And thank God it did, silly characters should looks silly.
Next stop: Spider-man costume looks too accurate!
Cap doesn't wear his pirate boots of furry chain mail. They modernised it to make it look better, same with the raised webbing on Spidey
Cap's core characteristics aren't silly.Cap doesn't wear his pirate boots of furry chain mail.
Raised webbing does nothing in terms of making it more "grounded".same with the raised webbing on Spidey
Man I would love it if this film introduces some of the Marvel monsters or mystics...Man-thing, Son of Satan, Mephisto, Werewolf, Frankenstein, Zombie, Morbious, Satanna, Brother Voodoo, etc, etc
First look at Doctor Strange! Looks about as comic accurate as anyone could have hoped. Also, there is a green jewel/gem inside that Eye of Agamoto... that's an Infinity Stone if I ever seen one.
Yep I'm in. Movie looks like it's going to be a visual treat.
Still think Luke Evans would've been better.
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I agree... but alas it wasn't meant to be.
Cumberbatch is a good actor though and he looks better than I imagined he would in the role.
Cumberbatch looks like he's doing cosplay, at least Luke could've used his own hair.