Disgusted with humanity in general

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Great posts guys! And Mikey, big respect for what you did over there man.

I really do hope that eventually religion dies. I know it sounds blasphemous, but hear me out. I just mean that the system is flawed and needs to be completely forgotten. It was built in a different time, by people whose culture was far behind our own. They had different ideals and an entirely different way of living. It just doesn't apply to our time at all. All major religions were. Believing in God is one thing, or believing in whatever you want... that's fine too.

But once a system gets overlaid atop it, with strict structure, laws and unmovable tenants... it becomes a hindrance to forward movement and can be abused by various individuals for horrible purposes. What is important is just to have a personal belief, that is entirely yours and based on love and understanding. I think that having this kind of outlook will work for acceptance into any afterlife (if there is one) of whatever faith. And it's just a better outlook to have.

It reminds me of a speech a very pious young girl gave a few semesters ago about evolution and how it was 100% wrong. She went on to debunk every major find that has been connected to human evolution, as she made a case for how God drew man in the sand and used a rib bone to make a woman. So it was easier for her to believe that man was created from an abstract shape of sand than from an upright walking ape. No touching on our similar skeletal structure, features, social habits, or the fact that we have tail bones... just blind faith.

I don't think it is wrong for her to have a belief, but her speech was an example of just how inflexible belief is. In the time that the origins of man was written in the Bible, we could not fathom any other way that we got here. And so the explanation was born. But over the years, with countless scientific discoveries... our feelings have changed. Yet a belief cannot be altered, so it must remain. And so children of intensely pious families must be taught that science is wrong and that the belief is right.

Or else it disproves the entire Bible and destroys the belief. Or so the fear states...

It's just kinda funny to me.. :lol

I have no problem with people thinking that man was made out of sand, it's up to them to believe what they will. But what DOES get me riled up is that, most of the time (through my experiences) that people that believe that are so incapable of believing anything else. They won't even hear another hypothesis, any other explanation. If you don't agree with them, you're wrong and that's that. I think it's this backwards way of thinking that annoys me more than people believing in a God.
My first post! Whee, what a topic. First I just want to say that people do crazy things in the name of all sorts of things. I'm a evangelical Christian and it drives me crazy when people do something "in the name of God," (specifically the Christian God of Israel.) When there is Biblical evidence declaring that their actions are inappropriate. Either life has value or it does not, period. If life has an intrinsic value to it than whether you are an unborn child or a 90 year old invalid, you have some value to you.

If you are a Christian and struggle with the issue, there are numerous verses regarding our value to God while we were in the womb, not only after our birthday. See Psalm 139:13, Ecclesiastes 11:5 and Isaiah 44:2. Also, after you have a child die unexpectedly as I have, then come talk to me about the value of life.

I also believe this man who killed the doctor was wrong. Romans 12:19 says "it is mine to avenge; I will repay." That is only one scripture of many that should have led this man to realize that his actions were wrong. If he was claiming to do it in the name of my God, then he should have read his Bible more and realized that God is the final judge. What would be the purpose of hell if we all passed out judgement here?

Is mankind sick, yeah pretty much, but nothing man does really suprises me anymore.
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I have no problem with people thinking that man was made out of sand, it's up to them to believe what they will. But what DOES get me riled up is that, most of the time (through my experiences) that people that believe that are so incapable of believing anything else. They won't even hear another hypothesis, any other explanation. If you don't agree with them, you're wrong and that's that. I think it's this backwards way of thinking that annoys me more than people believing in a God.

EXACTLY! You nailed it. :lecture

I feel like people can believe whatever they want... but I just don't understand how they can be so wholly opposed to any other hypothesis or ideas. It's the way it was written and not a single word different! Which is insanity when you think of it.

Even IF the Bible is 100% truth, dictated by God to the men who wrote it.... Well, since man can only understand what he can comprehend... would God have tried to explain cell division and microorganisms to the primitive beings below? I seriously doubt it. He would craft a tale that gives the gist of it, while still telling basically the truth.

