...and he's not evolved his portrayal of the character since day one.
I am inclined to sort of agree with that.
And Jenny is in one of the specials?
I hope she gets killed off for good this time.
What you got against hot blondes????![]()
Had Christopher Eccleston stayed on longer I feel he could have been a serious challenger for the title of best Doctor ever and of the 10 actors to have played the role I'd put him at number 4.
Unlike David Tennant he was great at expressing all kinds of emotions and didn't go overboard with the human mannerisms and cliches which like Tom Baker gave his Doctor this wonderful "not of this Earth" quality,the bit in "Rose" where he was explaining how he could feel the planet Earth falling through space was brilliant and his darker side that was shown in "Dalek" was as he would have said himself FANTASTIC!!!.
I could have watched him play the Doctor for a good few years and feel the character would have been a lot more unpredicatable than he is with Tennant's one trick pony act.
Well said. I loved Eccleston's version. Totally. He is what got me back into all this in the first place. I don't dislike Tennant, but he is not Ecc. No way.
....the bit in "Rose" where he was explaining how he could feel the planet Earth falling through space was brilliant ...
Anyway, we get to the end, we see the big: TO BE CONTINUED and I'd figured they'd go right to commercial. Oh no, Sci Fi went and ruined the big surprise and showed a trailer for next week.
Oh man was that irritating! At the end duringI was yelling at the TV! All sorts of emotions came out.the regeneration
Then they showed the preview and I was like "oh, nevermind."![]()
Nothing as long as they are decent characters but the whole concept of the Doctor having a daughter especially one that's such a stereotypical "action girl" in the same vein as Buffy or Lara Croft is IMO one of RTD's biggest brainfarts and not something I want to see.
Wait, you want acting ability over how nice they are onscreen?
Some advice...don't ever watch porno...
I have to admit that I prefer CE over DT...
Revealing he's got offspring even if it's not in the traditional way like with Jenny IMO takes some of that away and makes the character less intresting.
But he's had offspring since the show first aired in 1963...
Or are you saying it makes the post-time war Doctor less interesting? If that's the case, then I agree. I love the whole "lonely Doctor" last-of-his-kind angle.