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LOL. I'm not sure if I liked the Christmas episode or not, but the good news is that the conclusion/resolution was actually understandable. Half the episodes are just too manic to actually understand what happened.
I thought it was an alright episode, as ridiculous as a Christmas special usually is. The last few minutes were pretty awesome and Matt is still on form and is way in front as my favourite Doctor. With the way the last series ended I'm guessing we won't have huge amount of arcs that either get diluted between the episodes, I think they will be more stand alone which should get rid of the obvious 'filler' episodes. I think Moffat is doing a great job in charge and il be happy if him and smith stick around for a few more series, people wanted change when RTD was in charge and that's what's he's delivered.
I will say this: the Christmas episode was far more satisfying than most of series 6. We had fun watching it!
I really didn't think much of it either. I kept watching out of loyalty to my mate who made all the armor/spacesuits for it, but I found it be a weird mixture of dullness combined with enough saccharine to leave you diabetic by the end of it.
I just hope whoever on the writing staff who recently had a kid got it all out of his system this time. After "Closing Time" and now this, I can't take another corny tribute to parents.
Closing time was great right until that terrible conclusion, a cyber threat stopped by love was a dumb moment.

I'm just hoping Gatiss doesn't get another chance to write an episode, I've close to despised every episode he's written, night terrors was a horrible episode.
I was really looking forward to a season without the Ponds. I've grown increasingly irratated with the characters and the repititive stories of last season which mostly involved them getting separated and laying a guilt trip on the Doctor. I'm convinced Amy beats Rory anyway. He has that flinch reaction to her sudden movements.
I didn't mind the Christmas episode until the last two minutes when I realized that Amy and Rory weren't going any where. I'm probably going to quit watching.

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I was really looking forward to a season without the Ponds. I've grown increasingly irratated with the characters and the repititive stories of last season which mostly involved them getting separated and laying a guilt trip on the Doctor. I'm convinced Amy beats Rory anyway. He has that flinch reaction to her sudden movements.
I didn't mind the Christmas episode until the last two minutes when I realized that Amy and Rory weren't going any where. I'm probably going to quit watching.

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Hang in there a little while longer.
A new series and for an unknown amount of it a new comanion, I'm hoping for an alien species rather than human or just a male companion, Too many human travellers for an alien with infinite travel capabilities!
It would be cool to see the Doctor with an alien companion, one that looks alien. It's surprising that in 50 years they haven't at least tried it once.
"I am The Doctor" is my favourite Murray Gold theme, his last few years have been his best with his scores. They just need to turn it down a little during the episodes, it distracts from the acting sometimes.

Jack still looked human, in his first two episodes he felt futuristic but once RTD got his full hold on him he just became stuck in our time, his character got very watered down.

After sitting down and watching all four Terminator films a cyborg/Data style companion could be fun, like a walking K9, it sure would help partially eliminate the 'been captured come save me' routine.
After sitting down and watching all four Terminator films a cyborg/Data style companion could be fun, like a walking K9, it sure would help partially eliminate the 'been captured come save me' routine.

I don't mind humanoids... An alien companion has the easy potential to turn out really dumb tho'.

Agreed on both those counts. I always thought they missed out with Martha, as she was an actual "doctor". I assumed they were going to give her a little more brains then they did in the show (The Lazarus Experiment cased in point....they were dealing with human DNA and Martha was just looking to the Doctor for all the answers, when she should possibly know some of the information). I suppose they don't want another intelligent character to steal some of the Doctor's thunder :huh:huh:huh:huh
Agreed on both those counts. I always thought they missed out with Martha, as she was an actual "doctor". I assumed they were going to give her a little more brains then they did in the show (The Lazarus Experiment cased in point....they were dealing with human DNA and Martha was just looking to the Doctor for all the answers, when she should possibly know some of the information). I suppose they don't want another intelligent character to steal some of the Doctor's thunder :huh:huh:huh:huh

Liz Shaw syndrome.