Do you hope that there will one day be an episode 7, 8 and 9?

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So nobody wants more Star Wars?
I guess none of you will watch the live action TV show when it comes out?
Although, if it's anything like the CGI show I can't blame you.
Do i want more? Yes, definitely, but i don't think we're goign to get any more.
I 1/2 expect that lucas puts it in his will that whoever buys it can not touch it.

although, Imagine how neet a re-make could be.

Or how a CGI version, using the existing audio track from the live action films.
Truth be said, George should have left the original trilogy as they were first released and went ahead and remade them to match the PT. That way all 6 would looks the same.
Not sure I want to see more SW episodes. Lucas did a "great" job with the new trilogy, I need a pause now...
we all know SOMEDAY we will get more (not counting the tv series that may or may not happen) its a shame that we will have to wait for them(lucas SHOULD be writing them now if he isnt to give him time to create a proper worthwhile story).
Not a big SW fan any more but when I was younger I was. I rember something about a Sith battle before ep1????
I know Lucas said he's done with SW movies, but he's said alot of things and changed his mind. If the technology ever gets good enough to render photorealistic people I could see him doing more just to push the technology. Imagine a realistic looking film, but no need for actors or sets. That would be GL's dream. Though, I'm not sure that will happen in his lifetime which may not be a bad thing for us.
Would you accept the OT, as is, but EVERY special effect redone???

Last time Old man Lucas screwed with the OT we got Greedo shooting first, Han stepping on Jabba's tail and the one that really got me was having Hayden Christensen replace Sebastian Shaw in the final scene that shows the ghosts of Darth Vader, Yoda, and Obi wan Kenobi standing together. That scene used to be so emotional to me because it showed Anakin redeemed by his son and joining the lightside in the end.

I remember when I first saw this scene, I got up and walked out of the room. My wife was like "hey, where are you going" lol
I would like to see a VII, VIII, and IX if they do something like the New Jedi Order where Luke creates a new Jedi council (the Thrawn trilogy would have been great before the PT, but I think it's past its time and I wouldn't want another trilogy focused on Luke, Han, and Leia). I don't think the NJO stories need to follow the EU novels--I'd like to see an older Luke die in the very beginning of the first movie (as one of the only real ties to the OT) and then expand with brand new characters to make the universe feel BIGGER, rather than smaller (like the PT made the SW Universe feel).
He could make it many, many years later and Luke could be the Grand Master of the new Jedi order....Han and Leia would not even have to be in them at all! Just bring back Mark and a new Sith Lord (or Lords) a climactic battle and all is well!
If there was a 7,8 and 9, with Sith Lords, would that would mean Anakin did not bring balance to the force?
I think it would be good to see how the new Jedi order deal with other villains in the universe, like the bounty hunters.