I'm pretty sure no one was thrown into Gitmo for wearing a turban. I can specifically recall an outlash by the public when some ignorant redneck shot a Shiek soon after 9/11, which just shows even when the US is victimized, we still believe in fairness and justice, which is why America is so awesome. And I know Shiek and Muslim are not same religion/culture, so hold back on calling me ignorant.
But come on, what is the point of this thread? Am I really supposed to feel sorry that some person with terrorist ties is being kept in solitary confinement in a prison? Boo frickin' hoo. Or that he had his picture taken while only in his boxers while some woman made rude gestures? Oh the torment.
THe enemy, the terrorists, have beheaded innocent civilians. They blow up an entire Marriot hotel and kill large quantities of innocent civilians. They bomb subways and trains. They're animals with no sense of humanity. I think to treat them as someone we can reason with or show weakness to will only bring about our own defeat. They have shown no mercy, I don't see why we should either, even if it is the politically correct thing to do.
Now put that in your pipe and smoke it.