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Too many fan girls didn't like the casting of an older Doctor, so their doing everything they can to soften his old man image. Hoodies, guitars, sunglasses... Gotta makes the Twilight fans happy.


Kind of like Roger Moore wearing a leather jacket and trainers in A View To A Kill.........
I wonder if a 2 billion year old Doctor will officially be cannon going forward?

I don't think so...I mean, it was a 'new' copy each time he arrived in the teleporter. He knew it had been 2 billion years, but it still would've only felt as long as that particular copy had been there (a couple of weeks maybe?).
I don't think so...I mean, it was a 'new' copy each time he arrived in the teleporter. He knew it had been 2 billion years, but it still would've only felt as long as that particular copy had been there (a couple of weeks maybe?).

That's a good point. If he's been going through a loop like that, does he age? Interesting question...
Very confusing ep for me. He was teleported inside that confession disk? And then spent 2 billion years punching his way through a wall that lead him to Galifrey? Which was outside of the disk?
How old was Bill Murray's weatherman at the end of Groundhog Day? I thought though he ages 24 hours he's back to his original age when the day starts all over again and its the same with the Doctor every time he was rebooted.
Nope. He aged for only as long as that latest "copy" was in the Confession Dial.

Yeah, that's what I'd have thought too, because the older copy died and the new one was transported in. So the last copy, the survivor, might only have been a few weeks older.

How old was Bill Murray's weatherman at the end of Groundhog Day? I thought though he ages 24 hours he's back to his original age when the day starts all over again and its the same with the Doctor every time he was rebooted.

Nah, that's different. I think at the end of the movie he'd been there for anywhere between 10 or 30 years depending on who you trust as a source. He had full awareness of his regeneration though.
I think the purpose of the dial is to make him suffer. The thing is the Doctor, while enjoys mysteries, hates being unable to solve em. The fact that he gets the puzzle at the end, is a point of suffering. Then you have him having his breakdown, wanting to give up, and to always see Clara. That's a heavy thing. And just calculate him suffering a day and a half of dying. That's dying 730 billion times in those 2 billion years! And to punch your way through diamond, sheesh. While he doesn't get the concept of his being there, he does at the end; and that is all the more a heavy burden each time of his wasted life time.

I don't think it will count him as a 2 billion year old person. Also the Dial is Gallifrey technology, like the TARDIS; so my guess is that time itself may be distorted in it. I think of The Doctor's Wife when Amy saw Rory older and dying when House took over the TARDIS is an example of it. Could just be a tactic.

Overall, amazing episode! By far my favorite episode in the last 3 years, excluding The Time of the Doctor and The Day of the Doctor.

I was heartbroken over Face the Raven. Good episode to lead into this.
On the DVD commentary Harold Ramis says the day is repeated for somewhere like 1000 years or may be more, the intention being that Phil Connors number of groundhog days is infinity. He goes through so many stages, learns talents that would take 20 years to perfect and we only see a really small percentage of the days that are repeated.
On the DVD commentary Harold Ramis says the day is repeated for somewhere like 1000 years or may be more, the intention being that Phil Connors number of groundhog days is infinity. He goes through so many stages, learns talents that would take 20 years to perfect and we only see a really small percentage of the days that are repeated.

That's the best source then, I'd definitely take Harold's word for it. :)

The Doctor wasn't aware that he was in a loop until the end of that copy's life though, whereas Phil Connors was 100% aware of every time he woke up, every time he tried to kill himself to escape. That's what I was trying to say. :)
That's the best source then, I'd definitely take Harold's word for it. :)

The Doctor wasn't aware that he was in a loop until the end of that copy's life though, whereas Phil Connors was 100% aware of every time he woke up, every time he tried to kill himself to escape. That's what I was trying to say. :)

Yeah as soon as Phil gets outside and see's its still The Groundhog Day he realises but he isn't convinced, he thinks of many things such as he's dreaming or he's gone mad. But like Phil the Doctor realises that he can achieve something that would be impossible normally because of this, Phil's dating Rita and learning to play the piano or ice sculpting. The Doctor chipping away at the diamond wall, they're two different motives but the result is the same and they both escape.
So, another series ends! Really enjoyable as a whole....but after the beyond awesome 'Heaven Sent' last week - can't decide if I liked the finale or not, tbh feeling slightly underwhelmed on this first viewing - (maybe even a tad disappointed). :huh Think I need a re-watch.
They should let the Doctor travel alone for a bit before throwing a new companion in the mix.

This was a more fitting departure for Clara, the Raven episode left me cold.
My dvr jammed before the last 20 minutes of "Hell Bent". I reach the point where the behind the scenes is taking about the new Tardis and it freezes and asks if I want to keep or delete. :gah:

I have no idea how it ended... and won't until this re-airs. :(
So, another series ends! Really enjoyable as a whole....but after the beyond awesome 'Heaven Sent' last week - can't decide if I liked the finale or not, tbh feeling slightly underwhelmed on this first viewing - (maybe even a tad disappointed). :huh Think I need a re-watch.

I know what you mean, I really liked the finale right up to...
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Anyone think they missed a trick by not re-introducing these two in their regenerated forms...

I think Clara's appearance on Gallifrey with the first doctor makes more sense now. I can see her and Me going far back in Gallifrey's history to return the TARDIS so that she could show it to the first Doc as the one to steal. That would make it her final act before returning to the Raven to die.
I know what you mean, I really liked the finale right up to...

Agreed I hated that bit to be honest! Really annoyed me tbh!!

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However the episode did have some good bits, really liked..

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Still feel a bit 'meh' about the whole thing even after a re-watch - each to their own I guess! Still it's been a really great series. Back to the classic Who DVD collection now least until the Christmas special! :rock
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