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Amazing 2-part finale. Sublime even. Capaldi deserves a BAFTA for that. His speech to the Master and Missy left me in tears man. But there's some people you just can't reach. Missy's arc was truly fantastic. Just great. Gomez will be missed. And that ending. WOW!
^ :exactly: :goodpost: Yeah the finale was just so awesome - teared up several times myself!! :lol Definitely the best finale we've had in a while.

This whole series has been pretty solid though IMHO - really enjoyed it and will rewatch. :) Capaldi is just wonderful in the role - deffo 'my' favourite Doctor - I am going to miss him so much when he goes. :( Know I'll be in floods when he does eventually regenerate. :crying

Hope it's not the last we see of Bill - really liked her as a companion and Nardole - does seem open-ended for them and the Master/Missy (who were both also fantastic) so hopefully we'll see them again...

That ending though :thud: ... just amazing :panic:, gonna be great seeing those two together - I went into proper off the rader fangirl mode at that moment!! :lol Both looking forward to and dreading the Christmas Special in equal measures now!

One minor thing I didn't like though....yet another 'reference' to what could happen during the regeneration :gah:...really hope it was just Moffat toying with the viewers. I feel like I'm in the minority when I say this but I do not want to see a female Doctor.
I wonder whether Moffatt is playing with us altogether, the next Doctor will have already filmed his first scene yet everyone is still in the dark to who it is. Could they have got Capaldi to say he's leaving when he really isn't? It would be a total surprise to everyone with the regeneration beginning but we know that's not necessary will mean he'll regenerate into another face.

Then there's the wonderful David Bradley....surely he would be considered too old to lead the show?
It's only a small minority...'THE PC BRIGADE'...that want a female doctor and they're not even fans of the show! Just a daft bunch who's sole aim is to change every iconic male hero into a woman. Here's hoping that Chris chibnall keeps to his word and doesn't pander and listen to that online nonsense. Oh and i hope he gets rid of all that timelord 'gender bender' BS as well and just concentrates on making good drama with real characterization,not awful pantomime characters like missy and nardole. I will miss Capaldi though,easily my favourite doctor since Tom baker. Wouldn't been nice if he had stayed on for just one more series under Chibnall's stewardship..such a shame..
It's only a small minority...'THE PC BRIGADE'...that want a female doctor and they're not even fans of the show! Just a daft bunch who's sole aim is to change every iconic male hero into a woman.

Personally I don't want a female Doctor, it would be the final nail in the coffin. It makes me so sad to think about what could have been if Moffat had never listened to those sjws. All the seasons could have been as wonderful as season 5. That one is considered a fav by many fans and at that time Moffat wasn't influenced by any 'fans' yet.

Here's hoping that Chris chibnall keeps to his word and doesn't pander and listen to that online nonsense. Oh and i hope he gets rid of all that timelord 'gender bender' BS as well and just concentrates on making good drama with real characterization,not awful pantomime characters like missy and nardole.

That would be great. But somehow I doubt that's possible, catering to the pc crowd seems to be an obligation for showrunners nowadays. They might be under pressure, don't want to lose viewers, but they'll lose viewers either way.
Its not like this began under Moffat. Remember the "gay agenda" of the RTD years? How in almost every episode the plot would come to a screeching halt just to unnecessarily draw attention to the fact that a minor character was gay?

Maybe its just me, but by creating these PC quotas and a checklist of all the races and genders you are obligated to include in a story (and what they are allowed to do in the story without the creators being accused of prejudice) it only draws distinctions between people and contributes to an "us and them" mentality which makes a unified society even less likely. Seems like if anything equality and racial/sexual harmony has only taken a massive step backwards in the past 10 years. Social issues which were more or less settled have suddenly become extremely sensitive hot button topics again.
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Its not like this began under Moffat. Remember the "gay agenda" of the RTD years? How in almost every episode the plot would come to a screeching halt just to unnecessarily draw attention to the fact that a minor character was gay?

Maybe its just me, but by creating these PC quotas and a checklist of all the races and genders you are obligated to include in a story (and what they are allowed to do in the story without the creators being accused of prejudice) it only draws distinctions between people and contributes to an "us and them" mentality which makes a unified society even less likely. Seems like if anything equality and racial/sexual harmony has only taken a massive step backwards in the past 10 years. Social issues which were more or less settled have suddenly become extremely sensitive hot button topics again.

Yeah, I was focused on the Moffat era. Season 5 was a refreshing, positive change from the RTD years and then in Season 6 it started to go downhill, even more with every season. Matt Smith will always be my Doctor but it's a shame that his era was tainted with that bs as well. But I'm extremely glad that Missy was not a part of it.

True, RTD did it too but I felt it wasn't as intrusive, at least I didn't notice it that much at that time. I don't have a problem with all kinds of nationalities /sexualities being part of my entertainment, it's the constant / explicit shoving in my face + pushing anti-conservative values that pisses me off. I think another reason might be that during the RTD era, there weren't as many other shows pushing political / ideological narratives as there are now. The more it became, the more it went on my nerves. And I know I'm not the only one.

