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So, did anybody watch the premiere? Honestly... after the 20 minute mark I got tired and just fast-forwarded the rest of the episode...
I'll fast-forward it at the very least, but I can see me letting it pile up. The episode did little to nothing to pull me back in. It's more of a "too late to go back now" deal (same with all other Comic Book/Sci-Fi Related Shows, really).
I liked it ok. I am just bored bored BORED with Moffat. I'll watch tonight. I'll continue watching as long as it's on.
I liked it ok. I am just bored bored BORED with Moffat. I'll watch tonight. I'll continue watching as long as it's on.

I think the new series has been alright too (so far) :) At least we don't have to put up with Moffat's writing for much longer, I'm just sad that Capaldi is leaving. :(
I don't think I will ever enjoy this show as much again as I did from S1 - S7 and the Matt Smith seasons will always have a very special place in my heart, but I'll give it another try once Capaldi is gone. He isn't the only problem though. I wish Moffat wouldn't have let so called 'fans' influence his writing, the show started to deteriorate when he started listening to bs 'criticism' and went downhill ever since. It needs writers who won't make that mistake. Best if they stay away from the fandom, stick to their personal imagination and visions, focus on the real purpose of tv shows, escapism & entertainment, not political & ideological indoctrination...
I have loved Capaldi in the role. I just haven't liked 2/3 of the stories. Doctor Who has become way to self-referential.
I have loved Capaldi in the role. I just haven't liked 2/3 of the stories. Doctor Who has become way to self-referential.

:exactly: :(

While I'm sad that he's leaving (and it is supposedly the episode that he'll regenerate in :crying), I am really liking the sound of the Christmas special - if the rumours about it are true that is.
I am currently a couple of eps or so behind but this season has been surprisingly great. The Doctor and Bill's chemistry together is so much better than with Clara. I'm still not a huge fan of Capaldi's version of Doctor, even though he's a great actor, but this season is killing it.
I'm still at Ep3. Lines like "history's a whitewash"/"don't be a robophobic" and a "Medieval" Black Lesbian Pope being thrown around 24/7 with mediocre stories ain't really my thing. I'm considering dropping it, to be honest.
It's been an OK season. Better over all than the previous 2. I love Capaldi. But Moffat's tenure is very VERY tired. I can't wait to see his backside.
I'm still at Ep3. Lines like "history's a whitewash"/"don't be a robophobic" and a "Medieval" Black Lesbian Pope being thrown around 24/7 with mediocre stories ain't really my thing. I'm considering dropping it, to be honest.

Glad I didn't waste my time.
It's been an OK season. Better over all than the previous 2. I love Capaldi. But Moffat's tenure is very VERY tired. I can't wait to see his backside.

Agreed! I really wish he'd stayed on for one more series post Moffat. :(

I've enjoyed the series so far, more than I thought I would...don't think it's been too bad at all (IMHO of course!). :)
Capaldi carries the show, which is concerning, Nardole is a good companion but Bill just hasn't worked for me. Of the episodes I really enjoyed the Frost Fair and Ice Warriors but too many episodes were wasted having a blind Doctor.
Agreed I loved it. For me Bill has been the best companion since Donna and the bit at the very start has me looking forward.
Fantastic first part to the finale...

Agreed I loved it. For me Bill has been the best companion since Donna and the bit at the very start has me looking forward.

:exactly: It was an awesome episode...excited to see how it all pans out in the next episode.

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Agree about Bill too, didn't think I would take to her but she's turned out to be an excellent companion, I like Nardole as well :lol - think those two and Twelve all make for a great TARDIS trio! :) Pity it's all going to be coming to an end soon tho :monkey2
:exactly: It was an awesome episode...excited to see how it all pans out in the next episode.

Spoiler Spoiler:

Agree about Bill too, didn't think I would take to her but she's turned out to be an excellent companion, I like Nardole as well :lol - think those two and Twelve all make for a great TARDIS trio! :) Pity it's all going to be coming to an end soon tho :monkey2

I don't know whether it was the prosthetics or the accent, Mr Razor seemed so familiar but I couldn't figure out where i'd seen him from before....then a few minutes before the reveal I realised. :slap:lol