazy money just because of the opportunity.

Wonder why Landham wouldn't sign off? To me, 'course I'm just some joe blow, but I would think it would be quite the honor to be immortalized by this company in a kick a$$ figure. I'd give them to all my relatives as Christmas presents! :lol

All back around but just do a DX Hicks and I'm happy! Sheesh! :D

I am speaking for myself but I really don't get too hung up on these figures being off with the head sculpt. When I bought these on the secondary market, I had full intention of customazing them to look like
the Hicks and APone from the movie

I just got a custom APONE head I am redoing and that is after I had acustom one that I did not like. TO each its own. I collect these for the love of the movie and I just think they are pretty cool

You know

You know, my only problem with this, and I'm glad it worked for you and a bunch of other people, but for me, I'm not a customizer and that's my beef here. That's the biggest reason why I would like an update, I want it to be the quality of the sculpts we get right now from Hot Toys and I'm not educated, talented, or willing enough to put down the cash and time to make my own.

Bravo to the ones that have, and there are some AWESOME ones out there.

I am speaking for myself but I really don't get too hung up on these figures being off with the head sculpt. When I bought these on the secondary market, I had full intention of customazing them to look like
the Hicks and APone from the movie

I just got a custom APONE head I am redoing and that is after I had acustom one that I did not like. TO each its own. I collect these for the love of the movie and I just think they are pretty cool

You know

That's exactly my feelings as well on those pieces, it's more of me enjoying the movie and the characters representing them. They don't have to be dead on likeness like more of today's collectors. I read the HT threads for Wolverine, Blade and now the new Whiplash and more than 80% of the post in there are just way to critical and demand perfection.

I am happy with as close as you can get because I'm a fan of the movies and what they represent.
That's exactly my feelings as well on those pieces, it's more of me enjoying the movie and the characters representing them. They don't have to be dead on likeness like more of today's collectors. I read the HT threads for Wolverine, Blade and now the new Whiplash and more than 80% of the post in there are just way to critical and demand perfection.

I am happy with as close as you can get because I'm a fan of the movies and what they represent.

That should be your sig!
You sure do pal, you sure do.
You dont need 2 pay 400 = for those marines, thats a little over the top.
And If you dont do anything about the whole look, then i understand that it will look crappy to you.
But, with some arm sleeves here, a nice sculpt there.
Someone who makes your shoulder-lamps realy work, a motion tracker that blinks.
Yeah you can make a pretty cool figure that will maybe top the new HT figures that come out in these days.:naughty
why would i want to drop another couple hundred $$ on a custom head/outfit/electronics for a figure that wasn't even worth the $90 i already paid for it? especially now that HT can make their figures damn near perfect right out of the box.

that just sounds like a big expensive headache and takes the joy out of owning them to me. not worth it.
there are MUCH better collectibles out there that i can get for that price.
Wonder why Landham wouldn't sign off?
Think about it from Hot Toys' perspective. Could they have obtained his rights, and for a much lower cost than Arnold? Possibly. But even that may have been too much to justify, because your expected returns on selling a Billy figure are much lower than that of a Dutch. I would guess that the negotiations are not much less difficult due to the lesser popularity of an actor. It just changes the relative offer that Hot Toys will be willing to make (and probably the energy with which they would pursue the rights).
I wouldn't think that they have any hard rule about never re-visiting a line. Like I said before--Hot Toys is here to make money. If they think they will make enough from re-releasing something to make it worth their investment into license rights, likeness rights, production and marketing costs, the cost of offending the collectors who are upset that their pieces went down in price, the costs of not pursuing another potentially lucrative license, etc., then they would do it.

As for the likeness rights issue, I only have a very basic understanding of all that, but if an actor doesn't have an existing contract and has to negotiate the rights to give up his likeness, you bet he's only going to do it for some cash.

Hot Toys is in the business of high-end collectibles. That means lower production runs, limited quantities, etc. They're not a NECA, Mezco or McFarlane. If HT got in the habit of continually redoing old product, most wouldn't buy anything they released because eventually, there'd be a better version down the road. We're already seeing that with several posts in the Terminator thread. People really like the basic one, but a lot are holding out for the inevitable Gatling Gun version that's just down the road.


I am speaking for myself but I really don't get too hung up on these figures being off with the head sculpt. When I bought these on the secondary market, I had full intention of customazing them to look like
the Hicks and APone from the movie

I just got a custom APONE head I am redoing and that is after I had acustom one that I did not like. TO each its own. I collect these for the love of the movie and I just think they are pretty cool

You know


why would i want to drop another couple hundred $$ on a custom head/outfit/electronics for a figure that wasn't even worth the $90 i already paid for it? especially now that HT can make their figures damn near perfect right out of the box.

that just sounds like a big expensive headache and takes the joy out of owning them to me. not worth it.
there are MUCH better collectibles out there that i can get for that price.

That's your opinion and it's certainly not shared by the community. The price on the figures ATM proves that.

Think about it from Hot Toys' perspective. Could they have obtained his rights, and for a much lower cost than Arnold? Possibly. But even that may have been too much to justify, because your expected returns on selling a Billy figure are much lower than that of a Dutch. I would guess that the negotiations are not much less difficult due to the lesser popularity of an actor. It just changes the relative offer that Hot Toys will be willing to make (and probably the energy with which they would pursue the rights).

It wasn't about money. Sonny just didn't want to give up his likeness. And at that point, what can you do?

I am speaking for myself but I really don't get too hung up on these figures being off with the head sculpt...
Kenner would agree.

That's your opinion and it's certainly not shared by the community. The price on the figures ATM proves that.
when did i say it wasn't my opinion?
D-CHAOS responded to my post with his opinion so i responded with mine.

like i need to hear your ebay power seller biased insight to a post that wasn't directed at you.
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