Documents say detainee in Guantanamo near insanity

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Ok, Scott... How about this?

I guess just because we got wounded nationally, that it's ok to allow tyranny to set roots in our country. I guess that the terrorists DID win.

If we allow things like this to happen, we incite MORE terrorism and hate across the world. We look like insane hypocrites at the moment, thanks to idiotic things like GITMO. If you are in support of such radical means of securing our freedoms, well... you're lost... and I don't think you'll ever change your mind.

Exactly, all these extremists have done is instigate fear and a hatred for fellow human beings in an already volatile world.
The extremists are winning,what they wanted is happening, the world is being dictated and driven by fear, and by justifying these recent events and encouraging peoples rights to be taken away, who exactly are the terrorists?. the so-called fanaticals who may be terrorists or the people who imprison you, just because they can?.

Just my thoughts
x :peace
Ok, Scott... How about this?

I guess just because we got wounded nationally, that it's ok to allow tyranny to set roots in our country. I guess that the terrorists DID win.

If we allow things like this to happen, we incite MORE terrorism and hate across the world. We look like insane hypocrites at the moment, thanks to idiotic things like GITMO. If you are in support of such radical means of securing our freedoms, well... you're lost... and I don't think you'll ever change your mind.

Well, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree, again. :D

I just can't sympathize with a suspected terrorist. I don't have it in me.
DA you're a shining light bro. I wish there were more people like you with a balanced and informed view of REALITY. Total respect for you as an artist and human being...

Mesa and Entropy Chicken ^^^^? two are just a couple of xenophobes...i'm totally disgusted, yet again by your extremist and ill informed views.

*sigh* My comments were facetious, I don't believe in that garbage. All people, even those that do bad things, should be treated with certain human rights and due process. Please don't lump me in with those who piss on the Constitution and would eagerly commit acts of evil in order to do good.
911 changed the world , no doubt about it. I think that many valid points are made here, I think that Gitmo is a very touchy subject and that the govt has ignored many ideals and rights that this country was founded on. Are there people in gitmo who should not be there? Absolutely. Are there people there who have American blood on their hands and we safer that they have been detained? Absolutely.

I think that the Govt. could have handled the situation of these enemy combatants a little better, speedier trials ,etc, what not. We have walked a very dangerous line in the past few years concerning Guantanamo. As I stated earlier many detainees were let go because they were not a threat and as it turns out many were lieutenants and fighters for the Taliban who rotated right back to their previous ways. Not all detainees are in Guantanamo either, it was revealed in the local town paper that one was held in a local county jail in my town. As the detainee was being transferred to another cell, he stuck a knife fashioned from a comb into a officers eye and made a dash for it. The injured officer as able to detain him.

Guantanamo is a very tricky situation. Many of these Al Qaeda/Taliban are cunning, tell you what you want to hear, they will lie for each other and establish themselves as innocent, only to get released, making the govt job of discerning the innocent from the guilty that much harder.

I'm not making excuses for the govt. Gitmo could have handled differently, but having seen 911 with my own eyes, has left me with mixed feelings. At the end of the day I'm sure that many of the detainees are guilty, and many are not. Maybe the next president will be able to bring this matter to a the way, my wife lost her cousin in 911....his widow and kids have been near insanity many times as well...
911 changed the world , no doubt about it. I think that many valid points are made here, I think that Gitmo is a very touchy subject and that the govt has ignored many ideals and rights that this country was founded on. Are there people in gitmo who should not be there? Absolutely. Are there people there who have American blood on their hands and we safer that they have been detained? Absolutely.

I think that the Govt. could have handled the situation of these enemy combatants a little better, speedier trials ,etc, what not. We have walked a very dangerous line in the past few years concerning Guantanamo. As I stated earlier many detainees were let go because they were not a threat and as it turns out many were lieutenants and fighters for the Taliban who rotated right back to their previous ways. Not all detainees are in Guantanamo either, it was revealed in the local town paper that one was held in a local county jail in my town. As the detainee was being transferred to another cell, he stuck a knife fashioned from a comb into a officers eye and made a dash for it. The injured officer as able to detain him.

Guantanamo is a very tricky situation. Many of these Al Qaeda/Taliban are cunning, tell you what you want to hear, they will lie for each other and establish themselves as innocent, only to get released, making the govt job of discerning the innocent from the guilty that much harder.

