Do you hope that there will one day be an episode 7, 8 and 9?

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The thing with Star Wars (for me anyway) is that the OT films themselves were something special that you looked forward to seeing when they were re-released every couple of years. Ever since the special editions though, you can't throw a rock and not hit something Star Wars. It's just ^^^^ing everywhere! the franchise is just so over saturated and over hyped that nowadays when something new does come out, I just shrug my shoulders and it's like "meh". It's not special anymore. The name Star Wars use to mean something and brought memories of going to the movies when we were kids, dressing up in cheap vinyl Darth Vader costumes for Halloween and that sort of stuff. Now the name Star Wars can be found on everything from toilet paper to dog food. And in between novels that seem to come out once a month, video games, cartoons, toys, underwear, cookbooks, etc. etc. I can personally say I've had my fill of Star Wars! enough is enough Lucas!

Lucas has whored Star Wars so much that I don't care if I ever see Ep. 6,7 or 9.

My feelings exactly. Just release good quality, non-special edition DVD versions of the OT and leave me be.
I hope parts 1, 2 and 3 get deleted and another trilogy of prequels are being made, with :maul and Grievous mixed in

Anakin would become vader HALFWAY ep 3 were we see him enslaving planets and destroying almost all of the goodguys

Yes i know...
Bring on 7, 8 and 9. As far as Lucas being involved, I would want him involved in some way. Not directing or producing though. Im sure he has a story already.
I would be more interested in that then the prequels. However, if they F'd up the characters that us older folk have grown up with then it would be a total nightmare. Even worse than the prequels. It would be horrible. :horror
Before the Prequels I would have said absolutely. After them, I would say absolutely not. Lucas is too close to his own project and surrounded himself with too many "yes-men" to really a quality Star Wars project. I'm happy to let them die with ROTJ.
I hated 2 and 3 dialogue-wise but loved the CG's! was like a "what the ytikcuf kcuf is going on!?" moment for me watching those last two movies!.....anyhooo, the answer to your question is I really hope not!...
Isn't it true that ESB had the least influence by Lucas and the most collaboration from multiple talents?
The thing with Star Wars (for me anyway) is that the OT films themselves were something special that you looked forward to seeing when they were re-released every couple of years. Ever since the special editions though, you can't throw a rock and not hit something Star Wars. It's just ^^^^ing everywhere! the franchise is just so over saturated and over hyped that nowadays when something new does come out, I just shrug my shoulders and it's like "meh". It's not special anymore. The name Star Wars use to mean something and brought memories of going to the movies when we were kids, dressing up in cheap vinyl Darth Vader costumes for Halloween and that sort of stuff. Now the name Star Wars can be found on everything from toilet paper to dog food. And in between novels that seem to come out once a month, video games, cartoons, toys, underwear, cookbooks, etc. etc. I can personally say I've had my fill of Star Wars! enough is enough Lucas!

Lucas has whored Star Wars so much that I don't care if I ever see Ep. 6,7 or 9.

I can't say it any better than that.
Good points. I think that I may be receptive to more if it's more story and less visual noise.
I watched a QVC show back in 97 and Hamill was on and the show and he was asked by the host if he was going to be in the new film(s) (The prequels) and he said 'No', but that George had told him that he would have a job in Episode 9 when he got to the final trilogy after he has finished the prequels.

So, at least Lucas was still considering making the final trilogy at least before TPM.

Cold comfort, I know....
i would love to read an interview with Lucas discussing his initial plans for a 9 episode series... i seem to recall the plan was to bring a character from the prequel trilogy into "episode 7"...

i am ready for anything Star Wars... the only thing i am over are phrases such as "Lucas whoring" and "raping of childhoods"... i mean, welcome to the planet people! it would be nice to break the "collector" stereotype at some point...
Too many years have passed for 7, 8 and 9. Mark could easily play a Jedi master, but Carrie and Harrison are old enough to play grandparents.

I can only hope that EU will never become movie canon.
7,8,9 were already done.

For whatever reason, Lucas decided to RUSH the story. the events of 7, 8, and 9 originaly dealt with luke seeking out more training as a jedi, saw lando be more of a "hanish" character, Han's Rescue, Luke Seeking for the truth about his father, as well as searching for his sisiter ( newsflash, Leia was originaly NOT his sister) Leia falling for luke, Han ending up with Lukes sister, and the big, Final confrontation between Vader and his children, and the Evil old man.

Lucas condensed 4 films into one move, Return of the jedi. that's why he says that he's not making any more films. in his mind, they're done.

Yep, I would only trust the folks at Bioware along with Blur studios (the ones who crafted that new KOTOR MMO trailer). But really, I'm burnt out on SW, and I resent the PT for polluting my good nostalgic memories of the OT. I know it's easy to not watch the movies, and I haven't in a long time - but you can't look at the SW brand anymore without seeing some PT influence thrown in.

I want to see new ideas flourish in the next decade. I'm tired of remakes.

I love this post! My thoughts exactly.