God says he drew man in the sand on the beach. Man evolved from (far down the line anyway) the first creatures to crawl out from the sea onto land. So in a way, it is true...

But people who are deeply vested in faith cannot see that, at least many of them. It has to be the word and nothing else, and that frustrates me to no end.
Yes there is. Life is life. We murder BILLIONS of unborn chicken eggs to have a good breakfast. Yet we cry murder when it's a barely formed embryo of a human?
I really don't want to get involved too deeply into this convo, but Josh, I gotta say that it makes me very sad that you compare a human baby to a chicken egg.

By the time a woman notices she's missed her period and has scheduled an appointment, let's say at 6 or 7 weeks, the fetus already has the beginnings of eyes, fingers and a heart.

Many women, in the crux of their delimna, delay the procedure even further.

And... as sick as it is... these days some women are opting for 'termination' just because it would interfere with their vacation or work schedule or whatever shallow reason they can come up with.

Regardless, it is their decision and legal- there's really no more discussion from me about it.

*However*, when you start talking about 3rd trimester abortions that are not life and death to the woman or child?
Babies that could have survived outside the womb?
That have to be dismembered because they are so well developed?

Yeah, humanity makes me sick too.
Since it was brought up...I don't think evolution and creationism are two exclusively separate ideas. I believe that God created us and evolution is just adaptation to an environment. I can't recall any scriptures that say God drew a line in the sand to make man, not sure which Bible your referring to there but I guess it could have happened that way. I can say that I'd like to see more transitional skeletons or fossils, i.e. opposable thumbs. All fossils either have one or don't, there was never a transition where the thumb began to move from the index finger and move out. And time wise, our planet is too young for evolution to have occured as some sort of accidental primordial ooze turning into humans. That doesn't mean that there is not adaptation of a species to an environment, but it doesn't mean I'm a monkey either. I had trouble passing Calculus in college, so to try put the Creator of the universe in a box and think I can explain all He does would really limit the God I worship.
You should look beyond the thumb reasoning for the ape/human evolution argument. The genetics put us at 97% similarity as does the bone structure between humans and chimps. The best way to see evolution is to look at the skull and the opening for the brain stem. If following the branches of apes/humans you will see that, when tracing the movement of the opening for the brain stem (the name currently escapes me), one can see that early apes were more fitted to walk on all fours and as apes adapted through environmental changes the opening eventually moved to allow for better movement on two feet instead of four.
I really don't want to get involved too deeply into this convo, but Josh, I gotta say that it makes me very sad that you compare a human baby to a chicken egg.

I know...it was a bad joke..:monkey2

I am taking a human dev. class, so I've learned a lot about this subject. I honestly don't think there is a right answer at all, no way it can be solved. It's too sensitive a thing to place in a box.

I agree that it's disgusting and should have strict limits, and anything beyond a month is just wrong on other levels to me.

I DO think that counseling should be a part of it, to keep women from doing it for petty reasons. That doesn't seem right at all either.

And Wifey.. (First off, welcome to the boards and thank you for having the fortitude for this thread :))I just think that Creationism and Evolution can exist at the same time. And to say that the world is too young to have the diversity it has, well that's not very accurate at all. We've had multiple cycles of life on the planet, with several major global extinctions, yet life bounces back and evolves as it does so. Dinosaurs help prove this as well, you can go up the fossil record and see how they adapted and changed over the MILLIONS of years they existed. Not to mention the way sea life adapted.

I'm not saying you are a monkey, but to say we are not mammals would be crazy wouldn't it? To say that we share ears, eyes, teeth count (and shape), finger and toe count, basic bone structure, and social habits with apes but somehow we are entirely unconnected... well, that would also be crazy to me. That's like saying that a swordfish is somehow of a different variety of animal than a catfish. They are too similar to not have branched from the same tree.