I'm not making excuses for the govt. Gitmo could have handled differently, but having seen 911 with my own eyes, has left me with mixed feelings. At the end of the day I'm sure that many of the detainees are guilty, and many are not. Maybe the next president will be able to bring this matter to a the way, my wife lost her cousin in 911....his widow and kids have been near insanity many times as well...

:clap :clap :clap

well spoken and explained.

I wish I was so eloquent. Instead, I just get labeled as a gun-toting extremeist clinging to my Bible.
:clap :clap :clap

well spoken and explained.

I wish I was so eloquent. Instead, I just get labeled as a gun-toting extremeist clinging to my Bible.

Not saying you are, but I wonder how many gun-toting, Bible clinging extremists really acknowledge the fact that they are gun-toting, Bible clinging extremists? Funny how hate/fear mongers and bigots never cop to it. I bet even Bin Laden thinks he's a rationale, clear thinking patriot.
IMO Guantanamo bay is a prime example of why America is so disrespected around the world. Bush and his all pro Christian crew have not only made the cake but have added the icing too.

I can't help but :rolleyes: everytime people bring up 911 when "dealing" with terrorists. So coming from a country that ONLY preaches freedom, freedom of RIGHTS can have no problem doing the exact opposite just as long as they are NOT Americans?

Cuz thats how I see it!

Torturing "SUSPECTED" terrorists, pissing on their Qurans, making them pose in mass gay orgy pictures is not only going to create more hate for the west its going to make 911 look like a joke one day. God forbid.

Just my 2 cents.
nobody is just locking up innocent people. you guys dont know the criteria they use for putting people in guantanamo. how could you. i like how everbody just assumes they know everything about what goes on there and that they could run a better system if somebody let them. everybody just watches too much TV and media speculation. they should just keep doing what they are doing. lock those MOFOs up. i feel safer because of it.
IMO Guantanamo bay is a prime example of why America is so disrespected around the world. Bush and his all pro Christian crew have not only made the cake but have added the icing too.

I can't help but :rolleyes: everytime people bring up 911 when "dealing" with terrorists. So coming from a country that ONLY preaches freedom, freedom of RIGHTS can have no problem doing the exact opposite just as long as they are NOT Americans?

Cuz thats how I see it!

Torturing "SUSPECTED" terrorists, pissing on their Qurans, making them pose in mass gay orgy pictures is not only going to create more hate for the west its going to make 911 look like a joke one day. God forbid.

Just my 2 cents.

What would you have America do to people that are suspected of wanting to annihalate the U.S.? Sit around and wait for another attack, so as not to offend anyone or their extremist religious views?
What would you have America do to people that are suspected of wanting to annihalate the U.S.? Sit around and wait for another attack, so as not to offend anyone or their extremist religious views?

I dunno, what do they do to serial killers and rapists in the U.S.? old are you?

Edit: Just saw. You're 29. Too old to believe what you said above is true.
you know what? dont worry about how old i am. i got reasons for what i say. things ive seen with my own eyes. you dont know anything about me. im sick of you following me around and making stupid comments after my posts. plus you seem to visit my profile page a lot. your damn name is always in there. are you stalking me or something?:dunno i dont know if i said something at one time that pissed you off and now you have a grude against me or something. well get over it.
I just can't sympathize with a suspected terrorist.

The "suspected" part is the key here.

nobody is just locking up innocent people. you guys dont know the criteria they use for putting people in guantanamo.

Apparently those criteria are flawed considering 17 innocents are now being released. There's a reason for the judicial system. Skirting it demeans us.

lock those MOFOs up. i feel safer because of it.

Why don't we spend our money making sure we actually are safer rather than doing things that just make you feel that way?
Whoa. Got nothing against you personally. Really. Don't follow you around and can't remember the last time I looked at your homepage before now. But saying rapists and murderers get off all the time because of stipulations is a bit ridiculous. That's all.
Whoa. Got nothing against you personally. Really. Don't follow you around and can't remember the last time I looked at your homepage before now. But saying rapists and murderers get off all the time because of stipulations is a bit ridiculous. That's all.
well just cuz you dont read about it in your sunday paper doesnt mean i aint reading about it in mine. like i said you dont know anything about me. and when you start asking me about my age because you dont agree with me, it really pisses me off. sorry.
well just cuz you dont read about it in your sunday paper doesnt mean i aint reading about it in mine. like i said you dont know anything about me. and when you start asking me about my age because you dont agree with me, it really pisses me off. sorry.

You're right. Low blow. I apologize.:peace
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