Also I mean, I'm not a man but those derogatory comments towards men sometimes (not just in DW) make me cringe.
I think they missed a massive opportunity and a waste by not having Michelle Gomez portray The Rani, they could've still kept Simm as The Master...and the reasoning probably made it worse.

For me The Doctor should be portrayed by an actor between the ages of 45 to 60, towards the latter being my preference. Capaldi like Tom Baker, Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee and William Hartnell gave the role the gravitas that come with age.
Finally watched the finale. Bill getting her happy ending was a little too predictable but I did actually like how they did especially when I remembered the "I don't think they're mine" line and didn't pay it much attention. I liked Capaldi as The Doctor, I always felt that the writers didn't have a clear path with him and that he was hampered down by Clara and that Bill felt like a one off from the beginning. I didn't like the prolonged regeneration, I would have preferred he regenerated this episode and then we got a Christmas special as our first go similar to Tennant's takeover. I did get a kick of seeing "The First Doctor," I loved the TV movie and thought it was a stroke of genius to have David Bradley reprise the William Hartnell role reprising The First Doctor :lol (I wonder if BCS will do another "modern" First Doctor?) and the tie to the Mondasian Cybermen death. Although if it's true that we're seeing both Twelve and One regenerate around the same time, and we've gone full circle where does that leave the newest Doctor? Will he be dealing with the layover from Bill or his own "Moffat loop" for the majority of his first series? I would really love just to see them take off and allow The Doctor to be an adventurer and not be dealing with residual baggage.
Bill's end was the same as Clara though, really. Kill the character but have another character take them all through time first, so they're never really dead. Does this mean Bill won't be the new Doctor's companion?
I think they missed a massive opportunity and a waste by not having Michelle Gomez portray The Rani, they could've still kept Simm as The Master...and the reasoning probably made it worse.

For me The Doctor should be portrayed by an actor between the ages of 45 to 60, towards the latter being my preference. Capaldi like Tom Baker, Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee and William Hartnell gave the role the gravitas that come with age.

:exactly: Completely agree with you there! :)
For me The Doctor should be portrayed by an actor between the ages of 45 to 60, towards the latter being my preference. Capaldi like Tom Baker, Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee and William Hartnell gave the role the gravitas that come with age.

I still think Robert Carlyle would be great but that won't happen.
I'm really open to anyone, male-female, old-young, to play the character, I care more about solid story lines and plot devices than who's the character, and they also need to have a great relationship on camera with their companion. I thought Capaldi and Coleman was completely off, but Capaldi and.....I forget her name who plays Bill, have a great report together. And now that's gone.
Yeah, I was focused on the Moffat era. Season 5 was a refreshing, positive change from the RTD years and then in Season 6 it started to go downhill, even more with every season. Matt Smith will always be my Doctor but it's a shame that his era was tainted with that bs as well. But I'm extremely glad that Missy was not a part of it.

True, RTD did it too but I felt it wasn't as intrusive, at least I didn't notice it that much at that time. I don't have a problem with all kinds of nationalities /sexualities being part of my entertainment, it's the constant / explicit shoving in my face + pushing anti-conservative values that pisses me off. I think another reason might be that during the RTD era, there weren't as many other shows pushing political / ideological narratives as there are now. The more it became, the more it went on my nerves. And I know I'm not the only one.

Also I mean, I'm not a man but those derogatory comments towards men sometimes (not just in DW) make me cringe.
Agree with you on series 5 which for me is still the closest in tone and feel to classic all went downhill after that. Then again Moffat stayed on too long and should have left with smith..
I think they missed a massive opportunity and a waste by not having Michelle Gomez portray The Rani, they could've still kept Simm as The Master...and the reasoning probably made it worse.

For me The Doctor should be portrayed by an actor between the ages of 45 to 60, towards the latter being my preference. Capaldi like Tom Baker, Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee and William Hartnell gave the role the gravitas that come with age.

Yeah she would have been great as a new incarnation of the Rani...and not the awful Mary poppins pantomime dame missy! And to think that producers and script writers actually thought it a good idea! Bringing back classic monsters and villians is all well and good but make them credible and not cartoon caricatures that new who has the habit of doing...Sontarans, Zygons and the master...and Cybermen and Iceworriors haven't faired much better...
I'm excited. The tone of that little teaser for the reveal of the new doctor felt nothing like Moffatts DocWho.
I agree a fresh tone would help the show. There's a style of editing that RTD and Moffatt closely adhered to. It's getting past it's shelf date. I haven't seen enough of Chris Chibnall's work as Producer outside Torchwood to know what to expect.

They've implied the Doctor may likely regen into a female. I'm half expecting they will bring back an actress previously associated with the show. She then questions the significance of that as Capaldi struggled with the meaning of his own face. I dunno. Just sayin'.