Destiny (Bungie's new title)

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Just completed the lair of the devil mission with 2 random people. Was really good fun. I'm thoroughly enjoying this game.
i'm trying to get into the game but it's not pulling me in ..

Hyped Games are flopping, Watch Dogs and this ..

I'm a little more favorable towards Watch least that game did a better job early on of establishing a story and its supporting characters.

I'm about Lvl. 8 right now...the game has definitely got some great mechanics...however, I feel Bungie really needs to turn towards some of the "leaders" in the action/MMO/dungeon crawler field and borrow a few elements from them in order to make any line of success.

Borderlands has established a unique look, not only that, but doing a good job of differentiating the weapons and loot you get by dividing them up between different "gun manufacturers" (Hyperion, Jakobs, Dahl, etc.). Their quests are also much more fresh and unique so you don't feel like you're doing the same thing over and over. That is one of the BIGGEST disappointments of Destiny is the repetition.

Also, it's odd to me that no matter WHAT level enemies I kill...I get the same amount of experience? I get +20 for a lvl 2 Dreg as much as I do for a lvl 7 or 8...weird experience balance. That needs to be fixed.

The reviews are pretty accurate. 6.0/7.0 is pretty fair for this (personally, I lean towards a 7.0/7.5), especially from a developer that you EXPECT the best from. Sadly, an unfortunate first start for Bungie on their own. I do hope they can rebound well. Kind of sad I'm having to look forward to Destiny 2 now and first one just came out...
Yeah, I will say that with Bungie, and the 5 years in development, i did expect a lot more. Borderlands 2 seems like it was easily twice the size and the missions were/are great. Story was way more clear to. I am enjoying the game, but its a hit/miss. I'd give it a 7.5/10 as of now
My excitement for this game was lackluster to begin with and the final product has turned out very similarly. Very disappointing from such a fabled and well-loved developer like Bungie. Even their "HALO" series had more character, love and story crafted into it.

Visually, the game isn't anything special. It's a mix of "futuristic/space" styles you've seen in game series like Mass Effect, Halo, Knights of the Old Republic. The occasional landscapes are beautiful to look at but you've probably seen amazing video game landscapes before. The mechanics are sharp and the game reacts well for being a console online MMO. Credit where it's due for overall polish...because the game performs well without any screen-tearing and at a steady frame-rate.

The problem is one of've SEEN this game before (Mass Effect, Halo, etc.), you've DONE those quests before (go kill so-and-so to retrieve an item), even in the SAME big open world area (just wander over the hill to a new part of it). The story barely has any bulk or background to it either and the NPC play the typical bland quest-giver and shop-keeper roles. Why are there three races on Earth now? The Darkness? isn't that an old 360/PS3 game based on a comic book?

And then let's talk about LOOT, because it's few and far between in Destiny. After crossing bland landscapes, you're almost too bored to go look in a hut where you KNOW 9 times out of 10 there won't be a chest. And if you FIND one, usually it has like two things in it. Growing up on Diablo and the more recent Borderlands, they had WAY more loot than this.

And speaking of it...this game is going to draw comparisons...Borderlands is the closest, but what Borderlands was RICH with, Destiny completely dries out of. Borderlands had character, humor, a UNIQUE style and translated very well as an action-adventure game with RPG elements. I feel like Bungie spent so much time trying to craft this whole action-MMO-console "experience" (which isn't much since people mostly just sit around town and whatever, even WoW is livelier than this) that they forgot to hash out a compelling STORY to draw people in.

Learn your lesson well Bungie. You're going to have to work harder next time....

Pretty much all this ......its no Borderlands2.

Though I never liked Halo and Bungie aren't on my list of favorite developers so i wasn't expecting much if anything from Destiny I'm enjoying it so far, mostly because I'm playing trough with my brother and its fun to do in a small group.
I just love the world. It's worth reading the Destiny Wiki site.
It tells you a lot that you should find out in the game.
Anyone catching themselves playing more crucible then the repetitive missions? Digging the game so far, put a lot of time into it, (lvl 24, mostly from crucible) but for a "MMO" or "shared world shooter" it's really repetitive and the world seems rather lifeless. Is there even a difference between strikes levels and the story besides what kind of XP you get? So far I haven't noticed.

Nonetheless, it will consume more time until Shadow of Mordor. :lol
I made level 16-20 in one night just playing crucible and getting bounties. It's not bad unless you play the 3vs3 matches and one of your team decides to quit at which point you're gonna get slaughtered.

Now I just gotta figure out how the hell this after level 20 mote of light BS works.
Assault rifles are the best mid to long range so long as it doesn't have a ridiculous fire rate like some of the ones I had. Fusion rifle is great for midrange combat if you wanna get a very likely instakill with one burst. And the classic shotgun.....I like to keep this for close encounters.......even with a crappy regular white shotgun, I was getting instakills against higher players. Point blank against a shotgun and you're a write off. Managed to get a triple kill just blasting guys point blank with it.

As for heavy, I find most people using the rocket launcher. Splash damage is enough to take out a couple guys close to each other. Machine gun is good if they're close or you wanna scare em off.
Vault of Glass on Venus is open for raids.
Bungie says after 5 hrs it's still unbeaten.
I don't have much to compare it to since I don't game much, but I am personally loving this title and wasn't sure if I would.