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They probably will not announce the new companion casting until filming on series ten begins in the spring.
I almost expected the Doctor to grab Clara's hand and give her a regeneration.

Standing in a control room that was designed as a copy of Hartnell's they could easily reintroduce the character Susan.
I like that they left the door open for the 2 of them to come back into play at some point, instead of saying Clara is just dead. And I am thrilled that the Doctor is more like the Doctor now, with the coat and screwdriver, rather than a hipster with the glasses and guitar.
Capaldi will have a temporary companion in the X-Mas special and if you've seen the trailer you'll guess who. The way they've concluded the season I would be really surprised if we didn't see Clara and Me again. If they were going to use the Susan angle I think they may have brought up that the Doctor loves Earth so much he left his granddaughter here as a reason but they either didn't think of it or if they did they dismissed it.
He could have said "You're not the first to mistakenly believe I'm half human. I'm not. But my granddaughter is." Retcon for Doctor #8 complete.
My dvr jammed before the last 20 minutes of "Hell Bent". I reach the point where the behind the scenes is taking about the new Tardis and it freezes and asks if I want to keep or delete. :gah:

I have no idea how it ended... and won't until this re-airs. :(

That's weird. Mine stopped at the exact same time with DirecTV. I got desperate and bought the episode off Amazon Video so I could finish it. :lol
I liked it OK. I enjoyed last years more. I read that it was emotionally cathartic for a lot of people. sadly I didn't find it so.
I thought it was incredibly boring. I've found Capaldi has no chemistry with anyone on this show. I really hope this would be his last year. Tennant and Smith were both far superior Doctors imo, and all of their eps were better than anything Capaldi did.
I feel the program is suffering from lazy writing more than Capaldi's performances, they seem more scared of being accused of 'paying fan service' and writing these 'fresh' stories than reintroducing popular characters and using things that gave the show its magic.
I thought it was incredibly boring. I've found Capaldi has no chemistry with anyone on this show. I really hope this would be his last year. Tennant and Smith were both far superior Doctors imo, and all of their eps were better than anything Capaldi did.

Oh thank god, I'm not alone with this opinion. Totally agree.
Not really sure what to make of her yet tbh! She seemed OK from that (very) short preview - not really enough time to judge what sort of companion she may or may not be. I am just glad it wasn't that awful Shona character from the 'Last Christmas' episode.

Pity we have to wait until 2017 to find out more though!! :gah: :gah: :impatient:
Eh, she'll be yet another quriky, "special" character who'll save the day in the finale through her magical abillity to blah, blah, blah. Honestly, I'm not excited at all for more Who. I'm not even mad that they're skipping 2016. Dunno why, but I'm finally pretty indifferent towards the new direction.
Oh no....can't believe they've written the Doctor a companion that is retarded, one question, is she related to this guy off Benidorm? BENIDORM_EP1_17.jpg
Now that I have had a few hours to think about it, I am getting a definite 7th Doc and Ace vibe. I think I will like this.