And I also defer to my colleague...he knows of what he speaks. :lecture

You should look beyond the thumb reasoning for the ape/human evolution argument. The genetics put us at 97% similarity as does the bone structure between humans and chimps. The best way to see evolution is to look at the skull and the opening for the brain stem. If following the branches of apes/humans you will see that, when tracing the movement of the opening for the brain stem (the name currently escapes me), one can see that early apes were more fitted to walk on all fours and as apes adapted through environmental changes the opening eventually moved to allow for better movement on two feet instead of four.
Foramen Magnum

haha thank you! ... however its 2 30 and im not going back to edit my post :lol And thank ye Josh! Apparently I did learn a little more from my Anthropology course. Basically my whole view is this, I believe in ... something. But I do not believe in organized religion. I cannot say that one religion has it right or more right than another because that is just ignorant (imo). I believe what I can see with my own eyes and what has been proven. If/when something is proven wrong by new evidence then I adjust my views accordingly.
Yes there is. Life is life. We murder BILLIONS of unborn chicken eggs to have a good breakfast. Yet we cry murder when it's a barely formed embryo of a human?

We see ourselves as special and outside of nature, when we are a part of it entirely.

Trust me, I condone no killing at all. BUT, just as I do that... I also think that if a woman has the right to make the decision regarding the life within her that isn't far enough along to have developed thought. Especially when it puts her own life in danger or could face a life of extreme hardship or disease. I don't condone it, but I don't think it is right to determine what a woman can and cannot do with that life (in the early stages) if she so chooses. It's not right for anyone to force belief by law and control it for all citizens.

But then again... to reiterate AGAIN... this thread is NOT about abortion. It's about mankind as a whole, and how our philosophy has kinda imploded upon itself via religion, lack of thought, sheer stupidity, and blind obedience to ANYTHING.

Just catching up on this thread. I just gotta say "Wow!" Are you comparing a chicken egg to a human embryo?
It's funny how liberals are Pro late-term-abortion but yet they're against capital punishment. Talk about a conflict of values. This oxymoron about liberals disgusts me.
Can't sleep. You know what else is funny? How people think that waterboarding is the worst sort of torture and shouldn't be exercised on anyone regardless of their crimes under any condition, but those same people are okay with 3rd-trimester abortions.

Frickin' hilarious at the hypocrisy of it all. God must be looking down at us and having a good chuckle.
Do you what I think is funny, we drive in parkway and park in a driveway. :duh
Most liberals (and a fair few conservatives) are against capital punishment because there's no way to take the decision back. There have been a significant percentage of capital punishment cases repealed due to newer evidence, in some cases after the punishment took place.


In addition, there are many liberals not in support of pro-late term abortions. Why else do you think it's banned in so many states, and there's only one doctor left (due to the unfortunate murder of the other) that actually engages in them? For all the boohoo'ing about late term abortions, when there's only one doctor in a country of well over 300 million, that should give you an idea of how relevant they actually are, which is to say, not very much. Yet, they're talked about by the opposition as if they were the majority of abortions, rather than the extreme minority.

Finally, torture shouldn't be engaged in by a civilized country. It's been proven ineffective, and is ethically ^^^^ty. You can't go around pretending to be the good guys when you're shuttling off brown folk who haven't committed any crimes to secret prisons where you torture them for a few years.


Normally I wouldn't bother to address all of those since they're not really relevant to each other, but being on a wifi enabled bus at 5, I'm finding myself too tired to do real work, laffo.
I think it comes down to when an unborn child becomes a life that should be protected.
All I will say is watch the video and decided when it's acceptable for an abortion.
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Even though it's very rare abortion is aloud up to 24 weeks in the UK.
That to me is wrong and needs to be changed
Bah. It's all a bunch of crap. We can't change anything. So why get so stressed out over it? It's akin to attempting to boil the ocean with a hair-dryer. Completely futile waste of time and energy.

Do like me... say "^^^^ it" and just go enjoy your own life and whatever hobbies and vices keep you going. The rest is so much white noise.
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