No just going off what I know of how the BBC contracts most of their talent, which is series by series.
Right. But there's a difference between a Series 5 contract never being on the cards and Series 5 contract negotiations falling through. But as we both agree, RTD lies a lot. So who knows.
I still think things are far more suspicious than anyone from Upper Boat is letting on though. This many spoilers about the next Doctor, this early, from the regime of a man that loathes spoilers? Fishy, fishy, fishy.
I don't think Moffat has much control over leaks, to be honest. Especially if someone really does get the part and starts telling friends and co-workers. I like the Wormwood idea as a fan, but in terms of mainstream hit TV I think it would probably be ratings suicide to pull a stunt like that after a hiatus year, and when almost everyone involved with the show is leaving. Moffat has to make his mark immediately, not half a season later.